For first results see Simple 3D Buildings.
Relation Proposal
Relation Type=site site=level level=-1 (number of basement floor) name=SubwaystationName,Levelname
A level is a floor in a building or subway station.
All elements that are on one level shall be added to the level relation. Example: There is a subway station with levels -1 and -2. The ways, platforms highway=platform and the subway stops in each floor shall be added to the relation as well as telephone booths, ticket vending machines or kiosks.
Elevators, steps and escalators shall be added to all level relations they touch (Where the ways share a node for routing).
If a staircase has ways leaving the steps between two floors, a level number can also be 1.5 for example.
3D-Object Metarelation
These level relations shall be added to a metarelation:
Relation type=site site=3d-object name=Subwaystationname
While the layer tag is a rule for the renderer which object shall be printed on top, the level represents a floor.
See also
Please use the discussion page.