OpenStreetMap Awards/Nominations
This is a collective brain-storming for OpenStreetMap Awards nominations list. There will be around 20 nominations, for which we need at least 50-60 suggestions to choose from. The deadline for proposals is 23:00 UTC on 23th of July.
There are three categories: Technical for developers and related people, Mapping and Community for anything besides technical stuff, and Other for organizations, projects and dedicated awards we want to have. Please add your ideas for nominations to relevant lists. You can add an explanation if you want. And you can skip the "Best" word, since it is implied.
OSM Awards this year are supervised by the Communications Working Group and the OSMF Board. They will make the final list of nominations, and later they will select nominees for the short list.
- New Map Style
- Improvement to the Core Software Stack
- A tutorial we needed
- New QA Tool
- Self-Drawing Map (neural networks, image recognition, trace analysis etc.)
- Making new imagery accessible to OSM (technical)
- SQL (new database layers and tutorials, osm2pgsql etc.)
- Overpass API Usage
- New Library
- New Web Project
- Navigation
- Improvement to the OSM editors
Mapping and Community
- Micromapping
- Rural mapping
- 3D and Indoor
- A proposal
- OSM and the Government
- Technical Blog
- Mapper's Blog
- Public Transport (mapping, printing)
- A Task for Mappers (maproulette, monthly projects)
- Diversity
- Image of the Year
- Video
- Community Building - Africa
- Community Building - Asia
- Community Building - South America
- Woman of the year
- Trainer
- Disaster mapper
- Missing Maps mapper
- Building up OSM as a worldwide map
- Data analysis
- Opening third-party data
- Bringing new people to OSM
- Address mapping
- Routes (public transport, roads, railroads, river, ferries, etc.) mapping
- Administrative boundaries mapping
- Mapping of culture (theatres, cultural heritage, places of worship, etc.)
- Power mapping (power lines, substations, plants, transformers, etc.)
- Nonsense/obsolete data or vandalism cleaning
- Wiki improvement (translations, cleanup, definition improvement, illustration, etc.)
- Flawless Import
- GSoC Student
- Ulf Möller Award for the Best OSMer