LINZ Chatham Islands import status
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This page describes a historic artifact in the history of OpenStreetMap. It does not reflect the current situation, but instead documents the historical concepts, issues, or ideas.
- About
This page was last updated 15 years ago and contains out-of-date information. See LINZ for the latest info. - Captured time
- 2010
- The current import status of the LINZ Chatham Island(s) layers
- Remember to update the LINZ Revisit List if there are post import cleanups to do.
- To sort this table by both geometry type and import status, first sort by the secondary sort column, and then by the primary sort column.
List of LINZ layers (Chathams)
Name Group Geometry Type Status airport_poly Airport Polygon Imported beacon_pnt Beacon Point Imported boatramp_cl Boatramp Linestring Imported breakwtr_cl Breakwater Linestring Imported bridge_cl Bridge Linestring Imported building_pnt Building Point Imported building_poly Building Polygon Imported cattlstp_pnt Gate Point Imported cemetery_pnt Cemetery Point Imported cemetery_poly Cemetery Polygon Imported cliff_edge Cliff Linestring Imported contourGround surface Linestring Do not import (update CycleMap SRTM?) dam_cl Dam Linestring Imported descrip_text Text Point Imported drain_cl Watercourse Linestring Imported exotic_poly Woodland Polygon Imported fence_cl Fence Linestring Imported ford_pnt Ford Point Imported gate_pnt Gate Point Imported geo_name Text Point Imported golf_crs_poly Golf course Polygon Imported grave_pnt Grave site Point Imported height_pntSpot height Point Do not import (update CycleMap SRTM?) island_poly Island Polygon Imported lagoon_poly Lagoon Polygon Imported lake_poly Lake Polygon Imported mast_pnt Tower Point Imported monument_pnt Monument Point Imported mud_poly Ground Polygon Imported native_poly Woodland Polygon Imported powerline_cl Transmission line Linestring Imported quarry_poly Mine Polygon Imported racetrk_cl Racetrack Linestring Imported reef_poly Reef Polygon Imported river_cl Watercourse Linestring Imported river_poly Watercourse Polygon Imported road_cl Road Linestring Imported rock_pnt Shore Point Imported rock_poly Shore Polygon Imported runway_poly Runway Polygon Imported sand_poly Ground Polygon Imported sat_stn_pnt Antenna Point Imported scatscrb_poly Woodland Polygon Imported scrub_poly Woodland Polygon Imported shelt_blt_cl Shelterbelt Linestring Imported shingle_poly Ground Polygon Imported soakhole_pnt Soakhole Point Imported stockyard_pnt Stockyard Point Imported swamp_pnt Wetland Point Imported swamp_poly Wetland Polygon Imported tank_pnt Tank Point Imported track_cl Road Linestring Imported tree_pnt Tree Point Imported wharf_cl Wharf Linestring Imported wreck_pnt Wreck Point Imported