Proposal:Hostile Architecture

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Hostile Architecture
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Anarkick and H3wastooshort
Tagging: hostile_architecture=*

Draft started: 2021-06-13


I propose adding a tag to examples of hostile architecture (, specifically architecture targeted at homeless individuals, but other instances could also be added.

Ideally this could be used on nodes, ways and areas


Many homeless individuals do have access to a phone (and thus OpenStreetMap); doorways, flat surfaces and benches are all useful things to know about when planning on where to sleep. But if you arrive at a location to discover it's not possible, then this becomes difficult. Additionally, people like myself might complain about such architecture to our local representatives; being able to point to all the examples is useful for this purpose.

This data could be used to build tools specifically for rough sleepers or tools to generate the locations of examples to send to representatives


Tagged under the hostile_architecture=* tag


Benches can be tagged for their usability as a sleeping place.

hostile_architecture=useless_armrest Benches featuring an armrest in the middle of the seat surface to prevent homeless from lying down.
hostile_architecture=slanted Benches at an odd angle designed to make sitting/lying for long periods uncomfortable. See the Camden bench.
hostile_architecture=airholes Benches with airholes to make sleeping on them too cold. A possible issue is how to differentiate between holes put in with the intention to discourage sleeping, and holes that are just part of a design.
hostile_architecture=too_short Benches intentionally too short to sleep on.
hostile_architecture=standing_bench Benches where the user has to support most of their weight with their legs
hostile_architecture=no A bench that is suitable to sleep on.


hostile_architecture=spikes, hostile_architecture=bolts An area of spikes under, for example, bridges or on flat surfaces to prevent homeless from setting up camp. Smaller formations may be tagged with Lines or Points.
hostile_architecture=rubble Rubble placed in areas where homeless used to/would be sleeping. Point or Area.
hostile_architecture=fence A fence that serves no purpose other than keeping homeless from sleeping under a cover. Line.
hostile_architecture=noise An Area or Point where devices are employed that generate high-pitched noises to deter younger people and teenagers from loitering, or where music with the sole intention to prevent sleeping is played.
hostile_architecture=skatestoppers Protrusions on edges to stop skateboarding/grinding. Attribute of objects.

Examples bench on great queens street

The Mosquito, a device that deters loitering by making high pitched sounds, would be an example of hostile_architecture=noise


New Icons may be used to display standalone objects like rocks or spikes, though that is not required.

Features/Pages affected

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.