Proposal:Default access restrictions in Sweden
Default access restrictions in Sweden | |
Proposal status: | Draft (under way) |
Proposed by: | Riiga |
Tagging: | access=* |
Applies to: | ![]() |
Definition: | Default access restrictions on ways in Sweden |
Statistics: |
Draft started: | 2024-07-27 |
RFC start: | 2024-08-07 |
Förslag / Proposal
Förslaget består av att formellt anamma standardvärden för åtkomst/begränsningar på vägar. Tabellen nedan visar föreslagna värden, tolkade av mig enligt Trafikförordning (1998:1276).
The proposal is to formally approve the below default access restrictions when mapping roads in Sweden. They are based on my interpretation of the Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276).
Motivering / Rationale
Det blossade upp en diskussion på forumet (den internationella delen) om hur man ska tagga åtkomstvärden på vägar. I Sverige med allemansrätt så känns det rimligt att lägga till taggar som begränsar åtkomsten när det krävs och det är så de flesta vägar är taggade. Ibland hittar man exempel på någon som har lagt till överflödiga åtkomsttaggar, men det är oftast nybörjare eller vägar som ritades in för längesen. Tanken var att Sverige som första OSM-gemenskap skulle kunna komma överens om standardvärden som man kan anta alltid gäller och som ruttmotorer kan falla tillbaka på.
There was recent discussion on the community forum about how to tag access values on roads. In Sweden with the right of public access, it seems reasonable to add tags that limit access when required and that is how most roads are tagged. Sometimes you find examples of someone who has added redundant access tags, but they are usually beginners or roads that were drawn a long time ago. This proposal is for Sweden as the first OSM community to hopefully agree on default values that can be assumed to always apply and that route engines can fall back on.
Taggning / Tagging
Tabellen nedan visar vilka taggar som antas vara standardvärden och därmed inte uttryckligen behöver läggas till, och även kan tas bort från vägar som redan har dem om det inte krävs med hänsyn till tydlighet i enskilda fall.
The table below shows default values for each highway type. Any redundant values on such a road can be removed, unless explicitly needed for clarity in specific cases.
highway=* | motorcar goods |
motorcycle | hgv | tourist_bus | bus | taxi | agricultural | moped (moped klass I) |
mofa (moped klass II) |
bicycle | horse | foot ski inline_skates |
motorway or motorroad=yes | designated | designated | designated | designated | designated | designated | no | no | no | no | no | no |
trunk primary secondary tertiary unclassified residential living_street service |
yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
track | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes (1) | yes | yes | yes |
path | no | dismount (2) | no | no | no | no | no | dismount (2) | yes (3) | yes | yes (4) | yes |
cycleway | no | dismount (2) | no | no | no | no | no | dismount (2) | yes (3) | designated | no | yes (5) |
bridleway | no | dismount (2) | no | no | no | no | no | dismount (2) | dismount (2) | dismount (2) | designated | yes |
footway | no | dismount (2) | no | no | no | no | no | dismount (2) | dismount (2) | dismount (2) | no | designated |
pedestrian | destination (6) | destination (6) | destination (6) | destination (6) | destination (6) | destination (6) | destination (6) | destination (6) | destination (6) | yes | yes | designated |
busway or bus lane | no | no | no | no | designated | no | no | no | yes (7) | yes (7) | no | no |
- Unless prohibited, which can be the case on private tracks. Horses, bicyclists and pedestrians can't be prohibited under normal circumstances.
- A dismounted motorcycle, moped, mofa, or bicycle being pushed is considered foot traffic. Refer to the foot column for applicable access restrictions.
- If not prohibited by extra sign saying "Ej moped", in which case (2) applies.
- Horses not allowed on any designated footways, cycleways or foot- and cycleways.
- If there is no footway or sidewalk, pedestrians may use the cycleway or roadway.
- A pedestrian road ("gågata") disallows any motor vehicles except to cross the road or for access to places along the road.
- If the lane or road is designated for buses, then bicycles and mofa are also allowed if the lane is on the right (and the way as such does not prohibit bicycles/mofas, like a motorway).
Exempel / Examples
Inte direkt tillämpbart.
Not really applicable.
Påverkade sidor / Features/Pages affected
- Key:access och relaterade sidor
- OSM_tags_for_routing/Access_restrictions
Externa diskussioner / External discussions
Synpunkter / Comments
Lämna kommentarer i forumtråden eller på diskussionssidan.
Please comment in the forum thread or on the discussion page.