OpenHistoricalMap/Projects/National Hydrography Dataset import

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Data from the US National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) can be used for adding waterways or water bodies to the map. NHD datasets are of varying detail and frequently outdated; so they should be used to supplement, not replace, existing map water data. Much of the difference between NHD data and imagery is the result of normal geologic processes (e.g. meandering rivers). If the imagery dates differ from a particular NHD dataset and the date can be determined, the time changes can be mapped. Otherwise, for mapping purposes, the data can be assumed to be current and static.

Adding NHD to OHM

Information about the National Hydrography Dataset is available on the USGS National Hydrography Dataset page. To download data, access National Hydrography Products. From there, the National Map Downloader can be accessed through the "Go there" button. Zoom in to the area of interest and then select the Hydrography (HNDPlus HR, NHD, WBD) checkbox. Select NHDPlus HR or NHD or both. Then select the extent, usually HU-4 Subregion or HU-8 Subregion, and the download File Format. Press the blue "Search Products" button to bring up a list of datasets and hovering over these will highlight their extent. Click on "Download Link (ZIP)" to download the dataset. Choosing the FileGDB format works well with the remainder of the import process.

Loading into QGIS

The GDB file or Geopackage downloaded data can be added to QGIS by simply dragging the file object into the main window. For OHM mapping, only the NHDFlowline (streams), NHDWaterbody (lakes, ponds, reservoirs) and NHDArea (riverbanks) layers are usually needed. NHDPoint data can be used for springs. Each of these layers should be reprojected and their tables edited.

Reformatting Data


Reformatting NHD data can be done using QGIS. NHD data must be transformed to match the OSM/OHM WGS84 projection. Also, field data should be reformatted to fit tags and values. See How to transform data from NAD83 to WGS84 for a recommended method to reproject the data. This method works well in QGIS 3.34, but not 3.36. Use the Processing Toolbox and then Vector general -> Reproject layer. Several steps are required and each one creates a new layer labeled "Reprojected". Right click to bring up the Properties Panel and verify the projection.

Editing Table Data

Start by right-clicking on a layer and selecting "Open Attribute Table". From there new fields can be created and populated. Data should be traceable to its source. Use the permanent_identifier column or the NHDPlus ID column if present.and using NHD Plus data. Create a new field labeled NHD:permanent_identifier or NHD:PlusID. A new source tag should be created with a value showing that it is from an NHD import and the area name and publication date of the dataset included. E.g. source=NHD_HR_import_HU4_1021_20231125 indicates that this is a NHD high resolution import form the HU4 1021 dataset, with a publication date of November 25, 2023. The NHD FDate field shows the last date a particular object was edited. This can be long before the publication date. This can be added as NHD:FDate to provide some indication as to the vintage. Keep in mind that survey data is often older than the FDate would indicate.

FCode mapping

These are common values in NHD data, and the equivalent OHM fields. These can be set using the QGIS table editor; and the values can be changed using OSM tools upon loading.

FCode NHD meaning natural water waterway intermittent notes
34300, 34305, 34306 DamWeir NULL NULL dam or weir NULL
33600-33603 CanalDitch NULL NULL canal NULL usage tag can be used to purpose; e.g., irrigation
36400 Foreshore water NULL NULL NULL Add a tidal=yes tag
37800 Ice Mass glacier NULL NULL NULL
39000, 39004, 39009, 39010, 39011, 39012 water lake or pond NULL NULL
39001, 39005, 39006 water lake or pond NULL yes
43100 NULL NULL rapids NULL
43600-43626 water reservoir NULL NULL
45500 Spillway NULL NULL canal NULL usage=spillway
46000, 46006 StreamRiver NIULL NULL stream or river NULL Might be efficient to use waterway=stream upon import and manually change larger streams to waterway=river
46006 (from NHD Area file) StreamRiver water river NULL NULL
46003, 46007 StreamRiver NULL NULL stream or river yes
46600, 46602 SwampMarsh wetland NULL NULL NULL
46601 SwampMarsh wetland NULL NULL yes

Example QGIS queries

Open the attribute table belonging to the target layer. Open the field calculator and create new columns and populate with the following. These may not be complete but should cover most of the OHM-relevant tags. Others can be entered manually.

For the "waterway" tag using NHD flowlines. NHD does not differ between stream and river. For spillways and irrigation canals and ditches, add "usage=spillway" or "usage=irrigation" upon uploading:

if(((fcode>=46000) AND (fcode<=46007)), 'stream', if((fcode=55800), 'stream', if(((fcode>=33600) AND (fcode<=33603)), 'canal', if((fcode=45500), 'canal', NULL))))

Her is an alternate form for a waterway query. NHD considers 55800 a contrived extension and 33400 is a connector. Both can be considered as streams in OHM.


  WHEN ((fcode>=46000) AND (fcode<=46007))

   THEN 'stream'

  WHEN fcode=55800

   THEN 'stream'

  WHEN fcode=33400

   THEN 'stream'

  WHEN ((fcode>=33600) AND (fcode<=33603))

   THEN 'canal'





For the "natural" tag using NHD waterbodies or areas:

if(((fcode>=39000) AND (fcode<=39012)), 'water', if(((fcode>=46600) AND (fcode<=46602)), 'wetland', if((fcode=37800), 'glacier', if(((fcode>=43600) AND (fcode<=43626)), 'water', NULL))))

For the "water" tag. NHD does not differentiate between "lake" and "pond". If using this query, manually change larger bodies of water to "lake":

if(((fcode>=39000) AND (fcode<=39012)), 'pond', if(((fcode>=43600) AND (fcode<=43626)), 'reservoir', NULL))

To flag intermittent streams:

if(((fcode=46003) OR (fcode=46007)), 'yes', NULL)

Record of Imports

This is not a complete record of all NHD data imports and the import dates may be approximate. But please include any significant imports here; information can be used to help identify the original source of hydrology data. The geographic data may predate the NHD publication date by several years.

Dates of OHM Import Area Description NHD Dataset Name NHD Publication Date OHM Source tag
4/30/2024 - Arkansas River drainage, south central Kansas HU 4 - 1103 12/08/2023 NHD_HR_import_HU4_1103_20180813
3/1/2024 - 4/15/2024 Plate River drainage, Nebraska HU 4 - 1020 04/20/2018 NHD_HR_import_H_1020_HU4_20180420
2/15/2024 - 3/15/2024 North Platte River drainage, Nebraska and southeastern Wyoming HU 4 - 1018 5/1/2018 NHD_HR_import_H_1018_HU4_20180501
5/9/2024 Northern Glacier National Park east of the Continental Divide and Waterton Lakes area HU 8 - 09040002 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_09040002_20231217
5/12/2024 Southern Glacier National Park east of the Continental Divide HU 8 - 09040001 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_09040001_20231217
5/13/2024 - 5/16/2024 Southern Glacier National Park west of the Contnental Divide HU 8 - 17010207 12/20/2023 NHD_import_HU8_17010207_20231220
5/16/2024 - 5/19/2024 Northern Glacier National Park west of the Contnental Divide HU 8 - 17010206 12/20/2023 NHD_import_HU8_17010206_20231220
6/1/2024 - 6/15/2024 Blue River and tributaries near Dillon, Colorado HU 8 - 14010002 12/20/2023 NHD_import_HU8_14010002_20231220
6/15/2024 - 6/28/2024 Colorado River tributaries, Glenwood Springs, Colorado to Utah state line HU 8 - 14010005 12/20/2023 NHD_import_HU8_14010005_20231220
10/10/2024 Clear Creek and tributaries west of Denver HU 8 - 10190004 10/21/2019 NHD_import_HU8_10190004_20191021
10/15/2024 - 10/22/2024 Boulder Creek and tributaries near Boulder, Colorado HU 8 - 10190005 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_10190005_20231217
10/23/2024 - 10/28/2024 Big Thompson River drainage near Loveland, Colorado HU 8 - 10190006 12/17/2023 NHD_HR_import_HU8_10190006_20231217
10/30/2024 - 11/3/2024 Cache La Poudre River drainage near Fort Collins, Colorado HU 8 - 10190007 12/17/2023 NHD_HR_import_HU8_10190007_20231217
11/5/2024 - 2/15/2025 Lone Tree Creek near Greeley, Colorado HU 8 - 10190008 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_10190007_20231217
2/15/2025 - 2/17/2025 South Platte River tributaries near Sterling, Colorado HU 8 - 10190012 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_10190012_20231217
2/15/2025 Kiowa Creek, Black Forest to South Platte River HU 8 - 10190010 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_10190010_20231217
2/15/2025 - 2/17/2025 Bijou Creek and others near Deer Trail, Colorado HU 8 - 10190011 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_10190011_20231217
2/18/2025 - 2/19/2025 Pawnee Creek drainage west of Sterling, Colorado HU 8 - 10190016 12/17/2023 NHD_import_HU8_10190016_20231217
2/24/2025 Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island HU 4 - 0109 12/29/2023 NHD_import_HU4_0109_20231229