Proposal:Solar Panel Trackers

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The Feature Page for the approved proposal Solar Panel Trackers is located at Key:generator:solar:tracking
Solar Panel Trackers
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: Clorox
Tagging: generator:solar:tracking=*
Applies to: node, area
Definition: The solar tracker on a photovoltaic panel or thermal collector

Draft started: 2023-07-26
RFC start: 2023-08-03
Vote start: 2023-08-18
Vote end: 2023-09-01


A solar farm in Alcoutim, Portugal, with photovoltaic panels on tip-tilt dual axis trackers

Some solar panels use a solar tracker to periodically rotate and reorient themselves towards the Sun, while others are permanently fixed at one angle. This is a relevant detail when computing estimates of the power output capacity of solar panels, and can often be determined by survey or by aerial imagery. Both thermal collectors (generator:type=solar_thermal_collector) and photovoltaic panels (generator:type=solar_photovoltaic_panel) may have solar trackers.

This proposal defines tags for different types of solar trackers, as well as more generic fallback values for when limited information is available. Existing values of solar:tracking=* will be migrated to the new tagging scheme. The generator: prefix was chosen to match other aspects of solar panels and thermal collectors, which are tagged power=generator. The redundant value 2-axis and dual are deprecated in favor of the more descriptive dual_axis, and fixed is deprecated in favor of the more semantically useful no. The related tag generator:orientation=sun_following is to be deprecated as well, and replaced with generator:solar:tracking=yes.


Global Energy Monitor and TransitionZero are nonprofit organizations collaborating on a solar panel mapping project in select locations worldwide on OpenStreetMap. Before our project began in July 2023, there were about 2000 instances of solar:tracking=dual and 100 instances of solar:tracking=2-axis, which appears to refer to the same thing. Since then, we've added thousands of instances of solar:tracking=fixed and solar:tracking=single, though none of these tags have any documentation and there has been little discussion. We would like to solidify a tagging scheme for solar trackers so that mappers can capture these details as they locate and trace each solar panel.


This tag applies to solar panels and thermal collectors, which share the existing tagging:

The following tags can be added according to the existence and type of solar tracker:

Deprecated tags

The following is a table of tags deprecated by this proposal and their replacements. Upon acceptance of this proposal, all instances of the following tags created by us at Global Energy Monitor will be mechanically edited. For the remaining instances of these tags, we will send a message to mappers who originally added them, inviting them to update them themselves. If they prefer that we perform the updates, or we don't get a response for 3 days, we will handle mechanically editing them to the new tagging scheme.

Deprecated tag Replacement tag
solar:tracking=fixed generator:solar:tracking=no
solar:tracking=single generator:solar:tracking=single_axis
solar:tracking=dual generator:solar:tracking=dual_axis
solar:tracking=2-axis generator:solar:tracking=dual_axis
generator:orientation=sun_following generator:solar:tracking=yes


Key Value Element Comment Photo Taginfo
generator:solar:tracking no node area A feature with no solar tracker, permanently fixed at one angle
Solar panels on a rooftop in New Zealand
generator:solar:tracking yes node area A feature with an unspecified solar tracker
Horizontal single axis tracker in Shirley, Massachusetts, US

Single axis trackers

generator:solar:tracking single_axis node area A feature with an unspecified single axis tracker
Horizontal single axis tracker in Shirley, Massachusetts, US
generator:solar:tracking horizontal node area A feature with a horizontal single axis tracker (HSAT)
Horizontal single axis tracker in Shirley, Massachusetts, US
generator:solar:tracking horizontal_tilted node area A feature with a horizontal single axis tracker with tilted modules (HTSAT)
Horizontal single axis tracker with tilted modules in Xitieshan, Qinghai, China
generator:solar:tracking tilted node area A feature with a tilted single axis tracker (TSAT)
Tilted single axis tracker in Dorbod Banner, Inner Mongolia, China
generator:solar:tracking vertical node area A feature with a vertical single axis tracker (VSAT)
Image requested

Dual axis trackers

generator:solar:tracking dual_axis node area A feature with an unspecified dual axis tracker
Tip-tilt solar tracker in Qingdao, Shandong, China
generator:solar:tracking tip-tilt node area A feature with a tip-tilt dual axis tracker (TTDAT)
Tip-tilt solar tracker in Qingdao, Shandong, China
generator:solar:tracking alt-azimuth node area A feature with an azimuth-altitude (or alt-azimuth) dual axis tracker (AADAT)
Azimuth-altitude solar tracker in Toledo, Spain

Features/Pages affected

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.


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  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Something B (talk) 13:57, 18 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Tordanik 16:58, 18 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Jacobwhall (talk) 10:28, 19 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. -- Stevea (talk) 03:21, 20 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. Good job. Thanks --Adiatmad (talk) 09:02, 21 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --mnalis (talk) 23:15, 23 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Westnordost (talk) 14:50, 30 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --B1tw153 (talk) 15:04, 30 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. Looks like a good step forward. Erictheise (talk) 15:22, 30 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Phidauex (talk) 19:59, 30 August 2023 (UTC)
  • I approve this proposal I approve this proposal. --Fanfouer (talk) 17:08, 1 September 2023 (UTC)