Proposal:Ticket type

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Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: KartenKarsten
Tagging: tickets:bus=*, tickets:concert=*, tickets:football=*, tickets:aerialway=*, ticketsː̇*



Draft started: 2015‎-01-13


shop=ticket or vending=tickets indicate that tickets are sold but not which type of tickets.

Current solution vending machines:

the key vending=* is used with values like

see [1]

Current solution shop=tickets:

the tag tickets=* slowly appeared


tickets=* tickets:public_transport=yes tickets:bus=yes vending=public_transport_tickets

New Solution

To provide a solution for both (vending_machine and shop=ticket) I propose this tagging scheme which is inspired by RU:Tag:shop=ticket and includes the comments from the disscussion page.

public transportation

a Place to buy such tickets could be tagged by

  • tickets:public_transport=yes + Tags for types of transportation not included in local transport zone
  • or by all types of transportation (in local transport zone + if existent other types) separately
Tag description
tickets:public_transport=yes for tickets which are valid for several types of transportation (in a local public transport area)
tickets:subway=yes tickets for subway are sold
tickets:light_rail=yes tickets for [W] light rail trains are sold
tickets:monorail=yes tickets for [W] monorails are sold
tickets:tram=yes tickets for trams are sold
tickets:trolleybus=yes tickets for [W] trolley-busses are sold
tickets:bus=yes tickets for local (eg. city) buses are sold
tickets:suburban_bus=yes tickets for short distance buses (local/regional level) are sold
tickets:long_distance_bus=yes tickets for long distance buses (intercity level) are sold
tickets:train=yes tickets for trains are sold

(where train types are unknown or no difference)

tickets:long_distance_train=yes tickets for long distance trains (intercity level) are sold
tickets:suburban_train=yes tickets for short distance trains (local/regional level) are sold
tickets:airplane=yes tickets for airplanes are sold
tickets:funicular=yes tickets for [W] funicular are sold
tickets:aerialway=yes tickets for [W] aerialways are sold
tickets:ferry=yes tickets for ferries are sold

useful combinations

Tag description
network=* Network, if vending machine or shop belongs to some
operator=* Company in charge of the operation of vending machine or shop
ref=* Reference number, some unique ID of machine or shop inside network or operator
name=* Name of shop, if present
opening_hours=* Time when tickets are sold
payment=* Available payment methods

Example: Public transport ticket

vending_machine shop
amenity=vending_machine shop=tickets
vending=tickets shop:tickets=yes

tickets:train=yes tickets:subway=yes tickets:tram=yes


tickets:train=yes tickets:subway=yes tickets:tram=yes

not for transportation

Tag description
tickets:parking=yes tickets for parking cars are sold
tickets:concert=yes tickets for concerts are sold
tickets:stadium=yes tickets for sports events are sold

(Maybe it can be comleted with sport=*)

tickets:circus=yes tickets for circus are sold
tickets:theatre=yes tickets for theatre are sold
tickets:cinema=yes tickets for cinemas are sold

useful combinations

Tag description
operator=* Company in charge of the operation of vending machine or shop
ref=* Reference number, some unique ID of machine or shop inside operator
name=* Name of shop, if present
opening_hours=* Time when tickets are sold
payment=* Available payment methods
payment:prepaid=yes Available tickets payed in advance (via internet for example)
payment:prepaid=only Available only tickets payed in advance, no ways to pay at place

Example: ticket for a football match

vending_machine shop
amenity=vending_machine shop=*
vending=tickets shop:tickets=yes




replaced Tags

This proposal supsitudes all ticket related tags - therefore some tags became deprecated




use this discussion page Talk:Proposed_features/ticket_type
