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Хотя основным форматом каталога заявлен JSON, на деле базу потребуется хранить в какой-нибудь СУБД. Соответственно, должно быть отражение формата один к одному в формат SQL.
create table features (
feature_id unsigned int primary key,
feature_type smallint not null, -- 0: feature, 1: group, 2: class
name varchar(255) not null,
applies unsigned smallint,
deprecated smallint not null
create table members (
member_id unsigned int primary key,
feature_id unsigned int not null,
role varchar(127) not null,
name varchar(255),
applies smallint not null,
minimum smallint not null,
maximum smallint
create table attributes (
attribute_id unsigned int primary key,
feature_id unsigned int not null,
key varchar(255) not null,
name varchar(255),
important smallint not null,
value_type varchar(10) not null,
range_min int,
range_max int,
range_step int,
default varchar(255)
create table attribute_values (
attribute_value_id unsigned int not null,
attribute_id unsigned int not null,
value varchar(255) not null
create table suffixes (
suffix_id unsigned int primary key,
name varchar(255) not null
create table suffix_values (
suffix_value_id unsigned int not null,
suffix_id unsigned int not null,
value varchar(63) not null
-- Связывающие таблицы
create table feature_feature (
child_id unsigned int not null,
parent_id unsigned int not null,
primary key (child_id, parent_id)
create table feature_tags (
feature_id unsigned int not null,
k varchar(255) not null,
v varchar(255) not null,
primary key (feature_id, k)
create table related (
feature_id unsigned int not null,
related_id unsigned int not null,
primary key (feature_id, related_id)
-- Словарь
create table dictionaries (
dictionary_id unsigned int primary key,
language varchar(15) not null,
name varchar(127) not null
create table dict_entries (
dictionary_id unsigned int not null,
feature_id unsigned int not null,
entry_type smallint not null, -- 0: feature, 1: attribute, 2: member, 10: attribute value
name varchar(127) not null,
translation varchar(255) not null,
description varchar(2000),
link varchar(255),
wiki varchar(127),
image varchar(255),
boolean_yes varchar(255),
boolean_no varchar(255),
absent varchar(255),
primary key (dictionary_id, feature_id)
create_table dict_entry_keywords (
dictionary_id unsigned int not null,
feature_id unsigned int not null,
keyword varchar(127) not null,
primary key (dictionary_id, feature_id, keyword)
create table dict_entry_values (
dictionary_id unsigned int not null,
feature_id unsigned int not null,
value varchar(255) not null,
translation varchar(255) not null,
primary key (dictionary_id, feature_id, value)
create table dict_values (
dictionary_id unsigned int not null,
value_id unsigned int not null,
translation varchar(127) not null,
primary key (dictionary_id, value_id)
create table dict_base_values {
value_id unsigned int primary key,
value_type varchar(15) not null,
key varchar(127) not null