Proposal:Fire Extinguisher Extension

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Fire Extinguisher Extension
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: DerSton
Draft started: 2024-10-05


My proposal contains adding some more information to the tagging of fire extinguisher. This means adding fire_extinguisher:type=*, fire_extinguisher:agent=* and fire_extinguisher:quantity=*. For simplicity and because it is similar to DE:Tag:emergency=fire hydrant, emergency=fire_extinguisher stays the same just adding the possibility of more available information for fighting fires or similar.


I think the proposal is needed because of lack of information. If someone wants to make a product that uses OSM data to maybe help someone fight fires it is absolutely necessary to know the type and agent of the extinguisher because of incompatibility of some agents with specific fires.

For the extinguisher type I chose DIN EN 2 because there the different types of fire are already grouped pretty reasonably in A, B, C, D and F providing enough information for most use cases. For even more detail the agent tag can be filled with the specific matter contained in the extinguisher pretty much telling someone exactly for what it can be used. The quantity information can be helpful to know the amount of fire that can be fought.


Tag Description
emergency=fire_extinguisher Marks the presence of a fire extinguisher
fire_extinguisher:type=* The type of fire the extinguisher should be used on according to DIN EN 2
fire_extinguisher:agent=* The type of agent the fire extinguisher contains
fire_extinguisher:quantity=* The quantity of agent the fire extinguisher contains in kg
Value Description Symbol
A Fires involving solid substances, mainly organic in nature, which normally burn while forming embers Fire Class A.svg
B Fires involving liquid or liquid substances Fire Class B.svg
C Gas fires Fire Class C.svg
D Metal fires Fire Class D.svg
F Fires involving cooking oils/fats in deep-frying and deep-frying devices and other kitchen equipment and appliances Fire Class F.svg
Value Description
water Cooling effect
foam Foam works by forming a layer between air and fire
powder Extinguishing power usually works by chocking the fire. There are many types of extinguishing power
carbon_dioxide Take away the oxygen from the fire


Possible rendering

Version 1

Extinguisher icon class abc.svgExtinguisher icon class f.svg

With this design someone would immediately see which classes belong to the Extinguisher, but it can be a bit much for a map that is not entirely made for fire fighting or emergency equipment. And the icon would have to be generated in many versions. Maybe not practical for everyone. For that reason Version 2.

Version 2

Red extinguisher icon.svg

This more simple version does not display the classes but other than the current rendering proposal it is based on EN ISO 7010 so it might be easier to understand or more uniform with existing norms and future icons.

Either way rendering the extinguisher on Carto is not a good idea.

Features/Pages affected

Tag:emergency=fire extinguisher

maybe Key:emergency


Please comment on the discussion page.