Nominatim/Special Phrases/EU
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Word / Phrase | Key | Value | Operator | Plural |
Aireportu | aeroway | aerodrome | - | N |
Aireportus | aeroway | aerodrome | - | Y |
Arte Zentroa | amenity | arts_centre | - | N |
Arte Zentroas | amenity | arts_centre | - | Y |
Banku | amenity | bank | - | N |
Bankus | amenity | bank | - | Y |
Taberna | amenity | bar | - | N |
Tabernas | amenity | bar | - | Y |
Txirrindu Alokairua | amenity | bicycle_rental | - | N |
Txirrindu Alokairuas | amenity | bicycle_rental | - | Y |
Putetxe | amenity | brothel | - | N |
Putetxes | amenity | brothel | - | Y |
Diru-truke Bulegoa | amenity | bureau_de_change | - | N |
Diru-truke Bulegoas | amenity | bureau_de_change | - | Y |
Autobus-geltoki | amenity | bus_station | - | N |
Autobus-geltokis | amenity | bus_station | - | Y |
Kafetegi | amenity | cafe | - | N |
Kafetegis | amenity | cafe | - | Y |
Ibilgailu-alokairu | amenity | car_rental | - | N |
Ibilgailu-alokairus | amenity | car_rental | - | Y |
Auto Garbiketa | amenity | car_wash | - | N |
Auto Garbiketas | amenity | car_wash | - | Y |
Kasino | amenity | casino | - | N |
Kasinos | amenity | casino | - | Y |
Zinema | amenity | cinema | - | N |
Zinemas | amenity | cinema | - | Y |
Klinika | amenity | clinic | - | N |
Klinikas | amenity | clinic | - | Y |
Komunitate Zentroa | amenity | community_centre | - | N |
Komunitate Zentroas | amenity | community_centre | - | Y |
Epaitegia | amenity | courthouse | - | N |
Epaitegias | amenity | courthouse | - | Y |
Errauste labe | amenity | crematorium | - | N |
Errauste labes | amenity | crematorium | - | Y |
Dentista | amenity | dentist | - | N |
Dentistas | amenity | dentist | - | Y |
Medikuak | amenity | doctors | - | N |
Medikuaks | amenity | doctors | - | Y |
Edateko ur | amenity | drinking_water | - | N |
Edateko urs | amenity | drinking_water | - | Y |
Autoeskola | amenity | driving_school | - | N |
Autoeskolas | amenity | driving_school | - | Y |
Enbaxada | amenity | embassy | - | N |
Enbaxadas | amenity | embassy | - | Y |
Larrialdi Telefonoa | amenity | emergency_phone | - | N |
Larrialdi Telefonoas | amenity | emergency_phone | - | Y |
Janari Azkarra | amenity | fast_food | - | N |
Janari Azkarras | amenity | fast_food | - | Y |
Ferry terminal | amenity | ferry_terminal | - | N |
Ferry terminals | amenity | ferry_terminal | - | Y |
Suhiltzaileak | amenity | fire_station | - | N |
Suhiltzaileaks | amenity | fire_station | - | Y |
Iturri | amenity | fountain | - | N |
Iturris | amenity | fountain | - | Y |
Hilerri | amenity | grave_yard | - | N |
Hilerris | amenity | grave_yard | - | Y |
Osasun Zentroa / Gimnasioa | amenity | gym | - | N |
Osasun Zentroa / Gimnasioas | amenity | gym | - | Y |
Ospitalea | amenity | hospital | - | N |
Ospitaleas | amenity | hospital | - | Y |
Izozkiak | amenity | ice_cream | - | N |
Izozkiaks | amenity | ice_cream | - | Y |
Haurtzaindegi | amenity | kindergarten | - | N |
Haurtzaindegis | amenity | kindergarten | - | Y |
Liburutegia | amenity | library | - | N |
Liburutegias | amenity | library | - | Y |
Gau-klub | amenity | nightclub | - | N |
Gau-klubs | amenity | nightclub | - | Y |
Farmazia | amenity | pharmacy | - | N |
Farmazias | amenity | pharmacy | - | Y |
Otoitzerako Lekua | amenity | place_of_worship | - | N |
Otoitzerako Lekuas | amenity | place_of_worship | - | Y |
Polizia | amenity | police | - | N |
Polizias | amenity | police | - | Y |
Postontzia | amenity | post_box | - | N |
Postontzias | amenity | post_box | - | Y |
Postetxe | amenity | post_office | - | N |
Postetxes | amenity | post_office | - | Y |
Espetxe | amenity | prison | - | N |
Espetxes | amenity | prison | - | Y |
Eraikin publiko | amenity | public_building | - | N |
Eraikin publikos | amenity | public_building | - | Y |
Birziklatze gune | amenity | recycling | - | N |
Birziklatze gunes | amenity | recycling | - | Y |
Jatetxe | amenity | restaurant | - | N |
Jatetxes | amenity | restaurant | - | Y |
Sauna | amenity | sauna | - | N |
Saunas | amenity | sauna | - | Y |
Ikastetxe | amenity | school | - | N |
Ikastetxes | amenity | school | - | Y |
Estudio | amenity | studio | - | N |
Estudios | amenity | studio | - | Y |
Taxi | amenity | taxi | - | N |
Taxis | amenity | taxi | - | Y |
Telefono publiko | amenity | telephone | - | N |
Telefono publikos | amenity | telephone | - | Y |
Antzokia | amenity | theatre | - | N |
Antzokias | amenity | theatre | - | Y |
Komunak | amenity | toilets | - | N |
Komunaks | amenity | toilets | - | Y |
Udaletxe | amenity | townhall | - | N |
Udaletxes | amenity | townhall | - | Y |
Unibertsitate | amenity | university | - | N |
Unibertsitates | amenity | university | - | Y |
Salmenta automatiko | amenity | vending_machine | - | N |
Salmenta automatikos | amenity | vending_machine | - | Y |
Muga Administratiboa | boundary | administrative | - | N |
Muga Administratiboas | boundary | administrative | - | Y |
Bunker | building | bunker | - | N |
Bunkers | building | bunker | - | Y |
Kapera | building | chapel | - | N |
Kaperas | building | chapel | - | Y |
Eliza | building | church | - | N |
Elizas | building | church | - | Y |
Udaletxea | building | city_hall | - | N |
Udaletxeas | building | city_hall | - | Y |
Garajea | building | garage | - | N |
Garajeas | building | garage | - | Y |
Ospitale erakina | building | hospital | - | N |
Ospitale erakinas | building | hospital | - | Y |
Hotela | building | hotel | - | N |
Hotelas | building | hotel | - | Y |
Etxe | building | house | - | N |
Etxes | building | house | - | Y |
Eraikin industriala | building | industrial | - | N |
Eraikin industrialas | building | industrial | - | Y |
Eraikin publiko | building | public | - | N |
Eraikin publikos | building | public | - | Y |
Eskola eraikina | building | school | - | N |
Eskola eraikinas | building | school | - | Y |
Denda | building | shop | - | N |
Dendas | building | shop | - | Y |
Estadio | building | stadium | - | N |
Estadios | building | stadium | - | Y |
Denda | building | store | - | N |
Dendas | building | store | - | Y |
Dorre | building | tower | - | N |
Dorres | building | tower | - | Y |
Tren Geltokia | building | train_station | - | N |
Tren Geltokias | building | train_station | - | Y |
Unibertsitate eraikina | building | university | - | N |
Unibertsitate eraikinas | building | university | - | Y |
Eraikina | building | "yes" | - | N |
Eraikinas | building | "yes" | - | Y |
Autobus-geraleku | highway | bus_stop | - | N |
Autobus-geralekus | highway | bus_stop | - | Y |
Eraikitze-lanetan dagoen Autopista | highway | construction | - | N |
Eraikitze-lanetan dagoen Autopistas | highway | construction | - | Y |
Larrialdi Sarbide Gunea | highway | emergency_access_point | - | N |
Larrialdi Sarbide Guneas | highway | emergency_access_point | - | Y |
Oinezkoen bide | highway | footway | - | N |
Oinezkoen bides | highway | footway | - | Y |
Ate | highway | gate | - | N |
Ates | highway | gate | - | Y |
Autobide | highway | motorway | - | N |
Autobides | highway | motorway | - | Y |
Autobidea | highway | motorway_link | - | N |
Autobideas | highway | motorway_link | - | Y |
Nasa | highway | platform | - | N |
Nasas | highway | platform | - | Y |
Lehen mailako errepide | highway | primary | - | N |
Lehen mailako errepides | highway | primary | - | Y |
Errepide nagusi | highway | primary_link | - | N |
Errepide nagusis | highway | primary_link | - | Y |
Bizileku | highway | residential | - | N |
Bizilekus | highway | residential | - | Y |
Errepide | highway | road | - | N |
Errepides | highway | road | - | Y |
Bigarren mailako errepide | highway | secondary | - | N |
Bigarren mailako errepides | highway | secondary | - | Y |
Bigarren mailako errepide | highway | secondary_link | - | N |
Bigarren mailako errepides | highway | secondary_link | - | Y |
Zerbitzu Errepidea | highway | service | - | N |
Zerbitzu Errepideas | highway | service | - | Y |
Autobide Zerbitzuak | highway | services | - | N |
Autobide Zerbitzuaks | highway | services | - | Y |
Eskailera-mailak | highway | steps | - | N |
Eskailera-mailaks | highway | steps | - | Y |
Hirugarren mailako errepide | highway | tertiary | - | N |
Hirugarren mailako errepides | highway | tertiary | - | Y |
Pista | highway | track | - | N |
Pistas | highway | track | - | Y |
Aztarnategi arkeologiko | historic | archaeological_site | - | N |
Aztarnategi arkeologikos | historic | archaeological_site | - | Y |
Eraikina | historic | building | - | N |
Eraikinas | historic | building | - | Y |
Gaztelu | historic | castle | - | N |
Gaztelus | historic | castle | - | Y |
Memoriala | historic | memorial | - | N |
Memorialas | historic | memorial | - | Y |
Meategi | historic | mine | - | N |
Meategis | historic | mine | - | Y |
Monumentu | historic | monument | - | N |
Monumentus | historic | monument | - | Y |
Hilerri | landuse | cemetery | - | N |
Hilerris | landuse | cemetery | - | Y |
Merkataritza Eremua | landuse | commercial | - | N |
Merkataritza Eremuas | landuse | commercial | - | Y |
Baso | landuse | forest | - | N |
Basos | landuse | forest | - | Y |
Larre | landuse | meadow | - | N |
Larres | landuse | meadow | - | Y |
Eremu Militarra | landuse | military | - | N |
Eremu Militarras | landuse | military | - | Y |
Harrobi | landuse | quarry | - | N |
Harrobis | landuse | quarry | - | Y |
Trenbide | landuse | railway | - | N |
Trenbides | landuse | railway | - | Y |
Urtegi | landuse | reservoir | - | N |
Urtegis | landuse | reservoir | - | Y |
Hondartza konplexu | leisure | beach_resort | - | N |
Hondartza konplexus | leisure | beach_resort | - | Y |
Lur Komunak | leisure | common | - | N |
Lur Komunaks | leisure | common | - | Y |
Arrantza Lekua | leisure | fishing | - | N |
Arrantza Lekuas | leisure | fishing | - | Y |
Lorategi | leisure | garden | - | N |
Lorategis | leisure | garden | - | Y |
Golf-zelai | leisure | golf_course | - | N |
Golf-zelais | leisure | golf_course | - | Y |
Izotz-pista | leisure | ice_rink | - | N |
Izotz-pistas | leisure | ice_rink | - | Y |
Kirol-portu | leisure | marina | - | N |
Kirol-portus | leisure | marina | - | Y |
Minigolfa | leisure | miniature_golf | - | N |
Minigolfas | leisure | miniature_golf | - | Y |
Natura Erreserba | leisure | nature_reserve | - | N |
Natura Erreserbas | leisure | nature_reserve | - | Y |
Parkea | leisure | park | - | N |
Parkeas | leisure | park | - | Y |
Kirolgunea | leisure | pitch | - | N |
Kirolguneas | leisure | pitch | - | Y |
Jolastoki | leisure | playground | - | N |
Jolastokis | leisure | playground | - | Y |
Kiroldegi | leisure | sports_centre | - | N |
Kiroldegis | leisure | sports_centre | - | Y |
Estadio | leisure | stadium | - | N |
Estadios | leisure | stadium | - | Y |
Igerilekua | leisure | swimming_pool | - | N |
Igerilekuas | leisure | swimming_pool | - | Y |
Badia | natural | bay | - | N |
Badias | natural | bay | - | Y |
Hondartza | natural | beach | - | N |
Hondartzas | natural | beach | - | Y |
Lurmutur | natural | cape | - | N |
Lurmuturs | natural | cape | - | Y |
Kobazulo Sarrera | natural | cave_entrance | - | N |
Kobazulo Sarreras | natural | cave_entrance | - | Y |
Itsasertz | natural | coastline | - | N |
Itsasertzs | natural | coastline | - | Y |
Glaziar | natural | glacier | - | N |
Glaziars | natural | glacier | - | Y |
Lohi | natural | mud | - | N |
Lohis | natural | mud | - | Y |
Gailur | natural | peak | - | N |
Gailurs | natural | peak | - | Y |
Arrezife | natural | reef | - | N |
Arrezifes | natural | reef | - | Y |
Arroka | natural | rock | - | N |
Arrokas | natural | rock | - | Y |
Harritza | natural | scree | - | N |
Harritzas | natural | scree | - | Y |
Hondar-banku | natural | shoal | - | N |
Hondar-bankus | natural | shoal | - | Y |
Zuhaitza | natural | tree | - | N |
Zuhaitzas | natural | tree | - | Y |
Haran | natural | valley | - | N |
Harans | natural | valley | - | Y |
Sumendi | natural | volcano | - | N |
Sumendis | natural | volcano | - | Y |
Ura | natural | water | - | N |
Uras | natural | water | - | Y |
Baso | natural | wood | - | N |
Basos | natural | wood | - | Y |
Hiria | place | city | - | N |
Hirias | place | city | - | Y |
Herrialdea | place | country | - | N |
Herrialdeas | place | country | - | Y |
Konderria | place | county | - | N |
Konderrias | place | county | - | Y |
Baserria | place | farm | - | N |
Baserrias | place | farm | - | Y |
Herrixka | place | hamlet | - | N |
Herrixkas | place | hamlet | - | Y |
Etxe | place | house | - | N |
Etxes | place | house | - | Y |
Etxeak | place | houses | - | N |
Etxeaks | place | houses | - | Y |
Irla | place | island | - | N |
Irlas | place | island | - | Y |
Uhartea | place | islet | - | N |
Uharteas | place | islet | - | Y |
Lokalitate | place | locality | - | N |
Lokalitates | place | locality | - | Y |
Udalerri | place | municipality | - | N |
Udalerris | place | municipality | - | Y |
Eskualde | place | region | - | N |
Eskualdes | place | region | - | Y |
Itsasoa | place | sea | - | N |
Itsasoas | place | sea | - | Y |
Estatua | place | state | - | N |
Estatuas | place | state | - | Y |
Aldiri | place | suburb | - | N |
Aldiris | place | suburb | - | Y |
Herria | place | town | - | N |
Herrias | place | town | - | Y |
Herrixka | place | village | - | N |
Herrixkas | place | village | - | Y |
Eraikitze-lanetan dagoen Trenbidea | railway | construction | - | N |
Eraikitze-lanetan dagoen Trenbideas | railway | construction | - | Y |
Tren Geralekua | railway | halt | - | N |
Tren Geralekuas | railway | halt | - | Y |
Tren Arina | railway | light_rail | - | N |
Tren Arinas | railway | light_rail | - | Y |
Monoraila | railway | monorail | - | N |
Monorailas | railway | monorail | - | Y |
Trenbide Plataforma | railway | platform | - | N |
Trenbide Plataformas | railway | platform | - | Y |
Tren Geltokia | railway | station | - | N |
Tren Geltokias | railway | station | - | Y |
Metro geltoki | railway | subway | - | N |
Metro geltokis | railway | subway | - | Y |
Metro Sarbidea | railway | subway_entrance | - | N |
Metro Sarbideas | railway | subway_entrance | - | Y |
Tranbia | railway | tram | - | N |
Tranbias | railway | tram | - | Y |
Tranbia geltoki | railway | tram_stop | - | N |
Tranbia geltokis | railway | tram_stop | - | Y |
Arte-denda | shop | art | - | N |
Arte-dendas | shop | art | - | Y |
Okindegi | shop | bakery | - | N |
Okindegis | shop | bakery | - | Y |
Liburudenda | shop | books | - | N |
Liburudendas | shop | books | - | Y |
Harategi | shop | butcher | - | N |
Harategis | shop | butcher | - | Y |
Farmazia | shop | chemist | - | N |
Farmazias | shop | chemist | - | Y |
Arropa denda | shop | clothes | - | N |
Arropa dendas | shop | clothes | - | Y |
Ordenagailu-denda | shop | computer | - | N |
Ordenagailu-dendas | shop | computer | - | Y |
Gozotegi | shop | confectionery | - | N |
Gozotegis | shop | confectionery | - | Y |
Elektronika-denda | shop | electronics | - | N |
Elektronika-dendas | shop | electronics | - | Y |
Higiezinen agente | shop | estate_agent | - | N |
Higiezinen agentes | shop | estate_agent | - | Y |
Arrantza-denda | shop | fish | - | N |
Arrantza-dendas | shop | fish | - | Y |
Loradenda | shop | florist | - | N |
Loradendas | shop | florist | - | Y |
Janari-denda | shop | food | - | N |
Janari-dendas | shop | food | - | Y |
Altzari | shop | furniture | - | N |
Altzaris | shop | furniture | - | Y |
Opari-denda | shop | gift | - | N |
Opari-dendas | shop | gift | - | Y |
Barazki-saltzaile | shop | greengrocer | - | N |
Barazki-saltzailes | shop | greengrocer | - | Y |
Ile-apaindegi | shop | hairdresser | - | N |
Ile-apaindegis | shop | hairdresser | - | Y |
Hi-Fi | shop | hifi | - | N |
Hi-Fis | shop | hifi | - | Y |
Aseguruak | office | insurance | - | N |
Aseguruaks | office | insurance | - | Y |
Bitxi-denda | shop | jewelry | - | N |
Bitxi-dendas | shop | jewelry | - | Y |
Kiosko | shop | kiosk | - | N |
Kioskos | shop | kiosk | - | Y |
Garbitegi | shop | laundry | - | N |
Garbitegis | shop | laundry | - | Y |
Merkataritza-gunea | shop | mall | - | N |
Merkataritza-guneas | shop | mall | - | Y |
Mugikor-denda | shop | mobile_phone | - | N |
Mugikor-dendas | shop | mobile_phone | - | Y |
Musika-denda | shop | music | - | N |
Musika-dendas | shop | music | - | Y |
Kioskoa | shop | newsagent | - | N |
Kioskoas | shop | newsagent | - | Y |
Optika | shop | optician | - | N |
Optikas | shop | optician | - | Y |
Animalia-denda | shop | pet | - | N |
Animalia-dendas | shop | pet | - | Y |
Argazki-denda | shop | photo | - | N |
Argazki-dendas | shop | photo | - | Y |
Zapatadenda | shop | shoes | - | N |
Zapatadendas | shop | shoes | - | Y |
Merkatal Gunea | shop | shopping_centre | - | N |
Merkatal Guneas | shop | shopping_centre | - | Y |
Kirol denda | shop | sports | - | N |
Kirol dendas | shop | sports | - | Y |
Supermerkatu | shop | supermarket | - | N |
Supermerkatus | shop | supermarket | - | Y |
Jostailu Denda | shop | toys | - | N |
Jostailu Dendas | shop | toys | - | Y |
Bidaia-agentzia | shop | travel_agency | - | N |
Bidaia-agentzias | shop | travel_agency | - | Y |
Aterpe alpinoa | tourism | alpine_hut | - | N |
Aterpe alpinoas | tourism | alpine_hut | - | Y |
Atrakzio | tourism | attraction | - | N |
Atrakzios | tourism | attraction | - | Y |
Kanpin | tourism | camp_site | - | N |
Kanpins | tourism | camp_site | - | Y |
Txalet | tourism | chalet | - | N |
Txalets | tourism | chalet | - | Y |
Aterpe | tourism | guest_house | - | N |
Aterpes | tourism | guest_house | - | Y |
Ostatu | tourism | hostel | - | N |
Ostatus | tourism | hostel | - | Y |
Hotel | tourism | hotel | - | N |
Hotels | tourism | hotel | - | Y |
Informazioa | tourism | information | - | N |
Informazioas | tourism | information | - | Y |
Motel | tourism | motel | - | N |
Motels | tourism | motel | - | Y |
Museoa | tourism | museum | - | N |
Museoas | tourism | museum | - | Y |
Piknik-gune | tourism | picnic_site | - | N |
Piknik-gunes | tourism | picnic_site | - | Y |
Parke tematiko | tourism | theme_park | - | N |
Parke tematikos | tourism | theme_park | - | Y |
Behatoki | tourism | viewpoint | - | N |
Behatokis | tourism | viewpoint | - | Y |
Zoologiko | tourism | zoo | - | N |
Zoologikos | tourism | zoo | - | Y |
Kanal | waterway | canal | - | N |
Kanals | waterway | canal | - | Y |
Urtegia | waterway | dam | - | N |
Urtegias | waterway | dam | - | Y |
Lubakia | waterway | ditch | - | N |
Lubakias | waterway | ditch | - | Y |
Isurbidea | waterway | drain | - | N |
Isurbideas | waterway | drain | - | Y |
Ur-lasterrak | waterway | rapids | - | N |
Ur-lasterraks | waterway | rapids | - | Y |
Ibai | waterway | river | - | N |
Ibais | waterway | river | - | Y |
Ur-jauzi | waterway | waterfall | - | N |
Ur-jauzis | waterway | waterfall | - | Y |
Uharka | waterway | weir | - | N |
Uharkas | waterway | weir | - | Y |