Pune/Transportation/Analysis/Pune Routes

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This page follows the PTNA CSV format. For more information, see Public Transport Network Analysis/Syntax of CSV data.

# This data is input for the tool: PTNA - Public Transport Network Analysis (https://ptna.openstreetmap.de)

= Overview on public transportation routes in the "Pune metropolitan area"

- Link to a list of expected routes [[Pune/Transportation/Analysis/Pune_Routes|Pune Routes]] in the OSM Wiki.
- Link to [https://ptna.openstreetmap.de/en/config.php?network=IN-MH-Pune configuration information].
- !!! This analysis list the public transportation routes in OSM, it reflects the actual OSM status !!!

== Trains

== Light Rails

== Subways
1;subway;;PCMC Bhavan;Civil Court;Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited
2;subway;;Vanaz;Ruby Hall Clinic;Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Limited

== Buses