Rogaland fylkeskommune

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Rogaland fylkeskommune (County Council) uses the road network in OSM in various GIS-based analyses. The road network is also used in the travel planner for Kolumbus, which handles public transport for the county council. To ensure the quality of analyses, and that travelers using public transport receive correct directions. The Transport Department in the county municipality (Transport and Mobility Unit) has initiated work to ensure the quality of the footpath network in central areas of Nord-Jæren.


The aim of the work is to ensure a correct road network for pedestrians that shows all walkable roads, including shortcuts. It is particularly important to ensure a good walking network towards public transport and in the first instance the planned Bussveien (Bussroad) on Nord-Jæren.


Status – Inactive

Start date: 1. January 2023

End date: June 2024 / n.d.


Contact should mainly go through Rogaland Fylkeskommune.

Initiative leader:

Anne Mette Nyhus Thomassen

Siri J. Sæverud

You can also get in touch with the profiles that have paid commitment to operate the RFK profiles:


Jørn Sigurd Vathne[1]


Rafal Ernestowicz[2]