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During 2013 MENTZ GmbH (ex MentzDV) encouraged edits to increase the route-ability of railway stations in Berlin (a good thing). These edits were well-intentioned and designed to focus on adding footpath links. In the process a certain amount of disruption, breakage and redrawing of existing stations occurred (a bad thing). Several stations which had previously been surveyed carefully were adjusted: of the ~50 stations that were touched, the most extensive damage occurred on the Nord-Süd S-Bahn Tunnel: these are the sub-surface stations between Gesundbrunnen–Nordbahnhof‒Potsdamer Platz‒Anhalterbahnhof. Previously these stations had been drawn (above ground) based on the Aerowest imagery, plus extensive manual surveying and research for below ground. All of the platforms on the Nord-Süd route are curved in some way, but in the process these platforms ended up straightened, and with the tracks moved significant distances. Individually numbered platform edges have been combined into a single "bahnsteig" and stop_positions relocated (plus other transport relations broken).

Typical changeset summaries are "genauere Erfassung des S-Bahnhofs". As the user appeared to be associated with MENTZ, contact was made with MENTZ and a more detailed reply received giving an overview of intentions (received from "Stephan" on 10 October 2013). A response has been sent asking for assistance with the clean-up, rather than just walking away from it.


Station Problem changesets Repairs Status
Gesundbrunnen 18277681 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18311904 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) western-end, under road bridge needs re-doing; eastern end could do with a tidy
Nordbahnhof 16957804 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17049207 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17060984 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17061182 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17062121 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17063186 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18171575 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) Shrunken to 1/3 of its true size and surface buildings mashed. Entrances and escalators need a resurvey and platforms need fixing
Oranienburger Straße 16522189 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18172082 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) needs platform length/width/end-curvature re-doing
Friedrichstraße 17782627 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17782700 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17782715 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17783525 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17809124 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18171837 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap)
Potsdamer Platz 17751504 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17768259 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17783857 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17784614 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17800750 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17802538 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17809124 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17805094 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17805452 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 17866523 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18171319 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18287647 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18287729 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18289683 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18290022 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18290267 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18290595 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18291512 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18295583 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap), 18297077 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) spaghetti mess, repaired over a several of days: North S-Bahn entrance and South-West Regio entrance needs re-surveying; some stop_count= taken from photos
Anhalterbahnhof 17869161 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18171837 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) North entrance needs a re-survey, various angles incorrect
18455961 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) unnecessary footways removed (a platform is a walkable area, routing problem has to be resolved in your routing software - not by putting wrong ways into the database), station tagging
Schlachtensee 17991686 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18317232 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) station-caption disappeared from slippymap: reverted whole changeset
Yorkstraße 17886951 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18456827 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) tagging; changeset reverted
Julius-Leber-Brücke 17906678 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) 18456886 (achavi, OSMLab, FacilMap) tagging; changeset reverted


  • S-Bahn-relations broke or had been multiplied
  • Stations disappeared from rendered map (railway=station removed)
  • lots of unnecessary added relations (sites that group elements, adding another time the same tags on the relation that are already on the single objects), making it almost impossible to change something without breaking anything (especially if using an editor that is not josm)

list of stations included in the descriptions of the changesets

Alt-Reinickendorf Anhalter Bahnhof Birkenwerder Borgsdorf Bornholmer Straße Botanischer Garten Brandenburger Tor Eichborndamm Feuerbachstraße Friedenau Gesundbrunnen Heiligensee Hennigsdorf Humboldthain Julius Leber Brücke Karl Bonhoeffer Nervenklinik Lehnitz Lichterfelde West Mexikoplatz Mühlenbeck Nikolassee Nordbahnhof Oranienburg Oranienburger Straße Pankow Potsdamer Platz Schlachtensee Schönfließ Schönholz Schulzendorf Sundgauer Straße Tegel Wollankstraße Yorckstraße Zehlendorf

additional stations not mentioned in the descriptions of the changesets:

Pankow-Heinersdorf ...

list of changesets and descriptions:

true / false: if boundingbox includes only the s-bahn stations mentioned in the changeset description (not regarding trams or u-bahn) and which instead or additionaly affected s-bahn stations are covered by bbox (possible but not necessarily affected - just covered by bbox. could be checked in more detail by looking at the actual changesets)