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Author: nogago GmbH
License: GNU GPL v3 (free, offline maps: 4,95 Euro; licence key: 7,99 Euro)
Platforms: BlackBerry OS and Android
Status: Broken
Version: 3.2.1 (2017-01-27)
German, English, and Nepali
BlackBerry World
Source code:
Programming language: Java

Topographic Offline-Maps and Navigation for Hiking, Cycling and Biking

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data vector;raster
Source offline;online;cache
Rotate map yes
3D view Contour Lines
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing yes
Create route manually
Calculate route yes
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles hiking;racebike;mointainbike;foot
Turn restrictions yes
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing) yes
Routing providers offline
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate yes
Find location yes
Find nearby POIs yes
Navigate to point yes
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance yes
Keep on road no
Lane guidance
Works without GPS yes
Navigate along predefined route yes
Make track yes
Customizable log interval yes
Track formats
Geotagging no
Fast POI buttons yes
Upload GPX to OSM yes
Monitoring yes
Show current track yes
Open existing track yes
Altitude diagram yes
Show POD value no
Satellite view no
Show live NMEA data no
Show speed yes
Send current position yes;sms;mail;www
Accessibility support
Complete non graphics text output no
Braille interface no
Exploration modus
Public Transport mode Yes
Danger Warnings
Screenreader languages

nogago is a German company that develops and publishes touristic and outdoor software for mobile phones. The consumer products turn smartphones into superior substitutes for printed travel guides and outdoor navigation devices:

nogago has announced that it will be closing down on 30 June 2018. "Unfortunately we have no longer resources to support the apps, continue its development and operate the infra structure"

If you can help, urgently contact them on "" asap.

"We have already stopped the distribution of the apps in all app stores. The source code will still be available on, and we would be happy if someone were to pick up our code base and continue the development. We are happy to help out by answering questions via E-mail."

nogago Maps (Android & BlackBerry®OS10 & BlackBerry® Playbook) nogago Hiking Biking Maps provides maps and navigation for Hikers, Road Cyclists and Mountain Bikers. NOW WITH WORLD-WIDE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS. Map viewing, searching and navigation works always and anywhere with voice directions spoken in many languages. Our routing is optimized for hiking and biking.

Compared to Google Maps and other online map services, nogago Maps has the following benefits:

- works outside network coverage (i.e., abroad, on the plane, in the mountains, in that valley where coverage is shaky, ...)

- avoids expensive data tariffs

- gives you more usage time on your trips by consuming fewer power than online apps

- does not track you in any way

- more precise topographic information (thanks to Jonathan de Ferrantis' viewfinderpanorama elevation models).

Download offline maps conveniently and with high speed while having network coverage. You can either download maps by searching for cities that you are interested to visit or navigate on the map to an area that you want to download. All maps, search and navigation features are also available online, in case you did not download a map yet. Map downloads are secured and carried out in German data centers.

nogago Hiking Biking Maps & Navigation is open source and licensed under the GPL v3 ( We are happy to have additional contributors, learn more at

nogago Hiking Biking Maps & Navigation has been forked from OSMAND to

- improve usability, map handling and download

- focus features on pedestrian/bike scenarios

- manage and control what is transferred to which online provider

nogago Tracks (Android) Record GPS tracks. Monitor your performance. Share your outdoor activities with friends.


View your real-time location and where you’ve been on Google Maps for Mobile.

View your stats

Monitor real-time speed, distance and elevation right on your phone.


Share your tracks with friends via Google+, Gmail, Facebook and Twitter.

Mark your territory

Want to remember that secret vista or running path? Mark it with a waypoint.

Get Healthy

Record your heart rate and bike cadence to know exactly how you’re doing.


Export your tracks to

Compared to Google MyTracks you can:

- Watch your track on a mpa without a network connection your route on maps (requires nogago Maps app)

- Manage your tracks and upload it to the portal

- Maintain your privacy, all user tracking is disabled

"Nogago Tracks" is an open source project, based on Google MyTracks and is licensed under the Apache License. If you would like to contribute, visit

nogago Guide (BlackBerry® & Android & iPhone) [1] is the ultimative travel guide for planet earth! nogago Guide supports you to find sights at almost any location in the world and gives detailed information about them based upon Wikipedia in English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, or Russian! It helps you to get a feeling of the places to visit with images for many sights. Eventually nogago Guide helps you to find places around you such as ATMs, underground entrances or tram stations, restaurants, bars, hospitals, airports, or millions of places worldwide.

nogago Outdoor GPS (BlackBerry®) [2] provides the functionality of stand-alone outdoor navigation systems. nogago Outdoor GPS is a perfect companion for your next weekend activity. Discover tracks for running, hiking, and cycling wherever you are. nogago Outdoor GPS is also a great tool to find running tracks close by while on business trips. Recently moved to a new city? Find new ways!

nogago Head-Up Display (BlackBerry®) [3] turns your BlackBerry into a portable head-up display (HUD)! Equip your car with this exclusive safety option only luxury sedans come with: never loose your speed out of sight with nogago Head-Up Display for BlackBerry. Focus on your way ahead!