V・T・E![]() |
latitude: 41.3, longitude: 74.6 |
Browse map of Kyrgyzstan 41°18′00.00″ N, 74°36′00.00″ E |
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External links:
Use this template for your locality |
Kyrgyzstan is a Country in Central Asia at latitude 41°18′00.00″ North, longitude 74°36′00.00″ East.

Things you can do
The main cities such as the capital Bishkek are partially mapped, as are main highways and parts of the mountainous rural areas, for example around Karakol.
There are missing roads that are visible in Bing around Osh and around Issyk Kul lake. Missing some roads around Jalal-Abad.
Some care has to be taken with names as some have changed and have different international spellings and transliterations.
It needs the national border imported.
Imagery and data sources
Aerial imagery
Aerial imagery has been requested to UNOSAT in July 2010 and is now available for the cities of Osh and Bazar-Korgon. Due to licence reasons, the WMS URL cannot be shared publicly. Please contact Frédéric Bonifas ( if you are interested.
All data traced from this imagery should be credited "source=UNOSAT, e-geos".
This imagery is quite old now, so no need to map temporary stuff like "SOS" written on the ground.
- ReliefWeb maps : Maps produced by various NGOs
- Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection : PD unless otherwise indicated
- 1942 survey Soviet maps
Non mapping data
For better understanding of the satellite pictures we can look at photos taken in the city. There are some on flickr for exampe. - For Osh :
Using OpenStreetMap data
Data extracts
- Geofabrik extracts for Kyrgyzstan : updated daily, formats OSM and SHP
- Cloudmade extracts for Kyrgyzstan : updated weekly, formats OSM and SHP
Garmin map
Here is a map of Kyrgyzstan for Garmin GPS devices :
Mapping coordination
There is a huge need to map the cities of Osh and Jalal-Abad
It would be good to use QualityStreetMap to monitor the completeness.
Mapping priorities
- All the streets and roads
- Landuse and equipments such as bridges, towers, factories etc
- Buildings : it will allow an easy placement of POIs later, even without a GPS
Mapping of Osh
All tags highway=residential/unclassified/track/path waterway=canal bridge=yes railway=rail/level_crossing are complete in east of river Ak-Buura
Most roadsigns are in Kyrgyz language on the spot (transliterated into latin script). As Russian still remains widely used, it must still be maintained too. Hence, for toponyms (locality names, street names, province names, national parks, lakes, etc.), the 4 following name tags must always be filled as per rules below:
- name=* tag must be filled with the Kyrgyz name (which means it must be identical to name:ky=*). The exception to this rule is commercial names. Shop, gas stations, etc. In such cases, the name=* tag must be identical as on the spot, whatever its language.
- name:ky=* must be filled with the Kyrgyz name
- name:ru=* must be filled with the Russian name
- int_name=* must be filled with the Kyrgyz latin official transliteration (ex.: Ош becomes Oş and not Osh! You can however use "Osh" in the name:en tag, however)
The wikipedia=* tag must always be filled with the Kirghiz version of an article regarding the object you are working on. (wikipedia=ky:*).
Solely in case there is no Kyrgyz article, always fill with the Russian version wikipedia=ru:*
Data quality
- Geometry and tagging: OSMInspector
- Geometry and tagging (other): KeepRight
- Completeness: QualityStreetMap
- Quality control with Osmose
Here is a list of cities from Wikipedia.
Name | Kyrgyz name | Latin Kyrgyz | Oblast | Population* | Type | |
Balykchy | Балыкчы | Balıkçı | Issyk Kul | 41,342 | city | |
Batken | Баткен | Batken | Batken | 10,987 | city | |
Bishkek | Бишкек | Bişkek | - | 750,327 | город | view |
Cholpon-Ata | Чолпоната | Çolponata | Issyk Kul | 8,851 | city | |
Isfana | Исфана | İsfana | Batken | 16,850 | city | |
Jalal-Abad | Жалалабат | Jalalabat | Jalal-Abad | 70,401 | city | view |
Kant | Кант | Kant | Chuy | 22,075 | city | |
Kara-Balta | Карабалта | Karabalta | Chuy | 47,159 | city | |
Karakol | Каракол | Karakol | Issyk Kul | 64,322 | city | view |
Karaköl | Каракөл | Karaköl | Jalal-Abad | 17,977 | city | |
Kara-Suu | Карасуу | Karasuu | Osh | 19,143 | city | |
Kerben | Кербен | Kerben | Jalal-Abad | n/a | city | view |
Kochkor-Ata | Кочкората | Koçkorata | Jalal-Abad | 16,104 | city | |
Kökjanggak | Көкжаңгак | Kökjaŋgak | Jalal-Abad | 10,727 | city | |
Kyzyl-Kiya | Кызылкыя | Kızılkıya | Batken | 31,844 | city | |
Mailuu-Suu | Майлуусуу | Mayluusuu | Jalal-Abad | 20,365 | city | |
Naryn | Нарын | Narın | Naryn | 40,050 | city | view |
Nookat | Ноокат | Nookat | Osh | n/a | city | |
Osh | Oш | Oş | Osh | 208,520 | city | view |
Shopokov | Шопоков | Şopokov | Chuy | 9,133 | city | view |
Sulyukta | Сүлүктү | Sülüktü | Batken | 14,145 | city | |
Talas | Tалас | Talas | Talas | 32,638 | city | view |
Tash-Kumyr | Ташкөмүр | Taşkömür | Jalal-Abad | 23,331 | city | |
Tokmok | Tокмок | Tokmok | Chuy | 59,409 | city | |
Uzgen | Өзгөн | Özgön | Osh | 41,497 | city | view |
1999 census results, as taken from the German wikipedia article Liste der Städte in Kirgisistan. Numbers in italics are 2008 estimates, taken from
Wikipedia also has a more complete list of towns and villages
Community Channels
- Mailing list:
Fergana Valley has its own wiki page. This is partly within Kyrgyzstan.