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Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Geordannik
Tagging: divider=no/digit/area/flexible_bollards/bumps/..., divider:fill=*, divider:width=*
Applies to: way
Definition: a legal or conceptual, but normally not physical, boundary between the two directions on a single carriageway.

Draft started: 2008-12-15
Proposed on: 2024-09-01

Proposed new tags


There are some properties of a direction divider which cannot be captured by other tags. For example, directions with physical separation (e.g., a wall or nature strip) ideally are split into a dual carriageway, whereas directions without physical separation are kept as a single two-way way. However, whilst other tags such as overtaking=none may advise us about legal implications, there are examples where the dividing painted area (or lack thereof) may present no legal implications, therefore not invoking another tag, but still be of use to mappers and renderers, for example due to its width.


Key Value Element Comment Photo
divider no way Use when a divider is non-existent.
divider digit (whole number) way Use when a divider the stated number of painted lines parallel to the carriageway. Expected values would be 1, 2, or 3. The default value for most jurisdictions is 1.
divider area way Use when a divider is an area with approximately consistent width.
divider flexible_bollards way Use when a divider is a repeating number of upright bollards which may be driver through with little to no damage resulting to the motor vehicle, therefore not being strictly "physical" in nature, but still heavily discouraging crossing.
Sub-key Value Element Comment Photo
:fill description way tagged as divider=area Use this to briefly describe the pattern of paint used to fill the area. Expected values might be hatched or crosshatched or filled.
:width positive number way Use this to tag the width of any divider which has a non-negligible width. Defaults to metres.

You should not specify the linear pattern of a dividing line or its legal implications, as that is better covered by, e.g., overtaking=no. This is for a simple physical description of the divider.


Please use the discussion page for comments.


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