Latvia/OSM Pārstāvniecība
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This article or section may contain out-of-date information. The information may no longer be correct, or may no longer have relevance.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)
Šobrīd LAKA ( ir primārais pārstāvniecības kandidāts.
OSM apraksts par local chapters.
OSM ir daži noteikumi, kas jāapmierina:
Local chapters must:
- have bylaws that describe their mission as supporting OpenStreetMap or open geodata in general similar to the OSMF.
Pētera komentārs: būs jāpapildina vai jākonkretizē LAKA statūti, bet nekas lielas.
- be an officially incorporated legal entity in their country. (Otherwise there would be nobody to sign an agreement with. If you don't have a legal entity you can still be part of OSM in general or a member of OSMF, but you can't form a local chapter.)
Pētera komentārs: ir
- be democratically organised, i.e. they must be membership organisations where members have voting rights. (The details on how this would be done are dependent on local laws etc.)
Pētera komentārs: ir
- be non-profit. (In some countries it is easy to get formal non-profit status, in others its rather difficult and/or can take some time to achieve. So its not required that an organisation must be formally non-profit according to the laws of their country, but it must be clear from the bylaws.)
p.s. vajadzētu zinoša cilvēka komentāru
- name a representative as primary contact point with OSMF.
p.s. noorganizēsim
Local chapters should
- have at least 20 members. (This is to ensure some form of stability. Some countries also have rules on the minimum number of members for a membership organisation. Its not an absolute rule to allow for exceptions, local chapter Antarctica anyone?)