Category:Pages unavailable in Japanese
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This category reports a list of pages that transclude the {{Languages}} template but have no translation in Japanese, or that transclude the {{LangSwitch}} template with no translation in that language but whose default version uses {{TranslateThis}} to signal the missing translation.
This category is not shown by default on its member pages.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 8,885 total.
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- JA:Emergency Cleanup (empty)
- JA:Needs image (3 P)
- JA:Tiles layer (2 P)
- Ar:Google Maps (1 P)
- Ar:Translations synchronized (2 P)
- Ar:المغرب (1 P)
- Ar:تونس (2 P)
- Ast:Disasters in Nepal (1 P)
- Be:Гомельская вобласць (1 P)
- Bg:Translations synchronized (1 P)
- Ca:Aniversari d'OSM (empty)
- Ca:Barcelona, Spain (2 P)
- Ca:Bifurcacions d'OSM (empty)
- Ca:Bloc d'OSM (1 P)
- Ca:Bus routes in Spain (4 P)
- Ca:Córrer (1 P)
- Ca:Elements cartogràfics inactius (empty)
- Ca:Estils de mapa (1 P)
- Ca:Import from Spain (1 P)
- Ca:Inactive features (empty)
- Ca:Jocs Olímpics (empty)
- Ca:JOSM users (4 P)
- Ca:Kendzi3D (1 P)
- Ca:Motocicleta (1 P)
- Ca:Node.js (empty)
- Ca:OSM Carto (1 P)
- Ca:Plantilla per a usuaris (1 P)
- Ca:Proposals by stage (empty)
- Ca:Proposals with "Draft" status (empty)
- Ca:Proposals with "Obsoleted" status (empty)
- Ca:Propostes amb estat "Cancel-lada (empty)
- Ca:Propostes amb estat "Cancel·lada" (empty)
- Ca:Propostes amb estat "Esborrany" (empty)
- Ca:Propostes amb estat "obsoleta" (empty)
- Ca:Propostes amb estat "Obsoleta" (empty)
- Ca:Propostes amb estat "Obsoleta·" (empty)
- Ca:Propostes amb estat "Rebutjada" (empty)
- Ca:Traduccions sincronitzades (106 P)
- Ca:Viles a Illes Balears (1 P)
Pages in category "Pages unavailable in Japanese"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 25,813 total.
(previous page) (next page)*
- JA:Android
- JA:Bus routes in Kanagawa/Kanachu
- Template:DescriptionLang
- Template:DescriptionLang/doc
- Template:DescriptionLang/doc/table
- Template:DescriptionLang/doc/table/rowgroup
- Template:ElementUsageLang/doc
- Template:ElementUsageLang/doc/table/rowgroup
- JA:Garmin
- JA:ID/Shortcuts
- Template:JA:Under construction
- Template:JA:Under construction/doc
- JA:Key:addr:country
- JA:Key:addr:district
- JA:Key:addr:province
- JA:Key:addr:state
- JA:Key:animated
- JA:Key:baseball
- JA:Key:boat
- JA:Key:branch
- JA:Key:bridge:support
- JA:Key:capacity:long
- JA:Key:capacity:standard
- JA:Key:change
- JA:Key:comment
- JA:Key:created by
- JA:Key:date
- JA:Key:department
- JA:Key:drive through
- JA:Key:easy overtaking
- JA:Key:exit to
- JA:Key:faces
- JA:Key:foot:backward
- JA:Key:fruit
- JA:Key:harbour:category
- JA:Key:hazard prone
- JA:Key:hiking
- JA:Key:imagery used
- JA:Key:junction:ref
- JA:Key:karaoke
- JA:Key:language
- JA:Key:narrow
- JA:Key:ncn ref
- JA:Key:oneway:foot
- JA:Key:openbenches:id
- JA:Key:opening hours:drive through
- JA:Key:parking:capacity:long
- JA:Key:parking:capacity:standard
- JA:Key:plant
- JA:Key:rack
- JA:Key:railway:preserved
- JA:Key:real fire
- JA:Key:room
- JA:Key:seamark:fixme
- JA:Key:sides
- JA:Key:size
- JA:Key:social facility:for
- JA:Key:source
- JA:Key:source:addr
- JA:Key:stroller
- JA:Key:sub sea
- JA:Key:year of construction
- JA:Merkaartor
- JA:Missing Maps Project
- JA:Nepal/Roads
- JA:Nomino
- JA:OSM Streak
- JA:Piste Maps
- JA:Proposed features/lifts
- JA:Tag:access=permit
- JA:Tag:amenity=boat sharing
- JA:Tag:amenity=clock
- JA:Tag:amenity=college
- JA:Tag:amenity=crypt
- JA:Tag:amenity=karaoke box
- JA:Tag:amenity=water
- JA:Tag:generator:method=barrage
- JA:Tag:generator:method=combustion
- JA:Tag:generator:method=fission
- JA:Tag:generator:method=fusion
- JA:Tag:generator:method=stream
- JA:Tag:generator:method=water-pumped-storage
- JA:Tag:generator:method=water-storage
- JA:Tag:generator:source=gasoline
- JA:Tag:generator:source=geothermal
- JA:Tag:generator:source=nuclear
- JA:Tag:generator:source=tidal
- JA:Tag:generator:source=waste
- JA:Tag:generator:type=combined cycle
- JA:Tag:generator:type=francis turbine
- JA:Tag:generator:type=gas turbine
- JA:Tag:generator:type=heat pump
- JA:Tag:generator:type=horizontal axis
- JA:Tag:generator:type=hydrodynamic screw
- JA:Tag:generator:type=kaplan turbine
- JA:Tag:generator:type=pelton turbine
- JA:Tag:generator:type=reciprocating engine
- JA:Tag:generator:type=steam generator
- JA:Tag:generator:type=steam turbine
- JA:Tag:generator:type=vertical axis
- JA:Tag:genus=Acer
- JA:Tag:genus=Platanus
- JA:Tag:genus=Quercus
- JA:Tag:guidepost=simple
- JA:Tag:highway=elevator
- JA:Tag:highway=no
- JA:Tag:highway=steps
- JA:Tag:junction=circular
- JA:Tag:junction=yes
- JA:Tag:landuse=logging
- JA:Tag:landuse=wood
- JA:Tag:leaf cycle=deciduous
- JA:Tag:leaf cycle=evergreen
- JA:Tag:leaf cycle=semi deciduous
- JA:Tag:leaf cycle=semi evergreen
- JA:Tag:man made=power hydro
- JA:Tag:man made=torii
- JA:Tag:mountain pass=yes
- JA:Tag:natural=desert
- JA:Tag:reclaimed=yes
- JA:Tag:roof:shape=gabled
- JA:Tag:service=crossover
- JA:Tag:sport=golf
- JA:Tag:sport=horse racing
- JA:Tag:sport=multi
- JA:Tag:sport=sailing
- JA:Tag:sport=water ski
- JA:Tag:type=waterway
- JA:Tag:water=intermittent
- JA:Template:Under construction/doc
- JA:Tokai Nature Trail
- JA:Vespucci
- JA:Xapi
- JA:ウィキの構造
- JA:エディタ
- JA:レンダリング
- JA:丹羽郡
- JA:基本的な3Dの建物
- JA:愛知県
- JA:視覚障碍者のためのOSM
- Af:Tag:genus=Tilia
- Ar:Datalogger Royaltek RGM-3800
- Ar:Google Maps user contributions
- Ar:Lebanon
- Ar:Lebanon: Conflict - October 2024
- Template:Ar:Lolcat
- Talk:Ar:Main Page
- Template:Ar:Map Features:aerialway
- Template:Ar:Osm metainfo
- Ar:Osm2mp
- Template:Ar:Place
- Template:Ar:Quick contact
- Ar:Tag:religion=jewish
- Ar:Tag:religion=multifaith
- Ar:Tag:religion=sikh
- Template:Ar:User box
- Ar:إفريقيا
- Ar:التقسيم الإداري لتونس
- Ar:الجزائر
- Ar:السعودية
- Ar:المغرب
- Ar:اليمن
- Ar:تونس
- Ar:محافظات ومراكز السعودية
- Talk:Ast:Main Page
- Template:Ast:Osm metainfo
- Az:2023 Turkey Earthquakes
- Template:Az:ABC
- Template:Az:Calendar
- Template:Az:Calendar3
- Template:Az:Map Features:editor keys
- Az:Mapping projects
- Template:Az:Quick contact
- Template:Az:Usedata
- Template:Az:WikiIcon
- Template:Az:WikiIcon/doc
- Be:OSM Transport Karte
- Be:WikiProject Belarus
- Be:Гомельская вобласць
- Bg:Key:name:bg
- Template:Bg:MainMenu
- Bg:Tag:genus=Tilia
- Bg:Tag:religion=jewish
- Bg:Tag:waste=ash
- Bg:Tag:water=basin
- Bg:WikiProject Bulgaria
- Bn:OSM Blogs
- Bn:Tag:religion=hindu
- Bn:YouthMappers
- Template:Bs:Map Features:accessories
- Template:Bs:Place
- Bs:Tag:genus=Tilia