Know Your City 2.0

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Logo. Know Your City slum mapping project
The Know Your City project is a collaborative initiative led by Slum Dwellers International (SDI), local slum federations, HOT, the University of Chicago and supported by other local organisations and OSM communities.



Slum Dwellers International


HOT project lead Pete Masters



Campaign on Tasking Manager:

Know Your City mapping projects on Tasking Manager

Know Your City 2.0 is a collaborative initiative led by Slum Dwellers International (SDI), local slum federations, HOT, the University of Chicago and supported by many other local organisations and OSM communities.


Organised slum communities understand the importance of data and information. Over the years, many slum communities have done mapping and data collection to support action and advocacy related to urban development, security of tenure, climate resilience and service improvements.

The Know Your City project (KYC) was launched in 2014 by Slum Dwellers International and aimed to create community owned data at scale that would support slum dweller communities in improving their settlements through analysis, advocacy and action. The data can be explored at the Know Your City dashboard and powers Million Neighborhoods Africa, the first-ever map of population and urban development at the street-block level for all of sub-Saharan Africa.

The revitalised project (KYC 2.0) to update these data sets and incorporate open mapping technology and workflows and open data (including OpenStreetMap data and imagery hosted on OpenAerialMap) to enhance slum communities' ability to generate and use geospatial and other datasets to improve lives and livelihoods in their communities as well as respond to the worsening local effects of climate change.

HOT's role in the project

HOT is working within this coalition to ensure that mapping needs are supported through the best possible technology, skills and methods and that slum communities are able to generate the data, analysis and products that they need to achieve their goals.

Tools deployed to this end include drone imagery acquisition, OpenAerialMap, fAIr, the HOT Tasking Manager, and the Field Mapping Tasking Manager.

OpenStreetMap changesets will include the hashtag #KnowYourCity.

The importance of the remote / local mapping combination

The slum communities and the NGOs that support them locally are perfectly placed to do the field mapping and data collection. If there are also active OSM community members and mappers locally who are willing to contribute, then this is the perfect local mapping scenario.

However, the KYC project also relies on highly skilled remote mappers who have deep experience in mapping dense urban settlements and slums. In order for the slum mappers to use tools like FMTM to build a local dataset that meets their needs, they need a basemap of building footprints that is as accurate as it can possibly be. This means mapping from high resolution drone imagery, but also developing new techniques for achieving even greater accuracy (such as using 3d meshes to assist remote mapping).

This is a project that needs to bring together technical mapping expertise, deep local knowledge, humanitarian spirit and innovative approaches to achieve better lives and livelihoods for people living in some of the most precarious situations in the world.

Local partners

  • Sierra Leone: Centre of Dialogue on Human Settlement and Poverty Alleviation (CODOHSAPA) and Federation of Urban and Rural Poor (FEDURP) / OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone / Freetown City Council
  • Liberia: Federation of Liberia Urban Poor Savers (Folups)

Organised editing

Know Your City Liberia

The organised editing in Monrovia, Liberia is a collaboration between HOT and FOLUPS (local slum community NGO)

Know Your City Freetown

The organised editing in Freetown, Sierra Leone is a collaboration between HOT, OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone and CODOHSAPA

Know Your City Accra

The organised editing in Accra, Ghana is a collaboration between HOT, OSMGhana and People's Dialogue on Human Settlements.

Know Your City Mwanza

The organised editing in Mwanza, Tanzania is a collaboration between HOT, OMDTZ and CCI Tanzania.

Project number Project name Priority Location What to map Imagery Source Project Mapping Status Project Validation Status
17556 KROO BAY SLUM MAPPING PROJECT - FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE Archived Freetown, Sierra Leone buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17669 Agbogloshie slum mapping project - Accra, Ghana Archived Accra, Ghana buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17592 Old Fadama slum mapping project - Accra, Ghana Draft Accra, Ghana buildings Drone imagery (custon) 0% 0%
17589 Chorkor slum mapping project - Accra, Ghana Archived Accra, Ghana buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17413 Busenga slum mapping project - Mwanza, Tanzania Archived Mwanza, Tanzania buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17414 Kigoto slum mapping project - Mwanza, Tanzania Archived Mwanza, Tanzania buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17400 Mulungushi slum mapping project - Mwanza, Tanzania Archived Mwanza, Tanzania buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
16666 KOLLEH TOWN SLUM MAPPING PROJECT - FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE Archived Freetown, Sierra Leone buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
16709 COCKLE BAY SLUM MAPPING PROJECT - FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE Archived Freetown, Sierra Leone buildings Drone imagery (custon) 100% Complete 100% Complete
16822 KROO BAY SLUM MAPPING PROJECT - FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE Archived Freetown, Sierra Leone buildings Drone imagery (custom) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17288 BASSATOWN SLUM MAPPING PROJECT - MONROVIA, LIBERIA Archived Monrovia, Liberia buildings and roads Drone imagery (custom) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17291 WOODCAMP SLUM MAPPING PROJECT - MONROVIA, LIBERIA Published Monrovia, Liberia buildings and roads Drone imagery (custom) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17290 GABACHOP SLUM MAPPING PROJECT - MONROVIA, LIBERIA Published Monrovia, Liberia buildings and roads Drone imagery (custom) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17394 Cowfield Community slum mapping project - Monrovia, Liberia Published Monrovia, Liberia buildings and roads Drone imagery (custom) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17346 Zayzay community slum mapping project - Monrovia, Liberia Published Monrovia, Liberia buildings and roads Drone imagery (custom) 100% Complete 100% Complete
17409 Nyerere B slum mapping project - Mwanza, Tanzania Published Mwanza, Tanzania buildings and roads Drone imagery (custom) 100% Complete 100% Complete