JA:Locus Map

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Locus screenshot01.png
作者: menion.asamm
ライセンス: Proprietary (free, paid)
動作環境: Android
版数: v4.5.7 (2021-12-29)
言語: 英語、 アラビア語、 cz、 デンマーク語、 ドイツ語、 ギリシャ語、 スペイン語、 フィンランド語、 フランス語、 ハンガリー語、 イタリア語、 日本語、 韓国語、 オランダ語、 ポーランド語、 ポルトガル語、 ロシア語 および スロバキア語
ウェブサイト: https://www.locusmap.app/

Online/Offline map viewer (MapsForge vector map, area downloader, tile cache), support slippy (non-free too) and vector maps (MapsForge library), guiding, routing and basic navigation (online only), track recording with detailed POIs (including photos) and altitude correction, extensive geocaching support, WMS maps and more

Locus は、ユーザからのフィードバックを元に改善する方針で、活溌に開発されている高機能なマップアプリです。Android端末の標準的なGoogle Mapsと同様にオンラインマップを利用できるうえに、多数の地図提供者から提供されるオンラインマップも利用可能です。その中には、OSMを元にしたサービスも含まれます。更に、オフライン機能を拡張したことで、携帯通信網に制約の有る活動(例えば、登山、航海)や、高価なローミング通信が必要となる場合(例えば、海外旅行)にも利用しやすくなりました。そして、公式のジオキャッシングのアプリです。




  • [[Map

forge]] ベクターマップは、利用中のテーマ切り替えをサポートします。(都市、ハイキング、スキーなど)

  • 音声ガイド


  • 音声ナビで


  • 高度データ


  • WMSサー

  • NMEAデ


  • Track management including folders, static & dynamic styles (e.g. altitude dependent track color), track statistics with zoomable elevation & velocity charts
  • POI m

nagement including folders, filters, icons, attachments like photos & sound recordings

  • GPSie

, Breadcrumbs, Street View、Google My Maps(表示、編集)などとの統合

  • Geoca


  • 駐車場のア


  • Weath

r forecast service (only online)

  • POIアラ

  • Searc
by address, coordinates, contact, POI name part
  • Dashb

ard / custom screen, can be created/edited by the user with an integrated dashboard editor

  • Map o

erlays, so multiple maps over each other

  • Image overlays & calibration, e.g. to take a photo of a special map of an information board and use it for orientation in the field
  • 何種類かの


  • Expor
and import in several formats like KML and GPX (supporting Garmin icon names)
  • Suppo

t for several data sources like internal (integrated) and Bluetooth GPS, Zephyr and Polar sensors (heart rate etc)

  • Custo

ization options, e.g. completely hiding certain features, or changing icon orders

  • Integ

ated shop, e.g. for maps, dashboards, icon packs

  • Integ

ation with co-apps, e.g. GPS averaging for more precise POI coordinates

  • 開発者向け




その他の OSM マップへのアクセス

Locusが人気が有り、OSMが素晴らしいために、OSMによるタイルに対するアクセスが多すぎて、公式サーバが不調になったり、落ちたりすることが有りました。Since excessive access isn't desired Locus was blocked from using tile servers altogether.


Vector OSM maps available for free in several sources but due to their size it is often problematic to host them. One possible place is http://www.vectormaps4locus.eu/ which uses uploaded.to service.

Another way is to generate them from recent OSM dumps and simply move the .map file into the directory Locus/VectorMaps/.

OSM ベクターマップの生成

  1. You need a recent version of Osmosis (tested with v0.43)
  2. You need a recent version of mapsforge writer plugin
    • Download release version of mapsforge writer plugin
    • Move mapsforge-map-writer-*.jar into "osmosis/lib/default" directory
  3. Get your preferred map from the kindly donated server of GeoFabrik, like http://download.geofabrik.de/osm/europe/hungary.osm.pbf
  4. Convert the file with osmosis:
    • osmosis --read-pbf "hungary.osm.pbf" --mapfile-writer file="hungary.osm.map"
  5. Binary format dumps contain the bounding box (unlike XML dumps, don't ask why), but you can still restrict it further by using the bbox= parameter, like for Hungary bbox=45.67,15.81,48.64,23.1
    • osmosis --read-pbf "hungary.osm.pbf" --mapfile-writer file="hungary.osm.map" bbox=45.67,15.81,48.64,23.1


It is also possible to download precompiled maps for offline usage, e.g. for hiking, cycling, or traveling, when no (free) mobile Internet access is possible.

Locus can use vector maps in mapsforge format. They are quite compact (e.g. Italy is around 500MB) and one single map file can be displayed in different ways by switching the map theme. For example the maps & theme offered at http://www.openandromaps.org are designed for hiking and cycling but also useful for several other outdoor sports. It displays contour lines.

The raster/bitmap/tile map types that can be downloaded with Locus itself or with Mobile Atlas Creator cover various purposes, e.g. topographic outdoor sports maps from 4UMaps that is optimized for back country navigation (e.g. elevation lines, hill shading and outdoor attributes).


(Please translate...) (the now-german-english-translated version on the english page could be used as a reference)

OpenSeaMap auf Android

Locus arbeitet mit OpenSeaMap.
OpenSeaMap kann auf Android-Geräten dargestellt werden.

Cached charts

Locus speichert automatisch OpenSeaMap-Karten im Cache des Gerätes, wenn die Karten auf dem Gerät online betrachtet werden. Alle gespeicherten Karten sind dann offline verfügbar. OpenSeaMap findest Du in Locus im Menü "Karten" (das Karten-Icon oben rechts):

Karten > Online > OSM World > OpenSeaMap

Im Heimat-Revier funktioniert das gut. Da aber jeweils nur diejenigen Zoomlevel gespeichert werden, in denen die Karte online betrachtet wurde, ist das für fremde Gebiete ziemlich aufwändig, wenn man von der Übersichtskarte bis zum Hafenplan alles gespeichert haben will.

Look and Feel


OpenSeaMap auf Samsung

This charts are available in MBTiles-format :

Area Download Size Coverage
Adria Adria 1,6 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Adriatic Sea' as of may 2016.
Biskaya Biskaya 0,5 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Gulf of Biscay' as of may 2016.
Englischer Kanal Englischer Kanal 0,5 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'British Channel' as of june 2016.
Magellanstrasse Magellanstrasse 0,1 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Magellan Strait' as of june 2016.
Mittelmeer Ost Mittelmeer Ost 1,4 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Mediterranean Sea East' as of may 2016.
Mittelmeer West Mittelmeer West 1,2 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Mediterranean Sea West' as of may 2016.
Nordsee Nordsee 1,5 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'NorthSea' as of may 2016.
Ostsee Ostsee 1,4 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Baltic Sea' as of june 2016.