Overpass Ultra/URL Parameters

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URL Hash Parameters

You use the following query string parameters as a hash to instruct Overpass Ultra to set certain properties on startup (such as the query or the map location).


This sets the query to the given string.

Key: query

Value:  URL-encoded string.

Example: http://overpass-ultra.us/#query=node%5B%22amenity%22%3D%22drinking_water%22%5D(%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D)%3B%0Aout%3B

Loading Gists

You can load a query from a Gist by using a string prefixed with gist:

Example: http://overpass-ultra.us/#query=gist:8ecb8ba0a0136f4f0dbc36de82061de4

Loading URLs

You can load a query from any url by using a string prefixed with url:

Example: http://overpass-ultra.us/#query=url:https%3A%2F%2Fgist.githubusercontent.com%2Fdschep%2F8ecb8ba0a0136f4f0dbc36de82061de4%2Fraw%2F40ce5053cc664984d677bca20a2a2d3371ce09b0%2Fgistfile1.txt

Compressed Query

This sets the query to the given Base64-encoded lz-string string.

Key: q

Value:  URL-encoded  Base64-encoded lz-string-compressed string.

Example: http://overpass-ultra.us/#q=NoIxHsA8C4G9bFAvkgugbgFAHcCGBPYACwEsBzIvfAXgAdcAXIjTcAVwYAIyBTcAW3RA

Map Location & Zoom

Sets the map center coordinates and zoom level.

Key: m

Value: a z/x/y viewport (zoom/lon/lat)

Run Query

Runs the query immediately after startup.

Key: run

Value: No value required (optionally providing any arbitrary value will do the same)

Example: http://overpass-ultra.us/#run&query=node%5B%22amenity%22%3D%22drinking_water%22%5D(%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D)%3B%0Aout%3B&m=14.64/-33.8842/151.2077

Interactive map mode

Runs the query as a customizable interactive map.

Key: map

Value: No value required (optionally providing any arbitrary value will do the same)

Example: http://overpass-ultra.us/#map&query=node%5B%22amenity%22%3D%22drinking_water%22%5D(%7B%7Bbbox%7D%7D)%3B%0Aout%3B&m=14.64/-33.8842/151.2077