Ohio/Route relations/Networks

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This page catalogs the various route relation networks that are used in Ohio, primarily for renderers such as OpenStreetMap Americana that render graphical shields that match road signage.

The shields below are a small sample of the SVG files for individual route shields available at Wikimedia Commons, in the Diagrams of Ohio county route markers, Diagrams of Ohio township route markers, and Diagrams of Ohio city route markers categories. Ranges are drawn from TIGER data in OSM. Ellipses indicate incomplete network range information. More information on county and township route ranges can be found at monterie.com.

To visualize any of these networks, filter taginfo's network directory by "US:OH:", select the network, and click the "overpass turbo" button in the upper-right corner of the network's page.

County routes

network County Shield Ranges
US:OH:ASD Ashland Ashland 15–57, 175, 251, 281, 377, 457, 500–575, 601–681, 775, 1031, 1100, 1171, 1181, 1281, 1575, 1610, 1675, 1754, 1775, 1950, 1975, 2160, 2175, 2256, 2350, 2400, 2404, 2575, 3175, 3A, 30A, 40A, 42B
US:OH:ATH Athens green square
US:OH:AUG Auglaize white square 25-A[1]
US:OH:BEL Belmont green square
US:OH:CAR Carroll white square 8–72, …
US:OH:COL Columbiana pentagon 401–451, …
US:OH:COS Coshocton white square
US:OH:FAI Fairfield white square
US:OH:FUL Fulton white square 1–34, A–W, AC, DE, EF, FG, HJ, MN, NR, RS,
1-1 through 1-3, 2-3, 3-3, 4-1, 5-2, 6-1 through 6-3, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-1 through 10-3, 11-1, 11-2, 14-1, 14-2, 15-1, 17-1 through 17-3, 21-1 through 21-3, 26-1, 26-2, ...
US:OH:GAL Gallia white square
US:OH:GUE Guernsey green square 14–981
US:OH:HAR Hardin green square 65–240, …
US:OH:HAS Harrison white square 1–503, 26A
US:OH:HEN Henry green square 1–25, A–Z,
1A–25A, 1B–25B, 1C–25C, 17D, 17E,
B1–B3, C1, C2, F1, F2, G1, H1, J1–J3, L1–L3, M1–M4, O1–O5, Q1, R1–R3, S1–S3, T1, T2, U1–U4, ...
US:OH:HOC Hocking white square
US:OH:HOL Holmes Holmes 1–621
US:OH:JEF Jefferson pentagon 6–74, 22A, …
US:OH:KNO Knox white square
US:OH:LAW Lawrence white square
US:OH:LIC Licking white square
US:OH:LOG Logan white square 1–296
US:OH:MAD Madison white square
US:OH:MAH Mahoning pentagon
US:OH:MED Medina blue square 2–260
US:OH:MIA Miami Miami 25-A[1]
US:OH:MOE Monroe Monroe
US:OH:MRG Morgan white square
US:OH:MRW Morrow white square
US:OH:NOB Noble blue square
US:OH:OTT Ottawa pentagon 1–503, 18A, 503B
US:OH:PAU Paulding Paulding 7, 11, 12, 17, 21, 24, 25, 33, 35, 43, 45, 48, 49, 52, 55, 60, 63, 71–73, 79, 82, 87, 89, 92–96, 103, 105–107, 111, 115, 123–128, 131–133, 138, 140–148, 151, 162, 163, 165–173, 176–180, 187, 188, 191, 192, 196, 197, 201, 204–206, 209, 212, 216–220, 224, 230–234, 250, 263, 315, 1005, 1021, 1023
US:OH:PER Perry white square
US:OH:SEN Seneca pentagon 58
US:OH:SCI Scioto Scioto
US:OH:SHE Shelby white square 25A[1]
US:OH:STA Stark pentagon 31–286, 611, 612, 160A
US:OH:SUM Summit pentagon 2–538, 202A
US:OH:TRU Trumbull Trumbull
US:OH:TUS Tuscarawas pentagon 1–156
US:OH:UNI Union white square 179–352, …
US:OH:VIN Vinton Vinton
US:OH:WAS Washington green square
US:OH:WAY Wayne white square 1–504, C24
US:OH:WIL Williams Williams 1–35, 61, 64, 65, 79, 81, 122, 128, 202, 309, 456, A–S, {1–20}.5, {7, 16}.25, {4–6}.75, P.40, {O–Q}.50, N.65, …
US:OH:WYA Wyandot Wyandot

Township routes

network County Township Shield Ranges
US:OH:ASD:TWP Ashland all Ashland
US:OH:COS:Adams Coshocton Adams yellow square
US:OH:WAS:Aurelius Washington Aurelius green square
US:OH:PER:Bearfield Perry Bearfield Bearfield
US:OH:MRW:Bennington Morrow Bennington green square
US:OH:HOL:Berlin Holmes Berlin white square
US:OH:MRW:Canaan Morrow Canaan Canaan
US:OH:MRW:Chester Morrow Chester Chester
US:OH:HOL:Clark Holmes Clark white square
US:OH:PER:Coal Perry Coal Coal
US:OH:HAR:Dudley Hardin Dudley white square
US:OH:WAY:East_Union Wayne East Union wide green square
US:OH:HOC:Falls Falls Falls Falls
US:OH:MRW:Franklin Morrow Franklin green square
US:OH:FAI:Greenfield Fairfield Greenfield Greenfield
US:OH:MRW:Harmony Morrow Harmony white square
US:OH:MED:Harrisville Medina Harrisville white square 28–655
US:OH:PER:Hopewell Perry Hopewell green square
US:OH:COS:Jackson Coshocton Jackson green square
US:OH:LOG:Jefferson Logan Jefferson green square 55–230
US:OH:TRU:Kinsman Trumbull Kinsman Kinsman
US:OH:BEL:Kirkwood Belmont Kirkwood white square
US:OH:HOL:Knox Holmes Knox white square
US:OH:JEF:Knox Jefferson Knox green square
US:OH:LOG:Lake Logan Lake white square
US:OH:PAU:Latty Paulding Latty wide green square
US:OH:LOG:Liberty Logan Liberty white square
US:OH:KNO:Liberty Knox Liberty LibertyLiberty (wide)[2]
US:OH:PER:Madison Perry Madison Madison
US:OH:KNO:Milford Knox Milford white square
US:OH:PER:Monday_Creek Perry Monday Creek Monday Creek
US:OH:HOL:Monroe Holmes Monroe Monroe
US:OH:LOG:Monroe Logan Monroe white square
US:OH:HOL:Paint Holmes Paint white square
US:OH:WAY:Paint Wayne Paint Paint
US:OH:LOG:Perry Logan Perry white square
US:OH:LOG:Pleasant Logan Pleasant Pleasant
US:OH:TUS:Salem Tuscarawas Salem Salem
US:OH:WAS:Salem Washington Salem green square
US:OH:HOL:Salt_Creek Holmes Salt Creek white square
US:OH:WAY:Salt_Creek Wayne Salt Creek Salt Creek
US:OH:MED:Sharon Medina Sharon green square
US:OH:JEF:Springfield Jefferson Springfield white square
US:OH:MRW:South_Bloomfield Morrow South Bloomfield white square[3]
US:OH:ATH:Trimble Athens Trimble green square
US:OH:FAI:Violet Fairfield Violet white square
US:OH:MED:Wadsworth Medina Wadsworth white square[4]
US:OH:PAU:Washington Paulding Washington Paulding
US:OH:MRW:Westfield Morrow Westfield white square
US:OH:MED:York Medina York blue square
US:OH:MRG:York Morgan York green square

City routes

network County City Shield Ranges
US:OH:SAN:Fremont Sandusky Fremont Fremont 6, 12, 19, 20, 53, 412


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 These counties only use prominent county route signage for 25A (old US 25). Other routes are signposted on blade signs or mile markers.
  2. The wide variant is only necessary because the street name is included on the shield. However, it would be much easier to leave the street name off.
  3. Abbreviating South Bloomfield Township as "S Bloomfield/Twp" would be a major win for legibility.
  4. Note that Wadsworth Township abbreviates its name as "Wads/Twp" on signage.