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LaneConnector plugin is responsible for the graphical representation of the intersection , with the involved roads and their lanes. Also, plugin contains a interactive implementation of logic connectors between the lanes, which may explain the possible turns. The Lane Connector plugin is activated from a new entry created on the Data/Edit Lanes. It is also assigned the hotkey ALT+Ctrl+E by default.

Plugin Action

To access the graphical representation of intersection, firstly the user must select the intersection point. Secondly, he must input for intersection streets(every street have a tab) the following variables:

  1. Name of street(e.g., name=*);
  2. Total number of lanes(e.g., lanes=4);
  3. Number of backward lanes((e.g., lanes:backward=2);
  4. Number of forward lanes(e.g., lanes:forward=2);

Note: If not all the variables are completed, the graphic representation will not be available(plugin will alert the user).

After the intersection graphic interface is shown, user can draw connection between lanes conectors. Every connector has a unique ID which can be saved in a file(in accordance with the “NODE_” + node.getId()).


You can download Lane Connector plugin from:[1]


Select the intersection point


Press the button Edit lanes.png on the Data menu or press Ctrl+Alt+E and set variables for each street.


To see the graphical representation, press Junction View Tab/ Juntion View Restrictions Tab

Graphic interface.jpg

Now, the user can draw connections between lane connectors. Also, the user can Save or Clear the unique ID of connections into a file.

LaneConnector - drawing new connections.png

Note: In the Junction View Restrictions Tab the user can draw restrictions between lane connectors!

Yet to implement

  1. Intersection traffic signs(lanes directions)
  2. Numbering lanes
  3. Connection between lanes