OpenMaps (IZE)

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OPenMaps screenshot.jpg
Authors: IZE, Ltd.
License: Proprietary (2,39€ , free)
Platform: iOS
Status: Broken
Version: 4.6.4 (2012-11-01)

Share & comment on OSM places via Twitter

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data raster
Source online;cache
Rotate map
3D view no
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing yes
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles car;bike;foot
Turn restrictions yes
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate yes
Find location yes
Find nearby POIs yes
Navigate to point yes
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS
Navigate along predefined route
Make track no
Customizable log interval
Track formats
Fast POI buttons
Upload GPX to OSM
Monitoring no
Show current track
Open existing track
Altitude diagram
Show POD value
Satellite view
Show live NMEA data
Show speed
Send current position
Add POIs yes
Edit / Delete POIs yes
Add way no
Edit geometries no
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects yes
Edit relations no
View notes
Create notes
Edit notes
Work offline online
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM yes

OpenMaps is an unmaintained map app based on OpenStreetMap and also Twitter. It lets you check in to and share OpenStreetMap places with your Twitter friends and has some great & useful map tools like such as route directions.

The feature to download maps for offline use was not compliant with Tile Usage Policy and created a problem for our volunteer-run OpenStreetMap server infrastructure, resulting in a block in October 2011 that has since been lifted. Development was discontinued in August 2013, but the application can still be installed from the iTunes App Store.

"OpenMaps for the iPhone is gonna do a bang-up job with this task. [...] Download OpenMaps!" - AppJudgement, Revision3


  • Pinpoint your location on the map with a tap of a button.
  • Use the digital compass to rotate the onscreen map to match the direction you're facing. (Your device must have a digital compass built in in order for this feature to be available.)
  • Turn off location services to reserve battery if you don't need them.
  • Find out more info about places by simply tapping on their icons on the map.
  • Search online for a location. (For best results when searching for addresses search this way "housenumber street city", e.g. "1 infinite loop cupertino".)
  • Advanced users can add custom map types that they can browse.
  • Download maps for offline use. - Downloading OpenStreetMap standard tiles in this way is a breach of the Tile Usage Policy
  • Find out what people tweet around you or anywhere in the world by scanning the map for geotweets.
  • Log in to Twitter to read your timelines and view your friends' tweets and mentions of you on the map.
  • Send out checkin or comment tweets about OSM places and follow the recent Twitter conversation about them within the app.
  • Do some basic edits to the map like editing tags, or even adding new places.
  • Calculate the car, bike or pedestrian route with directions between any two locations with the help of online route providers. (YOURS online route provider has some limitations, such as no turn-by-turn directions, no support for transit point routing and long (> 200 km) routes.)
  • Set transit points for the routes and bookmark the routes.
  • Send feature requests and bug reports right within the app.
  • Vote on these ideas and talk about them with other users, letting us know what your favorite ones are.

Follow X (Twitter) user @OpenMapsAppX (Twitter) user on Twitter for updates.