Sample driving instructions/nl BE

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These are Belgian Dutch translations of the texts in Sample driving instructions.


destination_reached "U hebt uw bestemming bereikt."

destination_reached_DISTANCE "Over (distance) (unit) heeft u uw bestemming bereikt."

turn_around "Indien mogelijk omkeren"

turn_around_DISTANCE "Over (distance) (unit), keer om!"

turn_DIRECTION "Sla (direction) af."

turn_DIRECTION_SIGNPOST "Sla (direction) af, richting (destinations)!"

turn_DIRECTION_NAME "Sla (direction) af naar de (streetname)!"

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE "Over (distance) (unit) sla (direction) af!"

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_NAME "Over (distance) (unit) sla (direction) af naar de (streetname)!"

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_SIGNPOST "Over (distance) (unit) sla (direction) af richting (destinations)!"

take_EXIT "Neem de (numbers)."

take_SIGNPOST "Neem de afslag richting (destinations)!"

take_EXIT_SIGNPOST "Neem de (numbers) richting (destinations)!"

take_EXIT_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Neem de (numbers), houd daarna (direction) aan richting (destinations)!"

take_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Neem de afslag, houd daarna (direction) aan richting (destinations)!"

enter_roundabout "Rij het rondpunt op."

enter_roundabout_EXIT "Neem de (numbers) op het rondpunt."

enter_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Rij over (distance) (unit) het rondpunt op. Neem daarna de (numbers)!"

over_roundabout_EXIT "Rij het rondpunt over, neem de (numbers)."

over_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Steek over (distance) (unit) het rondpunt over, neem de (numbers)."

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT "Rij het rondpunt op en ga naar (direction), neem de (numbers)."

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT_DISTANCE "Sla over (distance) (unit) (direction) af op het rondpunt, neem de (numbers)."

follow_NAME "Volg de (name)."

follow_NAME_DISTANCE "Volg de (name) gedurende (distance)."



direction/left "links"

direction/right "rechts"

direction/left/hard "linksachter"

direction/right/hard "rechtsachter"

direction/left/slight "linksvoor"

direction/right/slight "rechtsvoor"


numbers/first_exit "eerste afslag"

numbers/second_exit "tweede afslag"

numbers/third_exit "derde afslag"

numbers/fourth_exit "vierde afslag"

numbers/fifth_exit "vijfde afslag"


time/day/singular "dag"

time/day/plural "dagen"

time/day/short "d"

time/hour/singular "uur"

time/hour/plural "uren" warning: "in five hours" gets translated with "over drie uur", with "uur" being singular. The other ones in this list just use the plural.

time/hour/short "u"

time/minute/singular "minuut"

time/minute/plural "minuten"

time/minute/short "min."

time/second/singular "seconde"

time/second/plural "seconden"

time/second/short "s"


units/kph "km/u"

units/mph "m/h"

units/ms "m/s"

units/km "km"

units/m "meter"

units/miles "mijlen"


places/start "start"

places/destination/singular "bestemming"

places/destination/plural "bestemmingen"

places/home "thuis"

places/poi "POI"

places/poi/trainstation "station"

places/poi/toilet "toilet"

places/poi/phone "telefoon"

places/poi/gas "tankstation"

places/labels/city "stad"

places/labels/street "straat"

places/labels/housenumer/long "huisnummer"

places/labels/housenumer/short "nr."

places/labels/zipcode "postcode"


metric/fastest "snelste route"

metric/shortest "kortste route"

metric/fuelefficient "meest economische route"

common labels

labels/search "zoeken"

labels/vehicle "voertuig"

labels/fullscreen "volledig scherm"

labels/exit "sluiten"

labels/comport "comm poort"

labels/baudrate "baud rate"

labels/time "tijd"

labels/destination_time "aankomsttijd"

labels/route_me "bereken route"

labels/help "help"

labels/settings "instellingen"

labels/preferences "voorkeuren"

labels/abort "afbreken"

labels/ok "OK"

labels/map "kaart"

labels/open_map "laad kaart"

labels/import_map "importeer kaart"

labels/download "download"

labels/download_map "download kaart"

labels/map/autorotate "auto-roteer kaart"

labels/map/autocenterGPS "auto-centreer kaart"

labels/map/centerGPSonce "centreer op GPS"

labels/map/showGPStrail "laat track zien"


See also: