Name finder:Abbreviations

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This is a list of abbreviations. Please help by adding to the list so we can broaden it to more languages.

The list is in alphabetical order (in the native tongue) and by alphabetical order by word. If there is more than one abbreviation for a word, please use a separate entry for it.

Abbreviations work both ways: so if someone has tagged a street Saint Johns St, then users can also expect a match for St Johns St, St Johns Street and Saint Johns Street (and also, incidentally, St John's St or St John St etc.), and vice-versa.

(*) Concatenated? means the abbreviation is used as part of a larger word, e.g. "…straat" is concatenated in words street names like "Koningsstraat" which might be abbreviated to "Koningsstr.". Separable? means: if the abbreviation is concatenated, can it ever be separated as well.

Use the column Prefix/Suffix to indicate if the abbreviated word normally appears in front of the name (prefix, e.g. Saint) or at the end (suffix, e.g Street).

This data may be useful for people working with names, data here will be used in one of future Nominatim versions GitHub.

বাংলা - Bangla

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
বাংলাদেশ বিডি no n/a no Bangladesh
আবাসিক এলাকা আ/এ no n/a no Residential area
জাতীয় অর্থনৈতিক পরিষদের নির্বাহী কমিটি একনেক no n/a no Executive Committee(ECNEC)
সড়ক ও জনপথ অধিদপ্তর সওজ no n/a no Organization(R&H)
পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড পাউবো no n/a no Organization(WDB)
রাজধানী উন্নয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ রাজউক no n/a no Organization(RAJUK)
টেলিফোন শিল্প সংস্থা টেশিস no n/a no Organization(TSS)
পল্লী বিদ্যুৎ সমিতি পবিস no n/a no Organization(BREB)
ইউনিয়ন পরিষদ ইউপি no n/a no Rural Council(UN)
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ঢাবি no n/a no University(DU)
বাগান বাগ no n/a no Gerden
সড়ক স. no n/a no Road
সেতু সে. no n/a no Bridge

Български език - Bulgarian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Блок бл. no n/a no block (house number)
Булевард бул. no n/a no boulevard
Вход вх. no n/a no entrance
Генерал ген. no n/a no General
Град гр. no n/a no city
Доктор д-р. no n/a no doctor
Доцент доц. no n/a no lecturer
Капитан кап. no n/a no captain
Митрополит мит. no n/a no Metropolitan bishop
Площад пл. no n/a no square
Професор проф. no n/a no professor
Свети Св. no n/a no Saint
Улица ул. no n/a no street
Село с. no n/a no village
Квартал кв. no n/a no quarters
Жилищен Комплекс ж.к. no n/a no district

All of these things appear before the name itself. Also names of people can be abreviated to first vocal letter (excluding the vocal) or first syllable.

Català - Catalan

Near completed. Working in progress…

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
aparcament aparc. no n/a not yet ???
apartament apmt. no n/a not yet ???
apartat apt. no n/a not yet ???
àtic àt. no n/a not yet ???
autopista auto. no n/a yes Motorway
autopista autop. no n/a not yet Motorway (variant)
autovia autov. no n/a yes Highway
avinguda av. no n/a yes Avenue
avinguda avd. no n/a not yet Avenue (variant)
avinguda avda. no n/a not yet Avenue (variant)
baixada bda. no n/a not yet ???
baixos bxs. no n/a not yet ???
barranc bnc. no n/a not yet ???
barri b. no n/a not yet ???
barriada b. no n/a not yet ???
biblioteca bibl. no n/a not yet ???
bloc bl. no n/a not yet ???
carrer c. no n/a yes Street
carrer c/ no n/a yes Street (variant)
carreró cró. no n/a yes Alleyway
carretera ctra. no n/a not yet Road
cantonada cant. no n/a not yet ???
cementiri cem. no n/a not yet ???
cinturó cint. no n/a not yet ???
codi postal CP no n/a not yet ???
col·legi col·l. no n/a not yet ???
col·legi públic CP no n/a not yet ???
comissaria com. no n/a not yet ???
convent convt. no n/a not yet ???
correus corr. no n/a not yet ???
districte distr. no n/a not yet ???
drecera drec. no n/a not yet ???
dreta dta. no n/a not yet ???
entrada entr. no n/a not yet ???
entresòl entl. no n/a not yet ???
escala esc. no n/a not yet ???
escola esc. no n/a not yet ???
escola universitària EU no n/a not yet ???
església esgl. no n/a not yet ???
estació est. no n/a not yet ???
estacionament estac. no n/a not yet ???
facultat fac. no n/a not yet ???
finca fca. no n/a not yet ???
habitació hab. no n/a not yet ???
hospital hosp. no n/a not yet ???
hotel H no n/a not yet ???
monestir mtir. no n/a not yet ???
monument mon. no n/a not yet ???
mossèn Mn. no n/a not yet ???
municipal mpal. no n/a not yet ???
museu mus. no n/a not yet ???
nacional nac. no n/a not yet ???
nombre nre. no n/a not yet ???
número núm. no n/a not yet ???
número n. no n/a not yet ???
sense número s/n no n/a not yet ???
parada par. no n/a not yet ???
parcel·la parc. no n/a not yet ???
passadís pdís. no n/a not yet ???
passatge ptge. no n/a yes Alleway
passeig pg. no n/a yes Parade
pavelló pav. no n/a not yet ???
plaça pl. no n/a yes Square
plaça pça. no n/a not yet Square (variant)
planta pl. no n/a not yet ???
població pobl. no n/a not yet ???
polígon pol. no n/a not yet ???
polígon industrial PI no n/a not yet ???
polígon industrial pol. ind. no n/a not yet ???
porta pta. no n/a not yet ???
portal ptal. no n/a not yet ???
principal pral. no n/a not yet ???
pujada pda. no n/a not yet ???
punt quilomètric PK no n/a not yet ???
rambla rbla. no n/a yes Boulevard
ronda rda. no n/a not yet ???
sagrada sgda. no n/a not yet ???
sagrat sgt. no n/a not yet ???
sant st. no n/a not yet ???
santa sta. no n/a not yet ???
sense número s/n no n/a not yet ???
sobreàtic s/àt no n/a not yet ???
travessera trav. no n/a not yet ???
travessia trv. no n/a not yet ???
travessia trav. no n/a not yet ???
urbanització urb. no n/a not yet ???
sortida sort. no n/a not yet ???
via v. no n/a not yet ???

Besides the preposition de, another usual construct is to use el, lo, la, l', es, sa, s' els, los, les,or ses (all translate to the) just after de. Note that "de el", "de lo", "de es", "de los" and "de els" contracts theirself to "del", "del", "des", "dels", and "dels" in most cases.

Cesky - Czech

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Ulice Ul. no yes not yet street
Třída Tř. no yes not yet avenue
Náměstí Nám. no yes not yet square

Dansk - Danish

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/Suffix Notes
Lille Ll no n/a no Prefix Little/small
Nordre Ndr no n/a no Prefix Northern
Nørre Nr no n/a no Prefix Northern
Søndre, Sønder Sdr no n/a no Prefix Southern
Store St no n/a no Prefix Great/big
Gammel,Gamle Gl no n/a no Prefix Old
hal yes yes no Suffix
hallen yes yes no Suffix
hallerne yes yes no Suffix

Deutsch - German

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/Suffix Notes
am a. no n/a not yet infix, prefix
an der a.d. no n/a not yet infix, prefix
Allgemeines Krankenhaus AKH no n/a not yet prefix, full
Altstoffsammelzentrum ASZ no n/a not yet prefix, full
auf der a.d. no n/a not yet infix, prefix
Bach B. yes yes not yet suffix
Bad B. no n/a not yet prefix
Bahnhof Bhf no n/a not yet prefix
Bayerisch, Bayerische, Bayerischer, Bayerisches Bayer. no n/a not yet prefix
Berg B. yes yes not yet suffix
…berg bg yes no not yet suffix
Bezirk Bez. no n/a not yet prefix
Brücke Br. yes yes not yet suffix
Bundesgymnasium BG no n/a not yet prefix
Bundespolizeidirektion BPD no n/a not yet prefix
Bundesrealgymnasium BRG no n/a not yet prefix
…burg bg yes no not yet suffix
burgenländische, burgenländischer, burgenländisches bgld. no n/a not yet prefix
Bürgermeister Bgm. yes yes not yet prefix
Chaussee Ch. no yes not yet ?
Deutsche, Deutscher, Deutsches dt. no n/a not yet prefix
Deutscher Alpenverein DAV no n/a not yet full
Deutsch Dt. yes yes not yet prefix
Denkmal Dkm. yes yes not yet suffix, full
Dorf Df. no n/a not yet suffix
…dorf df. yes no not yet suffix
Doktor Dr. yes yes not yet prefix
ehemalige, ehemaliger, ehemaliges ehem. no n/a not yet prefix
Fabrik Fb. yes yes not yet suffix, full
Fachhochschule FH no n/a not yet prefix
Freiwillige Feuerwehr FF no n/a not yet prefix, full
Forsthaus Fh. no always not yet prefix, full
Gasse G. no always not yet suffix
…gasse g. yes no not yet suffix
Gasthaus Gh no always not yet prefix
Gasthof Ghf no always not yet prefix
Gemeinde Gde. no n/a not yet prefix
Graben Gr. yes yes not yet suffix
Großer, Große, Großes Gr., G. no always not yet prefix
Gymnasium und Realgymnasium GRG no n/a not yet prefix
Handelsakademie HAK no n/a not yet prefix
Handelsschule HASCH no n/a not yet prefix
Haltestelle Hst. no n/a not yet prefix
Hauptbahnhof Hbf no always not yet suffix
Haus Hs. yes yes not yet suffix, prefix
Heilige, Heiliger, Heiliges Hl. no n/a not yet prefix
Hintere, Hinterer, Hinteres Ht., Hint. no n/a not yet prefix
Hinter… Ht., Hint. yes yes not yet prefix
Hohe, Hoher, Hohes H. no n/a not yet prefix
Höhle H. yes yes not yet suffix, prefix
Höhere Technische Lehranstalt HTL no n/a not yet prefix
Hütte Htt. yes yes not yet suffix, full
im i. no always not yet infix, suffix
in i. no always not yet infix, suffix
in der i.d. no n/a not yet infix, suffix
Ingenieur Ing. no n/a not yet prefix
Internationale, Internationaler, Internationales Int. no n/a not yet prefix
Jagdhaus Jh. no n/a not yet full, prefix
Jagdhütte Jhtt. no n/a not yet full, prefix
Kapelle Kap., Kpl. yes yes not yet suffix
Katastralgemeinde KG no n/a not yet prefix
Kläranlage KA no n/a not yet full, prefix
Kleiner, Kleine, Kleines kl. no n/a not yet prefix
Klein… Kl. yes yes not yet prefix
Kleingartenanlage KGA no n/a not yet prefix
Kleingartenverein KGV no n/a not yet prefix
Kogel Kg. no n/a not yet suffix, full mountain name
…kogel kg. yes no not yet suffix mountain name
Konzentrationslager KZ, KL no n/a not yet prefix
Krankenhaus KH no n/a not yet prefix, infix
Kreuz Kz. no n/a not yet suffix
…kreuz kz. yes no not yet suffix
Landeskrankenhaus LKH no n/a not yet prefix
Maria Ma. no n/a not yet prefix part of village names and church names
Magister Mag. no n/a not yet prefix
Magistratsabteilung MA no n/a not yet prefix
Markt Mkt. no n/a not yet suffix, prefix
Müllverbrennungsanlage MVA no n/a not yet prefix
Nationalpark NP no n/a not yet prefix
Naturschutzgebiet NSG no n/a not yet prefix
Neue Mittelschule NMS no n/a not yet prefix
Niedere, Niederer, Niederes Nd. no n/a not yet prefix
Niederösterreich no n/a not yet suffix, full
Niederösterreichische, Niederösterreichischer, Niederösterreichisches no n/a not yet prefix
nördliche, nördlicher, nördliches nördl. no n/a not yet prefix
Nummer Nr. no n/a not yet prefix
ob o. no n/a not yet infix Example: "Hausen ob Verena"
Oberer, Obere, Oberes ob. no n/a not yet prefix
Ober… Ob. no yes not yet prefix
Oberösterreich no n/a not yet suffix, full
Oberösterreichische, Oberösterreichischer, Oberösterreichisches no n/a not yet prefix
Objekt Obj. no n/a not yet prefix
Österreichische, Österreichischer, Österreichisches Öst., Österr. no n/a not yet prefix
Österreichischer Alpenverein ÖAV no n/a not yet full
Österreichischer Gebirgsverein ÖGV no n/a not yet full
Österreichischer Touristenklub ÖTK no n/a not yet full
östliche, östlicher, östliches östl. no n/a not yet prefix
Pater P. no n/a not yet prefix
Pfad P yes yes not yet suffix Rare. Abbreviation not in general use
Platz Pl. no yes not yet suffix
…platz pl. yes no not yet suffix
Professor Prof. no n/a not yet prefix
Quelle Q., Qu. yes yes not yet suffix, full
Reservoir Res. no n/a not yet full
Rhein Rh. no n/a not yet full, suffix
Rundwanderweg RWW yes yes not yet suffix, full
Ruine R. no n/a not yet prefix, full
Sandgrube, Schottergrube SG yes yes not yet full, prefix
Salzburg Sbg. no n/a not yet suffix, full
Salzburger Sbg. no n/a not yet prefix
Sankt St. no n/a not yet prefix
Schloss Schl. yes yes not yet prefix
See S. yes yes not yet suffix
Siedlung Sdlg. no n/a not yet prefix, suffix
…siedlung sdlg. yes no not yet suffix
Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum SMZ no n/a not yet prefix
Spitze Sp. yes yes not yet suffix part of mountain names
Steinbruch Stb. yes yes not yet prefix, suffix, full
Stiege Stg. no n/a not yet prefix, suffix 2 meanings: staircase (always prefix), steps (suffix, see next line)
…stiege stg. yes no not yet suffix
Straße Str. no n/a not yet suffix
Strasse Str. no n/a not yet suffix Swiss German writing variant
…straße str. yes no not yet suffix
…strasse str. yes no not yet suffix Swiss German writing variant
südliche, südlicher, südliches südl. no n/a not yet prefix
Unterer, Untere, Unteres u., unt. no n/a not yet prefix
Unter… U. yes yes not yet prefix
Teich T. yes yes not yet suffix, full
Technische Universität TU no n/a not yet prefix, full
Truppenübungsplatz TÜPL, TÜPl no n/a not yet prefix
Unfallkrankenhaus UKH no n/a not yet prefix
Universität Uni no n/a not yet prefix
…universität uni yes n/a not yet suffix, infix
verfallen verf. no n/a not yet infix usually in parentheses
von v. no n/a not yet infix, prefix
Vordere, Vorderer, Vorderes Vd., Vord. no n/a not yet prefix
Vorder… Vd., Vord. yes yes not yet prefix
von der v.d. no n/a not yet infix, prefix
vor der v.d. no n/a not yet infix, prefix
Volksschule VS no n/a not yet prefix, full
Wald W. yes yes not yet suffix
Wasserfall Wsf., Wssf. no no not yet suffix, full
Weg W. no n/a not yet suffix Abbreviation not in general use
…weg w. yes yes not yet suffix Abbreviation not in general use
westliche, westlicher, westliches westl. no n/a not yet prefix
Wiener Wr. no no not yet prefix
Wiese Ws. no n/a not yet suffix
…wiese ws. yes no not yet suffix
Wirtschaftsuniversität WU no n/a not yet prefix, full
Wirtshaus Wh. yes yes not yet prefix, full
zum z. no n/a not yet infix, prefix

They're not abbreviations, but possibly worth mentioning are the many "Im Blah", "In der Blah", "Am Blah", "An der Blah", "Zum Blah" names. When working on weighting algorithms, you definitely don't want to weight things as similar just because they have "In der" or whatever in common.

German streetnames are built using '-' instead of a space for two and more word namings, i.e. 'St.-Hubertus-Straße' (grammatically not correct but sometimes seen are 'St. Hubertus Straße' or 'Sankt Hubertus Straße').

There are also the very common prefixes 'Alt-', 'Neu-', 'Nieder-', 'Unter-', 'Ober-', 'Groß-', 'Klein-', that are mostly concatenated, but not always (in the case of Alt at least). They mostly come in pairs with the "base name" not existing (e.g., there is "Unterschöbling" and "Oberschöbling", but no "Schöbling").

In German, ß can become "ss", äöü become "ae", "oe" and "ue" respectively.

There is a language rule that if a place/streetname ends on -er it will be written seperately, so "Berliner Straße" is correct, but "Berlinerstraße" is not. It would be great if for the name finder "Berliner Str." equals "Berlinerstr." and "Berliner Straße".

Eesti - Estonian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Maantee mnt no no not yet Road
Puiestee pst no no not yet Avenue
Raudtee rdt no no not yet Railway
Raudteejaam rdtj no no not yet Railway station
Tänav tn no no not yet Street

A lot of legal information about Estonian place names, writing rules etc can be found from homepage of Place Names Board of Estonia

Ελληνικά - Greek

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/Suffix Notes
Αγίας Αγ. no no no prefix
Αγίου Αγ. no no no prefix
Αγίων Αγ. no no no prefix
Αδελφοί Αφοί no no no prefix
Αδελφών Αφών no no no prefix
Αλέξανδρου Αλ. no no no
Ανώτατο Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα ΑΤΕΙ no no no prefix
Αστυνομικό Τμήμα ΑΤ no no no prefix
Βασιλέως Β. no no no prefix
Βασιλέως Βασ. no no no prefix
Βασιλίσσης Β. no no no prefix
Βασιλίσσης Βασ. no no no prefix
Γρηγορίου Γρ. no no no
Δήμος Δ. no no no prefix
Δημοτικό Σχολείο ΔΣ no no no prefix
Δημοτικό Σχολείο Δημ. Σχ. no no no prefix
Εθνάρχου Εθν. no no no
Εθνική Εθν. no no no
Εθνικής Εθν. no no no
Ελευθέριος Ελ. no no no
Ελευθερίου Ελ. no no no
Ελληνικά Ταχυδρομεία ΕΛΤΑ no no no prefix
Θεσσαλονίκης Θεσ/νίκης no no no
Ιερά Μονή Ι.Μ. no no no prefix
Ιερός Ναός Ι.Ν. no no no prefix
Κτίριο Κτ. no no no prefix
Κωνσταντίνου Κων/νου no no no
Λεωφόρος Λ. no no no prefix
Λεωφόρος Λεωφ. no no no prefix
Λίμνη Λ. no no no prefix
Νέα Ν. no no no prefix
Νέες Ν. no no no prefix
Νέο Ν. no no no prefix
Νέοι Ν. no no no prefix
Νέος Ν. no no no prefix
Νησί Ν. no no no prefix
Νομός Ν. no no no prefix
Όρος Όρ. no no no prefix
Παλαιά Π. no no no prefix
Παλαιές Π. no no no prefix
Παλαιό Π. no no no prefix
Παλαιοί Π. no no no prefix
Παλαιός Π. no no no prefix
Πανεπιστήμιο ΑΕΙ no no no prefix
Πανεπιστήμιο Παν. no no no prefix
Πλατεία Πλ. no no no prefix
Ποταμός Π. no no no
Ποταμός Ποτ. no no no
Στρατηγού Στρ. no no no prefix
Ταχυδρομείο ΕΛΤΑ no no no prefix
Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα ΤΕΙ no no no prefix

Euskara - Basque

Not full list. Working in progress…

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Etorbidea Etorb. no n/a not yet Avenue
Errepidea Err. no n/a not yet Road
Kalea K. no n/a not yet Street


Nearly all of the U.S. TIGER data uses the standard USPS abbreviations in street names.

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Access Accs no n/a not yet
Air Force Base AFB no n/a not yet US
Air National Guard Base ANGB no n/a not yet US
Airport Aprt no n/a not yet
Alley Al no n/a not yet
Alley All no n/a not yet
Alley Ally no n/a not yet
Alley Aly no n/a not yet
Alleyway Alwy no n/a not yet
Amble Ambl no n/a not yet
Apartments Apts no n/a not yet US
Approach Apch no n/a not yet
Approach App no n/a not yet
Arcade Arc no n/a not yet
Arterial Artl no n/a not yet
Artery Arty no n/a not yet
Avenue Av no n/a yes
Avenue Ave no n/a not yet
Back Bk no n/a not yet
Banan Ba no n/a not yet
Basin Basn no n/a not yet
Basin Bsn no n/a not yet
Beach Bch no n/a not yet
Bend Bend no n/a not yet
Bend Bnd no n/a not yet
Block Blk no n/a not yet
Boardwalk Bwlk no n/a not yet
Boulevard Blvd no n/a yes
Boulevard Bvd no n/a yes
Boundary Bdy no n/a not yet
Bowl Bl no n/a not yet
Brace Br no n/a not yet
Brae Br no n/a not yet
Brae Brae no n/a not yet
Break Brk no n/a not yet
Bridge Bdge no n/a not yet
Bridge Br no n/a not yet
Bridge Brdg no n/a not yet
Bridge Bri no n/a not yet
Broadway Bdwy no n/a not yet
Broadway Bway no n/a not yet includes B'way
Broadway Bwy no n/a not yet
Brook Brk no n/a not yet
Brow Brw no n/a not yet
Brow Brow no n/a not yet
Buildings Bldgs no n/a not yet also includes singular
Buildings Bldngs no n/a not yet ditto
Business Bus no n/a not yet
Bypass Bps no n/a not yet
Bypass Byp no n/a not yet
Bypass Bypa no n/a not yet
Byway Bywy no n/a not yet
Caravan Cvn no n/a not yet
Causeway Caus no n/a not yet
Causeway Cswy no n/a not yet
Causeway Cway no n/a not yet includes C'way
Center Cen no n/a not yet USA
Center Ctr no n/a not yet USA
Central Ctrl no n/a not yet
Centre Cen no n/a not yet UK (Some US places spell it this way too)
Centre Ctr no n/a not yet UK, Australia
Centreway Cnwy no n/a not yet
Chase Ch no n/a not yet
Church Ch no n/a not yet
Circle Cir no n/a not yet
Circuit Cct no n/a not yet
Circuit Ci no n/a not yet
Circus Crc no n/a not yet
Circus Crcs no n/a not yet
City Cty no n/a not yet
Close Cl no n/a yes
Common Cmn no n/a not yet
Common Comm no n/a not yet
Community Comm no n/a not yet
Concourse Cnc no n/a not yet
Concourse Con no n/a not yet
Copse Cps no n/a not yet
Corner Cnr no n/a not yet
Corner Crn no n/a not yet
Corso Cso no n/a not yet
Cottages Cotts no n/a not yet also includes singular
County Co no n/a not yet
County Road CR no n/a not yet
County Route CR no n/a not yet
Court Crt no n/a not yet
Court Ct no n/a yes
Courtyard Cyd no n/a not yet
Courtyard Ctyd no n/a not yet
Cove Ce no n/a not yet
Cove Cov no n/a not yet
Cove Cove no n/a not yet
Cove Cv no n/a not yet
Creek Ck no n/a not yet
Creek Cr no n/a not yet
Creek Crk no n/a not yet
Crescent Cr no n/a not yet
Crescent Cres no n/a yes
Crest Crst no n/a not yet
Crest Cst no n/a not yet
Croft Cft no n/a not yet
Cross Cs no n/a not yet
Cross Crss no n/a not yet
Crossing Crsg no n/a not yet
Crossing Csg no n/a not yet
Crossing Xing no n/a not yet
Crossroad Crd no n/a not yet
Crossway Cowy no n/a not yet
Cul-de-sac Cds no n/a not yet
Cul-de-sac Csac no n/a not yet
Curve Cve no n/a not yet
Cutting Cutt no n/a not yet
Dale Dle no n/a not yet
Dale Dale no n/a not yet
Deviation Devn no n/a not yet
Dip Dip no n/a not yet
Distributor Dstr no n/a not yet
Down Dn no n/a not yet
Downs Dn no n/a not yet
Drive Dr no n/a yes
Drive Drv no n/a not yet
Drive Dv no n/a not yet
Driveway Drwy no n/a not yet
Driveway Dvwy no n/a not yet
Driveway Dwy no n/a not yet
East E no n/a yes
Edge Edg no n/a not yet
Edge Edge no n/a not yet
Elbow Elb no n/a not yet
End End no n/a not yet
Entrance Ent no n/a not yet
Esplanade Esp no n/a not yet
Estate Est no n/a not yet
Expressway Exp no n/a not yet
Expressway Expy no n/a not yet
Expressway Expwy no n/a not yet California
Expressway Xway no n/a not yet Cincinnati, Ohio
Extension Ex no n/a not yet
Fairway Fawy no n/a not yet
Fairway Fy no n/a not yet
Father Fr no n/a not yet
Ferry Fy no n/a not yet
Field Fd no n/a not yet
Fire Track Ftrk no n/a not yet
Firetrail Fit no n/a not yet
Flat Fl no n/a not yet
Flat Flat no n/a not yet
Follow Folw no n/a not yet
Footway Ftwy no n/a not yet
Foreshore Fshr no n/a not yet
Forest Service Road FSR no n/a not yet
Formation Form no n/a not yet
Fort Ft no n/a not yet
Freeway Frwy no n/a not yet
Freeway Fwy no n/a not yet
Front Frnt no n/a not yet
Frontage Fr no n/a not yet
Frontage Frtg no n/a not yet
Gap Gap no n/a not yet
Garden Gdn no n/a not yet
Gardens Gdn no n/a not yet also includes singular
Gardens Gdns no n/a not yet
Gate Ga no n/a not yet
Gate Gte no n/a not yet
Gates Ga no n/a not yet
Gates Gte no n/a not yet
Gateway Gwy no n/a not yet
George Geo no n/a not yet
Glade Gl no n/a not yet
Glade Gld no n/a not yet
Glade Glde no n/a not yet
Glen Gln no n/a not yet
Glen Glen no n/a not yet
Grange Gra no n/a not yet
Green Gn no n/a not yet
Green Grn no n/a not yet
Ground Grnd no n/a not yet
Grove Gr no n/a not yet
Grove Gro no n/a not yet
Grovet Gr no n/a not yet
Gully Gly no n/a not yet
Harbor Hbr no n/a not yet
Harbour Hbr no n/a not yet
Haven Hvn no n/a not yet
Head Hd no n/a not yet
Heads Hd no n/a not yet
Heights Hgts no n/a not yet
Heights Ht no n/a not yet
Heights Hts no n/a not yet
High School HS no n/a not yet
Highroad Hird no n/a not yet
Highroad Hrd no n/a not yet
Highway Hwy no n/a yes
Hill Hill no n/a not yet
Hill Hl no n/a not yet
Hills Hl no n/a not yet
Hills Hls no n/a not yet
Hospital Hosp no n/a not yet
House Ho no n/a yes
House Hse no n/a yes
Industrial Ind no n/a yes
Interchange Intg no n/a not yet
International Intl no n/a yes
Island I no n/a not yet
Island Is no n/a not yet
Junction Jctn no n/a not yet
Junction Jnc no n/a not yet
Junior Jr no n/a not yet
Key Key no n/a not yet
Lagoon Lgn no n/a not yet
Lakes L no n/a not yet
Landing Ldg no n/a not yet
Lane La no n/a not yet
Lane Lane no n/a not yet
Lane Ln no n/a yes
Laneway Lnwy no n/a not yet
Line Line no n/a not yet
Line Ln no n/a not yet As in "county line" and "state line"
Link Link no n/a not yet
Link Lk no n/a not yet
Little Lit no n/a not yet
Little Lt no n/a not yet
Lodge Ldg no n/a not yet
Lookout Lkt no n/a not yet
Loop Loop no n/a not yet
Loop Lp no n/a not yet
Lower Low no n/a not yet
Lower Lr no n/a not yet
Lower Lwr no n/a not yet
Mall Mall no n/a not yet
Mall Ml no n/a not yet
Manor Mnr no n/a not yet
Mansions Mans no n/a not yet
Market Mkt no n/a not yet
Meadow Mdw no n/a not yet also includes singular
Meadows Mdw no n/a not yet also includes singular
Meadows Mdws no n/a not yet also includes singular
Mead Md no n/a not yet
Meander Mdr no n/a not yet
Meander Mndr no n/a not yet
Meander Mr no n/a not yet
Medical Med no n/a not yet
Memorial Mem no n/a not yet
Mews Mews no n/a not yet
Mews Mw no n/a not yet
Middle Mid no n/a not yet
Middle School MS no n/a not yet
Mile Mi no n/a not yet
Military Mil no n/a not yet
Motorway Mtwy no n/a not yet
Motorway Mwy no n/a not yet
Mount Mt no n/a not yet
Mountain Mtn no n/a not yet
Mountains Mtn no n/a not yet
Municipal Mun no n/a not yet
Museum Mus no n/a not yet
National Park NP no n/a not yet
National Recreation Area NRA no n/a not yet
National Wildlife Refuge Area NWRA no n/a not yet
Nook Nk no n/a not yet
Nook Nook no n/a not yet
North N no n/a yes
Northeast NE no n/a not yet
Northwest NW no n/a not yet
Outlook Out no n/a not yet
Outlook Otlk no n/a not yet
Parade Pde no n/a not yet
Paradise Pdse no n/a not yet
Park Park no n/a not yet
Park Pk no n/a yes
Parklands Pkld no n/a not yet
Parkway Pkwy no n/a not yet
Parkway Pky no n/a not yet
Parkway Pwy no n/a not yet
Pass Pass no n/a not yet
Pass Ps no n/a not yet
Passage Psge no n/a not yet
Path Path no n/a not yet
Pathway Phwy no n/a not yet
Pathway Pway no n/a not yet
Pathway Pwy no n/a not yet
Piazza Piaz no n/a not yet
Pike Pk no n/a not yet
Place Pl no n/a not yet
Plain Pl no n/a not yet
Plains Pl no n/a not yet
Plateau Plat no n/a not yet
Plaza Pl no n/a not yet
Plaza Plz no n/a not yet
Plaza Plza no n/a not yet
Pocket Pkt no n/a not yet
Point Pnt no n/a not yet
Point Pt no n/a not yet
Port Port no n/a not yet
Port Pt no n/a not yet
Post Office PO no n/a
Precinct Pct no n/a not yet
Promenade Prm no n/a not yet
Promenade Prom no n/a not yet
Quad Quad no n/a not yet
Quadrangle Qdgl no n/a not yet
Quadrant Qdrt no n/a not yet
Quadrant Qd no n/a not yet
Quay Qy no n/a not yet
Quays Qy no n/a not yet
Quays Qys no n/a not yet
Ramble Ra no n/a not yet
Ramble Rmbl no n/a not yet
Range Rge no n/a not yet
Range Rnge no n/a not yet
Reach Rch no n/a not yet
Reservation Res no n/a not yet
Reserve Res no n/a not yet
Reservoir Res no n/a not yet
Rest Rest no n/a not yet
Rest Rst no n/a not yet
Retreat Rt no n/a not yet
Retreat Rtt no n/a not yet
Return Rtn no n/a not yet
Ridge Rdg no n/a not yet
Ridge Rdge no n/a not yet
Ridgeway Rgwy no n/a not yet
Right of Way Rowy no n/a not yet
Rise Ri no n/a not yet
Rise Rise no n/a not yet
River R no n/a not yet
River Riv no n/a not yet
River Rvr no n/a not yet
Riverway Rvwy no n/a not yet
Riviera Rvra no n/a not yet
Road Rd no n/a yes
Roads Rds no n/a not yet
Roadside Rdsd no n/a not yet
Roadway Rdwy no n/a not yet
Roadway Rdy no n/a not yet
Robert Robt no n/a not yet
Rocks Rks no n/a not yet
Ronde Rnde no n/a not yet
Rosebowl Rsbl no n/a not yet
Rotary Rty no n/a not yet
Round Rnd no n/a not yet
Route Rt no n/a not yet
Route Rte no n/a not yet
Row Row no n/a not yet
Rue Rue no n/a not yet
Run Run no n/a not yet
Saint St no n/a yes
Saints SS no n/a not yet
Senior Sr no n/a not yet
Serviceway Swy no n/a not yet
Serviceway Svwy no n/a not yet
Shunt Shun no n/a not yet
Siding Sdng no n/a not yet
Sister Sr no n/a not yet
Slope Slpe no n/a not yet
Sound Snd no n/a not yet
South S no n/a yes
South Sth no n/a not yet
Southeast SE no n/a not yet
Southwest SW no n/a not yet
Spur Spur no n/a not yet
Square Sq no n/a not yet
Stairway Strwy no n/a not yet
State Highway SH no n/a not yet Texas
State Highway SHwy no n/a not yet
State Route SR no n/a not yet
Station Sta no n/a not yet
Station Stn no n/a yes
Strand Sd no n/a not yet
Strand Stra no n/a not yet
Street St no n/a yes
Strip Strp no n/a not yet
Subway Sbwy no n/a not yet
Tarn Tn no n/a not yet
Tarn Tarn no n/a not yet
Terminal Term no n/a not yet
Terrace Tce no n/a not yet
Terrace Ter no n/a not yet
Terrace Terr no n/a not yet
Thoroughfare Thfr no n/a not yet
Thoroughfare Thor no n/a not yet
Tollway Tlwy no n/a not yet
Tollway Twy no n/a not yet
Top Top no n/a not yet
Tor Tor no n/a not yet
Towers Twrs no n/a not yet also includes singular
Township Twp no n/a not yet
Trace Trce no n/a
Track Tr no n/a not yet
Track Trk no n/a not yet
Trail Trl no n/a not yet
Trailer Trlr no n/a not yet
Triangle Tri no n/a not yet
Trunkway Tkwy no n/a not yet
Tunnel Tun no n/a not yet
Turn Tn no n/a not yet
Turn Trn no n/a not yet
Turn Turn no n/a not yet
Turnpike Tpk no n/a not yet
Turnpike Tpke no n/a not yet
Underpass Upas no n/a not yet
Underpass Ups no n/a not yet
University Uni no n/a not yet
University Univ no n/a not yet
Upper Up no n/a not yet
Upper Upr no n/a not yet
Vale Va no n/a not yet
Vale Vale no n/a not yet
Valley Vy no n/a not yet
Viaduct Vdct no n/a not yet
Viaduct Via no n/a not yet
Viaduct Viad no n/a not yet
View Vw no n/a not yet
View View no n/a not yet
Village Vill no n/a not yet
Villas Vlls no n/a not yet
Vista Vst no n/a not yet
Vista Vsta no n/a not yet
Walk Walk no n/a not yet
Walk Wk no n/a not yet
Walk Wlk no n/a not yet
Walkway Wkwy no n/a not yet
Walkway Wky no n/a not yet
Waters Wtr no n/a not yet
Way Way no n/a not yet
Way Wy no n/a yes
West W no n/a yes
Wharf Whrf no n/a not yet
William Wm no n/a not yet
Wynd Wyn no n/a not yet
Wynd Wynd no n/a not yet
Yard Yard no n/a not yet
Yard Yd no n/a not yet


Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Circuit CIRCT no n/a no
Concession CONC no n/a no
Corners CRNRS no n/a no
Crossing CROSS no n/a no
Diversion DIVERS no n/a no
Esplanade ESPL no n/a no
Extension EXTEN no n/a no
Grounds GRNDS no n/a no
Harbour HARBR no n/a no
Highlands HGHLDS no n/a no
Landing LANDNG no n/a no
Limits LMTS no n/a no
Lookout LKOUT no n/a no
Orchard ORCH no n/a no
Parkway PKY no n/a no
Passage PASS no n/a no
Pathway PTWAY no n/a no
Private PVT no n/a no
Range RG no n/a no
Subdivision SUBDIV no n/a no
Terrace TERR no n/a no
Townline TLINE no n/a no
Turnabout TRNABT no n/a no
Village VILLGE no n/a no


Supplement on existing English abbreviations for English abbreviations, used in places in the Philippines, that do not appear in the list above, that mostly apply in the US. Abbreviations used above are however, mostly punctuated in Philippine context (e.g. "St." for "St", "H.S." for "HS", "Univ." for "Univ", "Bldg." for "Bldg"), so Philippine variations for abbreviations above are included for convenience purposes.

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/Suffix Notes
Apartment Apt. no n/a suffix
Avenue Ave. no no not yet suffix
Barangay Brgy. not yet prefix/affix
Barangay Bgy. no n/a prefix
Barrio Bo. not yet prefix/affix
Block Blk. not yet prefix/affix
Brother Bro. not yet prefix
Building Bldg. no n/a not yet suffix
Capitan Capt. yes not yet prefix Disambiguate between the military rank (“captain”) and the political posts (i.e. capitan municipal, capitan del barrio etc) shorted as “Capitan”)
Captain Capt. yes not yet prefix Disambiguate between the military rank (“captain”) and the political posts (i.e. capitan municipal, capitan del barrio etc) shorted as “Capitan”)
Captain Cpt. not yet prefix
Chairman Ch. yes not yet prefix
Colonel Col. yes not yet prefix
Commission Comm. no n/a prefix/suffix Usually used in names of government offices.
Compound Cpd. yes not yet affix
Compound Cmpd. no n/a suffix Group of houses/residential area, usually a slum area. May have houses owned by one family ([Family name] Compound, or many families, for example, the Baseco Compound in Port Area, Manila.
Compound Cpd. no n/a suffix Group of houses/residential area, usually a slum area. May have houses owned by one family ([Family name] Compound, or many families, for example, the Baseco Compound in Port Area, Manila.
Congressman Cong. yes not yet prefix May also stand for “Congresswoman”, for females.
Cooperative Coop. no n/a not yet suffix
Corporal Cpl. not yet prefix
Department Dept. no n/a not yet prefix/suffix
Department Dep't no n/a not yet prefix/suffix
Doctor Dr. not yet prefix
Doctora Dra. not yet prefix
Drive Dr. not yet suffix
Extension Ext. not yet suffix
Father Fr. not yet prefix
General Gen. no n/a not yet prefix/affix Prefix form: "Gen. Santos"="General Santos"
Affix form: "Philippine Gen. Hospital"="Philippine General
Governor Gov. no n/a not yet prefix Used in names of places and roads named after former governors, for example,
Highway Hiway. not yet
Highway Hwy. not yet
Honorable Hon. not yet suffix
Interior Int. not yet
Kagalang-galang Kgg. not yet prefix
Kagawad Kag. not yet prefix
Kapitan Kap. not yet prefix
Kapitan Kapt. not yet prefix
Lieutenant Lt. not yet prefix
Major Maj. not yet prefix
Maria Ma. not yet prefix/affix
Mount Mt. not yet prefix
Municipal Mun. not yet prefix/affix
National Nat'l no n/a not yet usually used in road names (e.g. Nat'l Road for National Road), but may be used as common abbreviation of "National" in other names,
National High School NHS no n/a not yet suffix including form with periods (i.e. N.H.S.)
Phase Ph. not yet prefix/affix
Philippines Phil. no n/a not yet prefix
Place Pl. not yet
Police Community Precinct PCP no n/a not yet prefix
President Pres. not yet prefix
Private Pvt. not yet prefix/affix
Province Prov. no not yet prefix/suffix Prefix form is followed with "of"
Provincial Provl. not yet
Purok Prk. not yet
Representative Rep. not yet prefix
Road Rd. not yet suffix
Saint St. not yet prefix
San Sn. not yet prefix
Santa Sta. not yet prefix
Santo Sto. not yet prefix
Scout Sct. not yet prefix
Senator Sen. not yet prefix
Senior High School SHS no n/a not yet suffix High schools for Grades 11 and 12 of the K-12 program of the Department of Education (DepED), fully implemented in 2016.
Señor Snr. not yet prefix
Señor Sr. not yet prefix
Señora Sra. not yet prefix
Sergeant Sgt. not yet prefix
Sister Sr. not yet prefix
Sitio So. not yet
South So. not yet
Street St. not yet suffix
Subdivision Subd. not yet suffix/affix
Subdivision Subd. no n/a not yet suffix Term for privately owned and developed residential areas, usually a gated community.
Viuda Vda. not yet prefix

Español - Spanish

Most of these abbreviations are the official classification of road types, according to the National Statistical Institute (INE) of Spain. Many of these types of ways (and their abbreviations) are not commonly used or their use is rare, but they are part of the official list.

We have added some abbreviations from Royal Spanish Academy's compilation, and some common abbreviations for schools.

Note: As a general rule the point (.) is always written behind the abbreviations, except in those cases where the point is replaced by a slash (i.e. C/).

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/Suffix Notes
Acequia Aceq. no n/a not yet prefix Irrigation ditch
Alameda Alam. no n/a not yet prefix Boulevard with poplars. For extension any pedestrian walk with trees of any class which give shade to the walker.
Alquería Alque. no n/a not yet prefix Farmhouse
Andador Andad. no n/a not yet prefix In orchads or irrigated areas used for cultivation, path outside cultivated zones where people walk. In Mexico, corridor between buildings.
Angosta Angta. no n/a not yet prefix/suffix Narrow passage
Apartamento Apto. no n/a not yet prefix Apartments
Apartamentos Aptos. no n/a not yet prefix Apartments
Apeadero Apdro. no n/a not yet ? Halt
Arboleda Arb. no n/a not yet prefix Grove
Arrabal Arral. no n/a not yet prefix Suburb, slum quarter
Arroyo Arry. no n/a not yet prefix Stream
Asociación de Vecinos A. VV. no n/a not yet prefix Community Association
Asociación Vecinal A. V. no n/a not yet prefix Community Association
Autopista Auto. no n/a not yet prefix Motorway
Autovía Autov. no n/a not yet prefix Highway
Avenida Av. no n/a not yet prefix Avenue
Avenida Avd. no n/a not yet prefix Avenue
Avenida Avda. no n/a not yet prefix Avenue
Balneario Balnr. no n/a not yet prefix Spa
Banda B. no n/a not yet prefix Side
Banda Bda. no n/a not yet prefix Side
Barranco Branc. no n/a not yet prefix Gully
Barranquil Bqllo. no n/a not yet prefix Small gully
Barriada Barda. no n/a not yet prefix Shantytown
Barrio B.º no n/a not yet prefix Neighborhood
Barrio Bo. no n/a not yet prefix Neighborhood
Bloque Blq. no n/a not yet prefix Block
Bulevar Blvr. no n/a not yet prefix Boulevard
Boulevard Blvd. no n/a not yet prefix Boulevard
Calle C/ no n/a not yet prefix Street
Calle C. no n/a not yet prefix Street
Calle Cl. no n/a not yet prefix Street
Calleja Cllja. no n/a not yet prefix Narrow street or passage
Callejón Callej. no n/a not yet prefix Alleyway
Callejón Cjón. no n/a not yet prefix Alleyway
Callejón Cllón. no n/a not yet prefix Alleyway
Callejuela Cjla. no n/a not yet prefix Small street, similar to Calleja
Callizo Cllzo. no n/a not yet prefix Alley
Calzada Czada. no n/a not yet prefix Road
Camino Cno. no n/a not yet prefix Way
Camino Cmno. no n/a not yet prefix Way
Camino hondo C. H. no n/a not yet prefix Deep Way
Camino nuevo C. N. no n/a not yet prefix New Way
Camino viejo C. V. no n/a not yet prefix Old Way
Camping Campg. no n/a not yet prefix Camping
Cantera Cantr. no n/a not yet prefix Quarry
Cantina Canti. no n/a not yet prefix Canteen
Cantón Cant. no n/a not yet prefix Corner
Carrera Cra. no n/a not yet prefix Street that was before a way
Carrero Cro. no n/a not yet prefix Track or fingerprint that the people, the animals or the cars leave in the ways.
Carretera Ctra. no n/a not yet prefix Road
Carreterín Ctrin. no n/a not yet prefix Very very small road
Carretil Crtil. no n/a not yet prefix Way that is destined for the traffic of carts or of other carriages.
Caserío Csrio. no n/a not yet prefix Farmhouse
Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional CIFP no n/a not yet prefix School for professional development
Cinturón Cint. no n/a not yet ? Ring road
Circunvalación Ccvcn. no n/a not yet prefix/suffix Bypass
Cobertizo Cbtiz. no n/a not yet ? Shed
Colegio de Educación Especial CEE no n/a not yet prefix Special education school
Colegio de Educación Infantil CEI no n/a not yet prefix Preschool facility (isced:level=0 in Spain)
Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria CEIP no n/a not yet prefix School for preschool and primary education (isced:level=0;1 in Spain)
Colegio Rural Agrupado CRA no n/a not yet prefix Rural school in some parts of Spain
Colonia Col. no n/a not yet prefix Residential development (eg: working-class housing scheme)
Complejo Compj. no n/a not yet prefix Complex (eg: a industrial complex, a leisure complex, etc.)
Conjunto Cjto. no n/a not yet prefix Whole, group (eg: a residential complex, a gated community, etc.)
Convento Cnvto. no n/a not yet prefix Convent
Cooperativa Coop. no n/a not yet prefix Cooperative
Corralillo Crrlo. no n/a not yet prefix Small corral
Corredor Crrdo. no n/a not yet ? Corridor
Cortijo Crtjo. no n/a not yet prefix Country house
Costanilla Cstan. no n/a not yet prefix Short street with a larger gap than the nearby streets.
Costera Coste. no n/a not yet prefix Area in slope
Dehesa Dhsa. no n/a not yet prefix Meadow
Demarcación Demar. no n/a not yet prefix Demarcation
Diagonal Diag. no n/a not yet prefix Diagonal street
Diseminado Disem. no n/a not yet prefix Dissemination (recounted to a dispersed settlement)
Doctor Dr. no n/a not yet prefix Male doctor (common in street names)
Doctora Dra. no n/a not yet prefix Female doctor
Edificio Edif. no n/a not yet prefix Building
Empresa Empr. no n/a not yet ? Company
Entrada Entd. no n/a not yet prefix Entry
Escalera Esca. no n/a not yet prefix Straight
Escalinata Escal. no n/a not yet prefix Staircase
Espalda Eslda. no n/a not yet prefix Back
Estación Estcn. no n/a not yet prefix Station
Estrada Estda. no n/a not yet prefix Way that proves to tread the land or to walk for it.
Explanada Expla. no n/a not yet prefix Explanade, area of level ground .
Extramuros Extrm. no n/a not yet ? Outside the city, village o place (eg: Madrid extramuros => Outside of what were the ancient walls of the city of Madrid).
Extrarradio Extrr. no n/a not yet ? Outskirts, suburbs
Fábrica Fca. no n/a not yet prefix Factory
Fábrica Fbrca. no n/a not yet prefix Factory
Ferrocarril F. C. no n/a not yet prefix Railroad
Ferrocarriles FF. CC. no n/a not yet prefix Railroad
Galería Gale. no n/a not yet prefix Corridor
Glorieta Gta. no n/a not yet prefix Circus, roundabout
Gran Vía G. V. no n/a not yet prefix/standalone Important avenues of cities created after processes of renewal and urban expansion since the late nineteenth to mid twentieth century (literally Great Way)
Hipódromo Hipód. no n/a not yet prefix Racecourse
Instituto de Educación Secundaria IES no n/a not yet prefix School for Secondary Education (isced:level=2 in Spain)
Jardín Jdín. no n/a not yet prefix Garden
Llanura Llnra. no n/a not yet prefix Plain
Lote Lt. no n/a not yet prefix Lot, address parcel
Malecón Malec. no n/a not yet prefix Jetty
Manzana Mz. no n/a not yet prefix Housing block
Mercado Merc. no n/a not yet prefix Market
Mirador Mrdor. no n/a not yet prefix Viewpoint
Monasterio Mtrio. no n/a not yet prefix Monastery
Nuestra Señora N.ª S.ª no n/a not yet prefix Our Lady, in names for Virgin Mary and patron saints.
Nuestra Señora Ntr.ª Sr.ª no n/a not yet prefix Our Lady, in names for Virgin Mary and patron saints.
Nuestra Señora Ntra. Sra. no n/a not yet prefix Our Lady, in names for Virgin Mary and patron saints.
Palacio Palac. no n/a not yet prefix Palace
Pantano Pant. no n/a not yet prefix Bog, swamp
Parque Pque. no n/a not yet prefix Park
Particular Parti. no n/a not yet ? Private
Partida Ptda. no n/a not yet ? District territory or from one jurisdiction or administration which is leading a head village.
Pasadizo Pzo. no n/a not yet prefix Passageway
Pasaje Psje. no n/a not yet prefix Alleway
Paseo P.º no n/a not yet prefix Parade
Paseo marítimo P.º mar. no n/a not yet prefix Promenade (always by the sea)
Pasillo Psllo. no n/a not yet prefix Corridor
Plaza Pl. no n/a not yet prefix Square
Plaza Pza. no n/a not yet prefix Square
Plazoleta Pzta. no n/a not yet prefix Small square
Plazuela Plzla. no n/a not yet prefix Small square
Poblado Pbdo. no n/a not yet prefix Settlement
Polígono Políg. no n/a not yet prefix Estate (eg: polígono residencial => housing estate)
Polígono industrial Pg. ind. no n/a not yet prefix Industrial estate
Pórtico Prtco. no n/a not yet prefix Gateway, arcade
Portillo Ptilo. no n/a not yet prefix Small door
Prazuela Przla. no n/a not yet prefix Small square
Prolongación Prol. no n/a not yet prefix Extension (of a way, street, road, etc.)
Pueblo Pblo. no n/a not yet prefix Village
Puente Pte. no n/a not yet prefix Bridge
Puerta Pta. no n/a not yet prefix Door
Puerto Pto. no n/a not yet prefix Port
Punto kilométrico P. k. no n/a not yet ? Kilometric point
Rambla Rbla. no n/a not yet prefix Boulevard
Residencial Resid. no n/a not yet prefix Residential complex
Ribera Rbra. no n/a not yet prefix Riverside
Rincón Rcón. no n/a not yet prefix Corner
Rinconada Rcda. no n/a not yet prefix Corner
Rotonda Rtda. no n/a not yet prefix Roundabout
San S. no n/a not yet prefix Male saint
Sanatorio Sanat. no n/a not yet prefix Sanatorium
Santa Sta. no n/a not yet prefix Female saint
Santo Sto. no n/a not yet prefix Male saint (alternate form, only for specific names, e. g. Santo Tomás)
Santas Stas. no n/a not yet prefix Female saints
Santos Stos. no n/a not yet prefix Saints
Santuario Santu. no n/a not yet prefix Sanctuary
Sector Sect. no n/a not yet prefix Sector
Sendera Sedra. no n/a not yet prefix Path
Sendero Send. no n/a not yet prefix Path
Torrente Trrnt. no n/a not yet prefix Torrent
Tránsito Tráns. no n/a not yet prefix Transit
Transversal Trval. no n/a not yet prefix A street crossing
Trasera Tras. no n/a not yet prefix Back
Travesía Trva. no n/a not yet prefix Side street
Urbanización Urb. no n/a not yet prefix Housing development
Vecindario Vecin. no n/a not yet prefix Neighbourhood
Viaducto Vcto. no n/a not yet prefix Viaduct
Viviendas Vvdas. no n/a not yet prefix Block of flats

It is ungrammatical to omit the preposition de (Spanish for "of") in names of ways and squares ("Calle de Espronceda", "Plaza de Colón", "Avenida de América", "Paseo de Gracia"). Nevertheless, de is commonly skipped when immediately after the street type, being considered in Spanish as a specifying apposition (Calle (de) Alcalá).

This preposition cannot occur if the name is an adjective, like "Calle Real" (Royal Street) or "Plaza Nueva" (New Square). In these cases, including it is ungrammatical.

The word de is commonly followed by either of el, la, los or las (all translate to the): Carretera de El Pardo, Calle de los Caídos de la División Azul, Calle de las Descalzas. Note that "de el" is contracted to "del" unless "el" is part of a proper name (like El Pardo).

Any of de, del, de la, de los, de las is commonly skipped after the street type, e.g.: Calle de los Caídos de la División Azul → C/ de los Caídos de la División Azul → C/ los Caídos de la División Azul → C/ Caídos de la División Azul. Skipping small words in the middle of the name (following the previous example, "C/ Caídos División Azul") is considered wrong, but it would be acceptable in very extreme cases.

These characteristics must be taken into account by search engines, considering all these prepositions as stop words.

Français - French

General rule: a point (.) is needed except if the last letter is also the last letter of the word.

Concatenation with Grand, Petit or Petite is possible

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Abbaye ABE no n/a no
Agglomération AGL no n/a no
Aire AIRE no n/a no
Aires AIRE no n/a no
Allée ALL no n/a no
Allée All. no n/a no
Allées ALL no n/a no
Ancien chemin ACH no n/a no
Ancienne route ART no n/a no
Anciennes routes ART no n/a no
Anse ANSE no n/a no
Arcade ARC no n/a no
Arcades ARC no n/a no
Autoroute AUT no n/a no
Avenue AV no n/a no
Avenue Av. no n/a no
Barrière BRE no n/a no
Barrières BRE no n/a no
Bas chemin BCH no n/a no
Bastide BSTD no n/a no
Baston BAST no n/a no
Béguinage BEGI no n/a no
Béguinages BEGI no n/a no
Berge BER no n/a no
Berges BER no n/a no
Bois BOIS no n/a no
Boucle BCLE no n/a no
Boulevard Bd no n/a no
Boulevard BD no n/a no
Bourg BRG no n/a no
Butte BUT no n/a no
Cité CITE no n/a no
Cités CITE no n/a no
Côte COTE no n/a no
Côteau COTE no n/a no
Cale CALE no n/a no
Camp CAMP no n/a no
Campagne CGNE no n/a no
Camping CPG no n/a no
Carreau CAU no n/a no
Carrefour CAR no n/a no
Carrière CARE no n/a no
Carrières CARE no n/a no
Carré CARR no n/a no
Castel CST no n/a no
Cavée CAV no n/a no
Central CTRE no n/a no
Centre CTRE no n/a no
Chalet CHL no n/a no
Chapelle CHP no n/a no
Charmille CHI no n/a no
Chaussée CHS no n/a no
Chaussées CHS no n/a no
Chemin Ch. no n/a no Grand-Chemin
Chemin CHE no n/a no
Chemin Che. no n/a no Grand-Chemin
Chemin vicinal CHV no n/a no
Cheminement CHEM no n/a no
Cheminements CHEM no n/a no
Chemins CHE no n/a no
Chemins vicinaux CHV no n/a no
Chez CHEZ no n/a no
Château CHT no n/a no
Cloître CLOI no n/a no
Clos CLOS no n/a no
Col COL no n/a no
Colline COLI no n/a no
Collines COLI no n/a no
Contour CTR no n/a no
Corniche COR no n/a no
Corniches COR no n/a no
Cottage COTT no n/a no
Cottages COTT no n/a no
Cour COUR no n/a no
Cours CRS no n/a no
Cours Crs no n/a no Grand-chemin
Darse DARS no n/a no
Degré DEG no n/a no
Degrés DEG no n/a no
Descente DSG no n/a no
Descentes DSG no n/a no
Digue DIG no n/a no
Digues DIG no n/a no
Domaine DOM no n/a no
Domaines DOM no n/a no
Écluse ECL no n/a no
Écluse ÉCL no n/a no
Écluses ECL no n/a no
Écluses ÉCL no n/a no
Église EGL no n/a no
Église ÉGL no n/a no
Enceinte EN no n/a no
Enclave ENV no n/a no
Enclos ENC no n/a no
Escalier ESC no n/a no
Escaliers ESC no n/a no
Espace ESPA no n/a no
Esplanade ESP no n/a no
Esplanades ESP no n/a no
Étang ETANG no n/a no
Étang ÉTANG no n/a no
Faubourg FG no n/a no
Faubourg Fg no n/a no
Ferme FRM no n/a no
Fermes FRM no n/a no
Fontaine FON no n/a no
Fort FORT no n/a no
Forum FORM no n/a no
Fosse FOS no n/a no
Fosses FOS no n/a no
Foyer FOYR no n/a no
Galerie GAL no n/a no
Galeries GAL no n/a no
Gare GARE no n/a no
Garenne GARN no n/a no
Grand boulevard GBD no n/a no
Grand ensemble GDEN no n/a no
Grand’rue GR no n/a no
Grande rue GR no n/a no
Grandes rues GR no n/a no
Grands ensembles GDEN no n/a no
Grille GRI no n/a no
Grimpette GRIM no n/a no
Groupe GPE no n/a no
Groupement GPT no n/a no
Groupes GPE no n/a no
Halle HLE no n/a no
Halles HLE no n/a no
Hameau HAM no n/a no
Hameaux HAM no n/a no
Haut chemin HCH no n/a no
Hauts chemins HCH no n/a no
Hippodrome HIP no n/a no
HLM HLM no n/a no
Île ILE no n/a no
Île ÎLE no n/a no
Immeuble IMM no n/a no
Immeubles IMM no n/a no
Impasse IMP no n/a no
Impasse Imp. no n/a no
Impasses IMP no n/a no
Jardin JARD no n/a no
Jardins JARD no n/a no
Jetée JTE no n/a no
Jetées JTE no n/a no
Levée LEVE no n/a no
Lieu-dit LD no n/a no
Lotissement LOT no n/a no
Lotissements LOT no n/a no
Mail MAIL no n/a no
Maison forestière MF no n/a no
Manoir MAN no n/a no
Marche MAR no n/a no
Marches MAR no n/a no
Maréchal MAL no n/a no
Mas MAS no n/a no
Monseigneur Mgr no n/a no Same as Dutch
Mont Mt no n/a no
Montée MTE no n/a no
Montées MTE no n/a no
Moulin MLN no n/a no
Moulins MLN no n/a no
Musée MUS no n/a no
Métro MET no n/a no
Métro MÉT no n/a no
Nouvelle route NTE no n/a no
Palais PAL no n/a no
Parc PARC no n/a no
Parcs PARC no n/a no
Parking PKG no n/a no
Parc relais P+R no n/a no Park and ride (alt.)
Parking relais P+R no n/a no Park and ride
Parvis PRV no n/a no
Passage PAS no n/a no
Passage Pas. no n/a no
Passage Pass. no n/a no
Passage à niveau PN no n/a no
Passe PASS no n/a no
Passerelle PLE no n/a no
Passerelles PLE no n/a no
Passes PASS no n/a no
Patio PAT no n/a no
Pavillon PAV no n/a no
Pavillons PAV no n/a no
Petit chemin PCH no n/a no
Petite allée PTA no n/a no
Petite avenue PAE no n/a no
Petite impasse PIM no n/a no
Petite route PRT no n/a no
Petite rue PTR no n/a no
Petites allées PTA no n/a no
Place PL no n/a no
Place Pl. yes n/a no Grand-place
Placis PLCI no n/a no
Plage PLAG no n/a no
Plages PLAG no n/a no
Plaine PLN no n/a no
Plan PLAN no n/a no
Plateau PLT no n/a no
Plateaux PLT no n/a no
Pointe PNT no n/a no
Pont PONT no n/a no
Ponts PONT no n/a no
Porche PCH no n/a no
Port PORT no n/a no
Porte PTE no n/a no
Portique PORQ no n/a no
Portiques PORQ no n/a no
Poterne POT no n/a no
Pourtour POUR no n/a no
Presqu’île PRQ no n/a no
Promenade PROM no n/a no
Promenade Prom. no n/a no
Pré PRE no n/a no
Pré PRÉ no n/a no
Périphérique PERI no n/a no
Péristyle PSTY no n/a no
Quai QU no n/a no
Quai Qu. no n/a no
Quartier QUA no n/a no
Raccourci RAC no n/a no
Raidillon RAID no n/a no
Rampe RPE no n/a no
Rempart REM no n/a no
Roc ROC no n/a no
Rocade ROC no n/a no
Rond point RPT no n/a no
Roquet ROQT no n/a no
Rotonde RTD no n/a no
Route RTE no n/a no
Route Rte no n/a no
Routes RTE no n/a no
Rue R no n/a no
Rue R. yes n/a yes Grand’rue, Petite-rue
Ruelle RLE no n/a no
Ruelles RLE no n/a no
Rues R no n/a no
Résidence RES no n/a no
Résidences RES no n/a no
Saint St yes n/a yes Same as English
Sainte Ste yes n/a yes
Sente SEN no n/a no
Sentes SEN no n/a no
Sentier SEN no n/a no
Sentiers SEN no n/a no
Square SQ no n/a no
Square Sq. yes n/a yes Grand’rue
Stade STDE no n/a no
Station STA no n/a no
Terrain TRN no n/a no
Terrasse TSSE no n/a no
Terrasses TSSE no n/a no
Terre plein TPL no n/a no
Tertre TRT no n/a no
Tertres TRT no n/a no
Tour TOUR no n/a no
Traverse TRA no n/a no
Vallon VAL no n/a no
Vallée VAL no n/a no
Venelle VEN no n/a no
Venelles VEN no n/a no
Via VIA no n/a no
Vieille route VTE no n/a no
Vieux chemin VCHE no n/a no
Villa VLA no n/a no
Village VGE no n/a no
Villages VGE no n/a no
Villas VLA no n/a no
Voie VOI no n/a no
Voies VOI no n/a no
Zone ZONE no n/a no
Zone artisanale ZA no n/a no
Zone d'aménagement concerté ZAC no n/a no
Zone d'aménagement différé ZAD no n/a no
Zone industrielle ZI no n/a no
Zone à urbaniser en priorité ZUP no n/a no

Canada / Québec

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Boulevard BOUL no n/a no
Carré CAR no n/a no
Carrefour CARREF no n/a no
Centre C no n/a no
Chemin CH no n/a no
Croissant CROIS no n/a no
Diversion DIVERS no n/a no
Échangeur ÉCH no n/a no
Esplanade ESPL no n/a no
Passage PASS no n/a no
Plateau PLAT no n/a no
Rang RANG no n/a no
Rond-point RDPT no n/a no
Sentier SENT no n/a no
Subdivision SUBDIV no n/a no
Terrasse TSSE no n/a no
Village VILLGE no n/a no

Galego - Galician

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/suffix Notes
Asociación Veciñal A. V. no n/a not yet prefix Community Association
Asociación de Veciños A. VV. no n/a not yet prefix Community Association
Avenida Av. no n/a not yet prefix Avenue
Avenida Avda. no n/a not yet prefix Avenue
Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional CIFP no n/a not yet prefix School for professional development
Colexio de Educación Especial CEE no n/a not yet prefix Special education school
Colexio de Educación Infantil CEI no n/a not yet prefix Preschool facility (isced:level=0 in Spain)
Colexio de Educación Infantil e Primaria CEIP no n/a not yet prefix School for preschool and primary education (isced:level=0;1 in Spain)
Colexio Rural Agrupado CRA no n/a not yet prefix Rural school in some parts of Spain
Doutor Dr. no n/a not yet prefix Male doctor
Doutora Dra. no n/a not yet prefix Female doctor
Edificio Edif. no n/a not yet prefix Building
Estrada Estda. no n/a not yet prefix Road
Ferrocarril F. C. no n/a not yet prefix Railroad
Ferrocarrís FF. CC. no n/a not yet prefix Railroad
Instituto de Educación Secundaria IES no n/a not yet prefix School for Secondary Education (isced:level=2 in Spain)
Rúa R/ no n/a not yet prefix Street
San S. no n/a not yet prefix Male saint
Santa Sta. no n/a not yet prefix Female saint
Santo Sto. no n/a not yet prefix Male saint (alternate form, only for specific names, e. g. Santo Tomás)
Santas Stas. no n/a not yet prefix Female saints
Santos Stos. no n/a not yet prefix Saints
Señora Sra. no n/a not yet prefix Miss/Lady, commonly used as part of "Our Lady" in names of churches.
Urbanización Urb. no n/a not yet prefix Housing development

Bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian

See also #Bahasa Melayu - Malay. List specific for Indonesia. Work in progress.

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/suffix Notes
Dokter Dr. no n/a ? Prefix Doctor (title)
Gang Gg. no n/a ? Prefix alley
Gardu Induk GI no n/a ? Prefix electrical substation
Gunung Gn. no n/a ? Prefix mountain, mount
Insinyur Ir. no n/a ? Prefix Engineer (title)
Jalan Jl. no n/a ? Prefix road, street
Jenderal Jend. no n/a ? Prefix General (title)
Kabupaten Kab. no n/a ? Prefix regency
Kampung Kp. no n/a ? Prefix village
Kecamatan Kec. no n/a ? Prefix district
Kelurahan Kel. no n/a ? Prefix subdistrict
Kereta Api KA no n/a ? Prefix railway
Nomor No. no n/a ? Prefix number
Rumah Sakit RS no n/a ? Prefix hospital
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah RSUD no n/a ? Prefix regional general hospital
Sekolah Dasar SD no n/a ? Prefix elementary school
Sekolah Dasar Negeri SDN no n/a ? Prefix state elementary school
Sekolah Menengah Atas SMA no n/a ? Prefix senior high school
Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri SMAN no n/a ? Prefix state senior high school
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan SMK no n/a ? Prefix vocational high school
Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP no n/a ? Prefix junior high school
Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri SMPN no n/a ? Prefix state junior high school
Simpang Susun SS no n/a ? Prefix interchange
Taman Kanak-Kanak TK no n/a ? Prefix kindergarten

Italiano - Italian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Calle C.le no n/a
Campo C.po no n/a
Cascina no n/a
Cinque 5 no n/a
Corso no n/a
Corte C.te no n/a
Decima X no n/a
Decimo X no n/a
Due 2 no n/a
Fondamenta F.ta no n/a
Largo L.go no n/a
Località Loc. no n/a
Lungomare L.mare no n/a
Nona IX no n/a
Nono IX no n/a
Nove 9 no n/a
Otto 8 no n/a
Ottava VIII no n/a
Ottavo VIII no n/a
Piazza no n/a
Piazza P.zza no n/a
Piazzale P.le no n/a
Piazzetta P.ta no n/a
Ponte P.te no n/a
Porta P.ta no n/a
Prima I no n/a
Primo I no n/a
Primo 1 no n/a
Primo no n/a
Quarta IV no n/a
Quarto IV no n/a
Quattro IV no n/a
Quattro 4 no n/a
Quinta V no n/a
Quinto V no n/a
Salizada S.da no n/a
San S. no n/a
Santa S. no n/a
Santo S. no n/a
Sant' S. yes n/a
Santi SS. no n/a
Santissima no n/a
Santissime no n/a
Santissimi SS.mi no n/a
Santissimo no n/a
Seconda II no n/a
Secondo II no n/a
Sei 6 no n/a
Sesta VI no n/a
Sesto VI no n/a
Sette 7 no n/a
Settima VII no n/a
Settimo VII no n/a
Stazione Staz. no n/a
Strada Comunale SC yes yes
Strada Provinciale SP yes yes
Strada Regionale SR yes yes
Strada Statale SS yes yes
Terzo III no n/a
Terza III no n/a
Tre 3 no n/a
Trenta XXX no n/a
Un 1 no n/a
Una 1 no n/a
Venti XX no n/a
Venti 20 no n/a
Venticinque XXV no n/a
Venticinque 25 no n/a
Ventiquattro XXIV no n/a
Ventitreesimo XXIII no n/a
Via V. no n/a
Viale V.le no n/a
Vico no n/a
Vicolo V.lo no n/a

Magyar - Hungarian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
utca u. no no not yet street

Malagasy - Malgache

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Ambato Ato yes yes not yet
Ambinany Any yes yes not yet
Ambodi Adi yes yes not yet
Ambohi Ahi yes yes not yet
Ambohitr' Atr' yes yes not yet
Ambony Ani yes yes not yet En haut
Ampasi Asi yes yes not yet
Andoha Aha yes yes not yet
Andrano Ano yes yes not yet Là où il y a de l'eau

Bahasa Melayu - Malay

For Brunei and Malaysia.

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Jalan Jln. no n/a not yet
Simpang Spg. no n/a not yet
Kampong Kg. no n/a not yet
Sungai Sg. no n/a not yet
Haji Hj. no n/a not yet
Pengiran Pg. no n/a not yet
Awang Awg. no n/a not yet
Dayang Dyg. no n/a not yet

For Singapore.

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Bukit Bt no n/a not yet
Kampong Kg no n/a not yet
Tanjong Tg no n/a not yet
Lorong Lor no n/a not yet
Jalan Jln no n/a not yet

日本語 (Nihongo) - Japanese

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/Suffix Notes
中学校 yes no no Suffix Junior high school(Chūgakkō)
大学 yes no no Suffix University (Daigaku)
独立行政法人 (独) yes yes no Prefix Dokuritsu Gyōsei Houjin
学校法人 (学) yes yes no Prefix (Gakkō Hōjin)
銀行 yes no no Suffix Bank (Ginkō)
合同会社 (合) yes yes no Prefix/Suffix LLC (Gōdōgaisha)
合名会社 (名) yes yes no Prefix/Suffix General partnership (Gōmeigaisha)
合資会社 (資) yes yes no Prefix/Suffix Limited partnership (Gōshigaisha)
一般道道 (一) yes yes no Prefix Ippan Dōdō
一般府道 (一) yes yes no Prefix Ippan Fudō
一般県道 (一) yes yes no Prefix Ippan Kendō
一般社団法人 (一社) yes yes no Prefix Ippan Shadan Hōjin
一般都道 (一) yes yes no Prefix Ippan Todō
一般財団法人 (一財) yes yes no Prefix (Ippan Zaidan Hōjin)
医療法人 (医) yes yes no Prefix Medical [corporation](Iryō Hōjin)
株式会社 (株) yes yes no Prefix/Suffix Stock corporation/Co. [Ltd.] (Kabushikigaisha)
国立大学法人 (大) yes yes no Prefix [National] University (Kokuritsu Daigaku Hōjin)
公立大学法人 (大) yes yes no Prefix [Public] University (Kōritsu Daigaku Hōjin)
高等学校 yes no no Suffix High school (Kōtōgakkō)
高等学校 高校 yes no no Suffix High school (Kōtōgakkō)
小学校 yes no no Suffix Elementary school (Shōgakkō)
主要地方道 (主) yes yes no Prefix (Shuyō Chihōdō)
有限会社 (有) yes yes no Prefix/Suffix Limited company/Co. Ltd. (Yūgengaisha)
財団法人 (財) yes yes no Prefix Foundation (Zaidan Hōjin)

Nederlands - Dutch

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Broeder Br. no yes not yet "Br. Frederikstr." = "Broeder Frederikstraat"
Burgemeester Burg. no yes not yet "Burg. Patijnlaan" = "Burgemeester Patijnlaan"
Commandant Cmdt. no yes not yet "Cmdt. Weynsstraat" = "Commandant Weynsstraat"
Doctor Dr., dr no yes not yet "Dr. Willem Dreeslaan" = "Doctor Willem Dreeslaan"
Doctorandus Drs., drs no yes not yet "Drs. F. Bijlweg" = "Doctorandus Ferry Bijlweg"
Dokter Dr. no yes not yet "Dokter Crasbornplein" (incorrect; dr. = doctor)
Dominee ds no yes not yet "Dominee Theodor Fliednerstraat"
Gebroeders Gebr. no yes not yet [brothers] "Gebr. Blommestr." = "Gebroeders Blommestraat"
Generaal Gen. no yes not yet "Gen. Drubbelstr." = "Generaal Drubbelstraat"
Gracht gr. yes yes not yet [urban canal] "Herengr." = "Herengracht"
Ingenieur Ir., ir no yes not yet "Ir. Menneslaan" = "Ingenieur Menneslaan" = "ir Mennesln"
Jonkheer Jhr. no yes not yet "Jhr. Marcus van Gerwenlaan"
Kolonel Kol. no yes not yet "Kol. Silvertopstraat" = "Kolonel Silvertopstraat"
Kanunnik Kan. no yes not yet "Kan. Peetersstr." = "Kanunnik Peetersstraat"
Kardinaal Kard. no yes not yet "Kard. Cardijnln." = "Kardinaal Cardijnlaan"
Kort(e) Kte., K. no yes not yet "Kte. Winkelstraat" = "Korte Winkelstraat"
Koning Kon. no yes not yet [king] "Kon. Albertlaan" = "Koning Albertlaan"
Koningin Kon. no yes not yet [queen] "Kon. Beatrixplein" = "Koningin Beatrixplein"
Laan ln., ln yes yes not yet
Lange L. no n/a not yet "L. Leidsedwarsstraat" = "Lange Leidsedwarsstraat"
Luitenant Luit. no yes not yet "Luit. Lippenslaan" = "Luitenant Lippenslaan"
Markt mkt. yes yes not yet "Vrijdagmkt." = "Vrijdagmarkt"
Meester Mr., mr no yes not yet "Mr. Richard Goossensstr." = "Meester Richard Goossensstraat"
Mejuffrouw Mej. no yes not yet "Mej. N Schipperstraat" = "Mejuffrouw N Schipperstraat"
Mevrouw Mevr. no yes not yet "Mevr. Courtmansstr." = "Mevrouw Courtmansstraat"
Minister Min. no yes not yet "Min.Charles Ruysstraat" = "Minister Charles Ruysstraat"
Monseigneur Mgr., Mgr no yes not yet "Mgr. Nolensplein"
Noordzijde NZ, N Z, N. Z. no yes not yet Maarland NZ" = "Maarland Noordzijde"
Oostzijde OZ, O Z, O. Z. no yes not yet "Middelsluissedijk OZ" = "Middelsluissedijk Oostzijde"
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw(e)- O.L.V.-, O.L.V., OLV-, OLV yes yes not yet "O.L.V.-Waver" = "Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver"
Pastoor Past. no yes not yet "Past. Wouterstr." = "Pastoor Wouterstraat"
Plein pln., pln yes yes not yet
President Pres. no yes not yet Pres. Kennedylaan
Prins Pr. no yes not yet [prince] "Prins Bernhardstraat"
Prinses Pr. no yes not yet [princess] "Prinses Beatrixlaan"
Professor Prof. no yes not yet "Prof. Willemsstraat"
Singel sngl yes yes not yet
Straat str. yes yes not yet
Steenweg stwg. yes yes not yet "Grotestwg." = "Grotesteenweg"
Sint- St.-, St., St yes yes not yet "St. Paulusstr." = "St.-Paulusstr." = "Sint-Paulusstraat"
Van V. no yes not yet "Jan V. Gentstraat" = "Jan Van Gentstraat" = "Jan v Gentstr."
Van De V. D., vd no yes not yet "V. D. Sweepstraat" = "Van De Sweepstraat" ="vd Sweepstr."
Van Den V. D., vd no yes not yet
Van Der V. D., vd no yes not yet
Verlengde Verl no yes not yet "Verl Lodderlandsedijk" = "Verlengde Lodderlandsedijk"
Vliet vlt. yes yes not yet "St.-Jansvlt." = "Sint-Jansvliet"
Vrouwe Vr., Vr no yes not yet "Vr Machteldweg" = "Vrouwe Machteldweg"
Weg wg yes yes not yet "Klein Zuidbeijerlandsewg" = "Klein Zuidbeijerlandseweg"
Westzijde WZ, W Z, W. Z. no yes not yet "Middelsluissedijk WZ" = "Middelsluissedijk Westzijde"
Zuidzijde ZZ, Z Z, Z. Z. no yes not yet Maarland ZZ" = "Maarland Zuidzijde"
Zuster Zr. no yes not yet "Zr. Visserlaantje" = "Zuster Visserlaantje"

Occitan (Lenga d'òc) - Occitan

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Avenguda no n/a Avenguda las Nautas Corbieras
Camin no n/a Camin de la Cayrota
Carrièra no n/a Carrièra dal Pichon
Pas no n/a Pas dal Perier
Plaça no n/a

Norsk - Norwegian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
vei, veien, veg, vegen v yes yes "way"
vei, veien, veg, vegen vn yes yes "way"
gate, gaten, gata g yes yes "street"
gate, gaten, gata gt yes yes "street"
plass, plassen pl yes yes "square"
sving, svingen sv yes yes "bend"

Not strictly about abbreviations, but: The definite form of feminine nouns can be expressed by two different suffixes: -en and -a. In place names, there is often no preference for one form. For instance, the Oslo quarter is sometimes named Majorstua, sometimes Majorstuen -- even on street signs. The name finder should be able to map between the two. This is especially true for "gaten" vs. "gata".

Filipino - Filipino

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/suffix Notes
Barangay Brgy. no n/a prefix
Barangay Bgy. no n/a prefix
Highway Hiway no n/a suffix
Lungsod Lung. no n/a prefix city
Pamantasan Pam. no n/a prefix college
San Sn. no n/a prefix male saint
Santa Sta. no n/a prefix female saint
Santo Sto. no n/a prefix male saint
Sitio So. no n/a prefix Hamlet

Polski – Polish

Note that in general dots may be skipped, even if that is not entirely correct.

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Aleja, Aleje, Alei, Alejach, Aleją al. no yes not yet Alley
Ulica, Ulice, Ulicą, Ulicy ul. no yes not yet Found at the start of the address, not the end, eg ul. Sowia, meaning Sowia Street. In OSM omitted from name tags.
Plac, Placu, Placem pl. no yes not yet Square
Wybrzeże, Wybrzeża, Wybrzeżem wyb. no yes not yet way 504350508 Rarely appearing road type prefix
Bulwar bulw. no yes not yet Rarely appearing road type prefix for pedestrian way along waterfront
Dolny, Dolna, Dolne Dln no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Drugi, Druga, Drugie 2 no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Drugi, Druga, Drugie II no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Duży, Duża, Duże Dz no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Duży, Duża, Duże no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Górny, Górna, Górne Grn no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Kolonia kol. no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
koło, kolo k. no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Mały, Mała, Małe Ml no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Mały, Mała, Małe no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Mazowiecka, Mazowiecki, Mazowieckie maz. no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Miasto m. no yes not yet Frequently found in gmina names
Nowy, Nowa, Nowe Nw no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Nowy, Nowa, Nowe N. no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Osiedle, Osiedlu os. no yes not yet District
Pierwszy, Pierwsza, Pierwsze 1 no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Pierwszy, Pierwsza, Pierwsze I no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Szkoła Podstawowa SP no yes not yet means "elementary school", frequent in school names
Stary, Stara, Stare St. no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Stary, Stara, Stare Str no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Trzeci, Trzecia, Trzecie III no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Trzeci, Trzecia, Trzecie 3 no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Wielki, Wielka, Wielkie Wlk no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Wielkopolski, Wielkopolska, Wielkopolskie wlkp. no yes not yet Frequently found in locality names
Województwo, Województwie woj. no yes not yet Administrative district
kardynała (kardynał) kard. no yes not yet Frequently found in street names
pułkownika (pułkownik) płk. no yes not yet Found in street names
marszałka (marszałek) marsz. no yes not yet Frequently found in street names, means "marshall"
generała (generał) gen. no yes not yet Frequently found in street names, means "general"
Świętego, Świętej, Świętych (święty, święta, święci) św. no yes not yet 'saint' - separate versions for male saint, female saint and group of saints
Świętych (święci) śś. no yes not yet rare form but exists
Ojców oo no yes not yet rare form but exists (for example "Ojców Dominikanów")
Błogosławionego, Błogosławionej, Błogosławionych (błogosławiony, błogosławiona, błogosławieni) bł. no yes not yet 'blessed' - separate versions for male, female and group
księdza (ksiądz) ks. no yes not yet Frequently found in street names, means "priest"
księcia (książe) ks. no yes not yet Found in street names, means "prince"
doktora (doktor) dr. no yes not yet Frequently found in street names
majora (major) mjr. mjr no yes not yet Frequently found in street names, note that "major" would be correctly shortened without dot (as last letter of shortcut is the same as last letter of the word)
biskupa (biskup) bpa no yes not yet Frequently found in street names, means "bishop"
biskupa (biskup) bp. no yes not yet Frequently found in street names, means "bishop"
rotmistrza (rotmistrz) rotm. no yes not yet Found in street names
profesora (profesor) prof. no yes not yet Found in street names
hrabiego/hrabiny (hrabia/hrabina) hr. no yes not yet Rarely found in street names
porucznika (porucznik) por. no yes not yet Rarely found in street names
podpułkownika (podpułkownik) ppłk. / ppułkownika no yes not yet Rarely found in street names
pułkownika (pułkownik) płk. no yes not yet Rarely found in street names
podporucznika (podporucznik) ppor. / pporucznika no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
porucznika (porucznik) por. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
marszałka (marszałek) marsz. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
chorążego (chorąży) chor. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
szeregowego (szeregowego) szer. no yes not yet Extremely rarely if ever found in street names (low level, unlikely to be used as honorific)
kaprala (kapral) kpr. no yes not yet Extremely rarely if ever found in street names (low level, unlikely to be used as honorific)
plutonowego (plutonowy) plut. no yes not yet Extremely rarely if ever found in street names (low level, unlikely to be used as honorific)
kapitana (kapitan) kpt. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
admirała (admirał) adm. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
wiceadmirała (wiceadmirał) wadm. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
kontradmirała (kontradmirał) kontradm. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
batalionów (bataliony) bat. no yes not yet Very rarely found in street names
batalionu (batalion) bat. no yes not yet Other posible expansion of "bat.", not sure whatever it is present anywhere.

See also Polish Wiktionary listing shortcuts commonly used in Polish language

Português - Portuguese

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Associação Ass no n/a
Alameda Al no n/a
Alferes Alf no n/a
Almirante Alm no n/a
Arquitecto Arq no n/a
Arquitecto Arqº no n/a
Arquiteto Arq no n/a
Arquiteto Arqº no n/a
Auto-estrada A yes yes
Avenida Av no n/a yes
Avenida Avª no n/a not yet
Azinhaga Az no n/a
Bairro B no n/a used in Brazil (Example)
Bairro no n/a
Bairro Br no n/a
Beco Bc no n/a
Beco Bco no n/a
Bloco Bl no n/a
Bombeiros Voluntários BV no n/a
Bombeiros Voluntários B.V. no n/a
Brigadeiro Brg no n/a
Cacique Cac no n/a
Calçada Cc no n/a
Calçadinha Ccnh no n/a
Câmara Municipal CM no n/a
Câmara Municipal C.M. no n/a
Câmara Municipal C. M. no n/a
Caminho Cam no n/a
Capitão Cap no n/a
Casal Csl no n/a
Cave Cv no n/a
Centro Comercial CC no n/a
Centro Comercial C.C. no n/a
Ciclo do Ensino Básico CEB no n/a
Ciclo do Ensino Básico C.E.B. no n/a
Ciclo do Ensino Básico C. E. B. no n/a
Comandante Cmdt no n/a
Comendador Comend no n/a
Companhia no n/a
Conselheiro Cons no n/a
Coronel Cor no n/a
Coronel Cel no n/a used in Brazil
Corte C.te no n/a used in Portugal
De yes yes Example: "Rua do Crasto D´Alem" = "Rua do Crasto de Alem"
De D' yes yes
Departamento Dept no n/a
Deputado Dep no n/a
Direito Dto no n/a
Dom D no n/a not yet
Dona D no n/a
Dona no n/a
Doutor Dr no n/a not yet
Doutora Dr no n/a
Doutora Drª no n/a
Doutora Dra no n/a not yet
Duque Dq no n/a
Edifício Ed no n/a
Edifício Edf no n/a
Embaixador Emb no n/a
Empresa Pública EP no n/a
Empresa Pública E.P. no n/a
Enfermeiro Enfo no n/a
Enfermeiro Enfº no n/a
Enfermeiro Enf no n/a
Engenheiro Eng no n/a not yet
Engenheiro Engº no n/a
Engenheira Eng no n/a
Engenheira Engª no n/a
Escadas Esc no n/a
Escadinhas Escnh no n/a
Escola Básica EB no n/a
Escola Básica E.B. no n/a
Escola Básica E. B. no n/a
Esquerdo Esq no n/a
Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais ETAR no n/a
Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais E.T.A.R. no n/a
Estrada Estr no n/a
Estrada Municipal EM yes yes
Estrada Nacional EN yes yes
Estrada Regional ER yes yes
Frei Fr no n/a
Frente Ft no n/a
Futebol Clube FC no n/a
Futebol Clube F.C. no n/a
Futebol Clube F. C. no n/a
Guarda Nacional Republicana GNR no n/a
Guarda Nacional Republicana G.N.R. no n/a
General Gen no n/a
General Gal no n/a used in Brazil (Example)
Habitação Hab no n/a
Infante Inf no n/a
Instituto Inst no n/a
Irmã Ima no n/a
Irmã Imª no n/a
Irmã Im no n/a
Irmão Imo no n/a
Irmão Imº no n/a
Irmão Im no n/a
Itinerário Complementar IC yes yes
Itinerário Principal IP yes yes
Jardim Jrd no n/a
Júnior Jr no n/a
Largo Lg no n/a not yet
Limitada Lda no n/a
Loja Lj no n/a
Lote Lt no n/a
Loteamento Loteam no n/a
Lugar Lg no n/a
Lugar Lug no n/a
Maestro Mto no n/a
Major Maj no n/a not yet
Marechal Mal no n/a
Marquês Mq no n/a not yet
Madre Me no n/a
Mestre Me no n/a
Ministro Min no n/a
Monsenhor Mons no n/a
Municipal M yes yes (Estrada) Municipal
Nacional N yes yes (Estrada) Nacional
Nossa N no n/a not yet
Nossa no n/a
Nossa Senhora Ns no n/a
Nosso N no n/a
Número N yes yes
Número yes yes
Padre Pe no n/a not yet
Parque Pq no n/a
Particular Part no n/a not yet
Pátio Pto no n/a
Pavilhão Pav no n/a
Polícia de Segurança Pública PSP no n/a
Polícia de Segurança Pública P.S.P. no n/a
Polícia Judiciária PJ no n/a
Polícia Judiciária P.J. no n/a
Praça Pc no n/a
Praça no n/a
Praça Pr no n/a
Praceta Pct no n/a
Praceta Pctª no n/a
Presidente Presid no n/a
Primeiro no n/a not yet Primeiro de Maio = 1º de Maio
Professor Prof no n/a yes
Professora Prof no n/a not yet
Professora Profª no n/a not yet
Projectada Proj no n/a
Projetada Proj no n/a
Prolongamento Prolng no n/a
Quadra Q no n/a
Quadra Qd no n/a
Quinta Qta no n/a
Regional R yes yes (Estrada) Regional
Rés-do-chão R/c no n/a
Rés-do-chão Rc no n/a
Rotunda Rot no n/a
Ribeira no n/a
Ribeira Rib no n/a
Ribeira Ribª no n/a
Ribeirão Rib no n/a
Rio R no n/a It's not common to see the word "Rio" abbreviated in Brazil
Rua R no n/a not yet
Santa Sta no n/a
Santa Stª no n/a
Santo St no n/a not yet
Santo Sto no n/a not yet
Santo Stº no n/a not yet
São S no n/a not yet
Sargento Sarg no n/a
Sem Número S/n no n/a
Sem Número Sn no n/a
Senhor S no n/a not yet
Senhor Sr no n/a not yet
Senhora S no n/a not yet
Senhora no n/a not yet
Senhora Srª no n/a not yet
Senhora Sr.ª no n/a not yet
Senhora S.ra no n/a
Senhora Sra no n/a not yet
Sobre-Loja Slj no n/a
Sociedade Soc no n/a
Sociedade Anónima SA no n/a
Sociedade Anónima S.A. no n/a
Sport Clube SC no n/a
Sport Clube S.C. no n/a
Sport Clube S. C. no n/a
Sub-Cave Scv no n/a
Superquadra Sq no n/a
Tenente Ten no n/a
Torre Tr no n/a
Transversal Transv no n/a
Travessa Trav no n/a not yet
Travessa Trv no n/a
Travessa Tv no n/a not yet
Universidade Univ no n/a
Urbanização Urb no n/a
Vila Vl no n/a
Visconde Visc no n/a
Vivenda Vv no n/a
Zona Zn no n/a

Română - Romanian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Aleea ale. no no no Alley
Aleea aleea. no no no Alley
Aleea alea no no no Alley; this abbreviation is actually a common misspelling
Aleea ale no no no Alley
Aleea al no no no Alley; note this can be short for "Alexandu/Alexander", so should only be considered if "a" is lowercase
Bulevardul bd. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bul. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bdul. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul blv. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul blvd. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul b-dul. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul b.dul. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bulev. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bulevard. no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bulevardu no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bulevard no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bulev no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul b-dul no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul b.dul no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul blvd no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul blv no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bdul no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bul no no no Boulevard
Bulevardul bd no no no Boulevard
Calea cal. no no no Way
Fundătura fnd. no no no Close
Fundătura fnd no no no Close
Fundacul fdc. no no no Close (another variant)
Fundacul fdc no no no Close (another variant)
Intrarea int. no no no mot-a-mot translation: Entrance
Intrarea intr. no no no mot-a-mot translation: Entrance
Intrarea intrarea. no no no mot-a-mot translation: Entrance
Intrarea intr no no no mot-a-mot translation: Entrance
Intrarea int no no no mot-a-mot translation: Entrance
Piața pta. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața pţa. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața pța. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața p-ta. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața p-ţa. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața p-ța. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piața. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piaţa. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piață. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piaţă. no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piaţă no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piată no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piaţa no no no Square / Plaza
Piața piata no no no Square / Plaza
Piața p-ta no no no Square / Plaza
Piața p-ţa no no no Square / Plaza
Piața p-ța no no no Square / Plaza
Piața pta no no no Square / Plaza
Piața pţa no no no Square / Plaza
Piața pța no no no Square / Plaza
Strada strada. no no no Street
Strada stra. no no no Street
Strada str. no no no Street
Strada str no no no Street
Stradela str-la. no no no Small street
Stradela sdla. no no no Small street
Stradela str-la no no no Small street
Stradela sdla no no no Small street
Șoseaua sos. no no no Avenue
Șoseaua soseaua. no no no Avenue
Șoseaua sos no no no Avenue
Splaiul sp. no no no Splaiul; this can be short for "Spitalul"=Hospital, so should be considered only if "s" is lowercase
Splaiul splaiul. no no no Splaiul
Splaiul spl no no no Splaiul
Vârful vf. no no no Peak
Vârful virful no no no Peak (written without diacritics and according to the pre-1993 spelling rules)
Vârful vîrful no no no Peak (written according to the pre-1993 spelling rules)
Vârful varful no no no Peak
Vârful virf no no no Peak (written without diacritics and according to the pre-1993 spelling rules)
Vârful varf no no no Peak
Vârful vf no no no Peak
Muntele m-tele. no no no Muntele
Muntele m-te. no no no Muntele
Muntele mnt. no no no Muntele
Muntele mt. no no no Muntele
Muntele m-tele no no no Muntele
Muntele m-te no no no Muntele
Muntele mnt no no no Muntele
Muntele mt no no no Muntele

Русский - Russian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
аллея ал. no n/a not yet alleya - alley
бульвар бул. no n/a not yet bul'var - boulevard
набережная наб. no n/a not yet naberezhnaya - quay
переулок пер. no n/a not yet pereulok - lane
площадь пл. no n/a not yet ploshchad' - square
проезд пр. no n/a not yet proyezd - passage
проспект просп. no n/a not yet prospekt - avenue
шоссе ш. no n/a not yet shosse - highway
тупик туп. no n/a not yet tupik - dead end street
улица ул. no n/a not yet ulitsa - street
область обл. no n/a not yet oblast - province

Slovenščina - Slovenian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Cesta C. no yes not yet
Gasilski Dom GD no yes not yet
Osnovna šola no yes not yet
Prostovoljno Gasilsko Društvo PGD no yes not yet
Savinjski Savinj. no yes not yet
Slovenskih Slov. no yes not yet
Spodnja Sp. no yes not yet
Spodnje Sp. no yes not yet
Spodnji Sp. no yes not yet
Srednja Sr. no yes not yet
Srednje Sr. no yes not yet
Srednji Sr. no yes not yet
Sveta Sv. no yes not yet
Svete Sv. no yes not yet
Sveti Sv. no yes not yet
Svetega Sv. no yes not yet
Šent Št. no yes not yet
Ulica Ul. no yes not yet
Velika V. no yes not yet
Velike V. no yes not yet
Veliki V. no yes not yet
Veliko V. no yes not yet
Velikem V. no yes not yet
Velika Vel. no yes not yet
Velike Vel. no yes not yet
Veliki Vel. no yes not yet
Veliko Vel. no yes not yet
Velikem Vel. no yes not yet
Zdravstveni dom ZD no yes not yet
Zgornja Zg. no yes not yet
Zgornje Zg. no yes not yet
Zgornji Zg. no yes not yet

Slovensky - Slovak

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Ulica Ul no yes not yet
Námestie Nám no yes not yet
Svätého/Svätej Sv no yes not yet
Generála Gen no yes not yet
Armádneho generála Arm. gen no yes not yet
Doktora/Doktorky Dr no yes not yet
Inžiniera/Inžinierky Ing no yes not yet
Majora Mjr no yes not yet
Profesora/Profesorky Prof no yes not yet
Československej Čsl no yes not yet
Plukovníka Plk no yes not yet
Podplukovníka Pplk no yes not yet
Kapitána Kpt no yes not yet
Poručíka Por no yes not yet
Podporučíka Ppor no yes not yet
Sídlisko Sídl no yes not yet
Nábrežie Nábr no yes not yet

Suomi - Finnish

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
alue al. yes yes Area
asema as. yes yes (Railway) station
aukio auk. yes yes Square
kaari kri yes yes "curve"
katu k. yes yes Street
kuja kj. yes yes Alley
kylä kl. yes yes Village
penger pgr yes yes Embankment
polku p. yes yes Path (used in the name of short residential streets)
puistikko pko yes yes Small park
puisto ps. yes yes Park
raitti r. yes yes
rautatieasema ras. yes yes Railway station. Eg. there's a bus stop “Rantasalmi ras th E”
ranta rt. yes yes Shore/beach
rinne rn. yes yes "hill"
taival tvl yes yes
tie t. yes yes Road
tienhaara th. yes yes Crossroads (used in bus stop names)
tori tr. yes yes Market-place / square
väylä vlä yes yes Route (Used in the name of some Motorways eg. Hämeenlinnanväylä)

Svenska - Swedish

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
väg, vägen v. yes yes "way"
gatan, gata g. yes yes "street"
gränd, gränden gr. yes yes "ally"
gamla G:la no n/a "old"
södra s. no n/a "south"
södra s:a no n/a "south"
norra n. no n/a "north"
norra n:a no n/a "north"
östra ö. no n/a "east"
östra ö:a no n/a "east"
västra v. no n/a "west"
västra v:a no n/a "west"
stig, stigen st. yes yes "path"
sankt s:t no n/a "saint"
sankta s:ta no n/a "saint" (female)
plats, platsen pl. yes yes "square"
lilla l. no n/a "little"
stora st. no n/a "grand"
Idrottsplats ip, IP no n/a "sports field"

Türkçe - Turkish

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Sokak Sk no yes not yet Konur Sk.
Sokak Sok no yes not yet
Sokağı Sk no yes not yet Susam Sk.
Sokağı Sok no yes not yet
Cadde Cd no yes not yet Mostly with numbers, e.g. 3. Cadde
Caddesi Cd no yes not yet İnonü Caddesi
Bulvar Bl no yes not yet Atatürk Bulvarı
Bulvar Blv no yes not yet
Bulvarı Bl no yes not yet
Mahalle Mh no yes not yet Orta Mahalle
Mahalle Mah no yes not yet

Tiếng Việt – Vietnamese

Each of these abbreviations may occasionally be followed by a period.

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
Thành phố TP no n/a no City
Thị xã TX no n/a no Town, township
Thị trấn TT no n/a no Town
Quận Q no n/a no District
Phường P no n/a no Ward
Phường Ph no n/a no Ward
Quốc lộ QL yes yes no National Road; can be concatenated with ref, e.g., QL1A
Tỉnh lộ TL no n/a no Provincial Road
Đại lộ ĐL no n/a no Avenue, boulevard
Đường Đ no n/a no Road, street, drive
Công trường CT no n/a no Square
Quảng trường QT no n/a no Square
Sân bay SB no n/a no Airport, airfield
Sân bay quốc tế SBQT no n/a no International airport
Phi trường PT no n/a no Airport, airfield
Đường sắt ĐS no n/a no Railroad
Trung tâm TT no n/a no Center
Trung tâm Thương mại TTTM no n/a no Commercial center
Khách sạn KS no n/a no Hotel, motel, inn
Khách sạn K/S no n/a no Hotel, motel, inn
Bưu điện no n/a no Post office
Đại học ĐH no n/a no University
Cao đẳng no n/a no College
Trung học Phổ thông THPT no n/a no High school
Trung học Cơ sở THCS no n/a no Middle school
Tiểu học TH no n/a no Elementary school
Khu công nghiệp KCN no n/a no Industrial park
Khu nghỉ mát KNM no n/a no Resort
Khu du lịch KDL no n/a no Amusement park
Công viên văn hóa CVVH no n/a no Amusement park
Công viên CV no n/a no Park
Vươn quốc gia VQG no n/a no National park
Viện bảo tàng VBT no n/a no Museum
Sân vận động SVĐ no n/a no Stadium, field
Nhà thi đấu NTĐ no n/a no Indoor stadium
Câu lạc bộ CLB no n/a no Club
Nhà thờ NT no n/a no Church
Nhà hát NH no n/a no Theater
Rạp hát RH no n/a no Theater
Công ty Cty no n/a no Company
Tổng công ty TCty no n/a no General company
Tổng công ty TCT no n/a no General company
Công ty cổ phần CTCP no n/a no Corporation
Công ty cổ phần Cty CP no n/a no Corporation
Căn cứ không quân CCKQ no n/a no Air force base, airbase

Українська - Ukrainian

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Notes
бульвар бул. no n/a not yet bul'var - boulevard
дорога дор. no n/a not yet doroha - road
провулок пров. no n/a not yet provulok - lane
площа пл. no n/a not yet ploshcha - square
проспект просп. no n/a not yet prospekt - avenue
шосе ш. no n/a not yet shose - highway
вулиця вул. no n/a not yet vulytsya - street

தமிழ் - Tamil

Full word Abbreviation Concatenated?(*) Separable?(*) Implemented? Prefix/Suffix Notes
Salai no no no no Street
Vazhi no no no no Way
சாலை no no no no Street
வழி no no no no Way