Manchester (Paper) Mapping Party
This event is part of the free software and women workshop at the DIY-Feminist-Festival Manchester.
Blurb for the Free Software and Women Workshop:
Free software gives users freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change, improve and re-distribute the software that drives our computers. However, just like in other fields of science, technology and engineering, very few women have been involved in the development and the free software movement / campaign. This workshop, co-organised by Yuwei Lin (Lecturer in Future Media at the University of Salford), Sam Tuke (UK Coordinator of the Free Software Foundation Europe), and Anna Morris (Okay Computer), aims to raise the awareness of free software and, in particular, encourage women's participation in free software development and movement. Three sessions will, respectively, introduce the free software philosophy, explore why this is so relevant to women and how women can be part of this, and lastly get participants involved in the OpenStreetMap project through going outdoors mapping the local area.