Sauk County, Wisconsin
This page is representing the progress of Sauk County, Wisconsin that has been going on since ~December 2023 by user JackFromWisconsin.
My plan is to fully map Sauk County land use, buildings, and addresses.
For land use, I use the available imagery, (ground surveys if needed), and make my best guess. Recently I've been using the National Map Topographic layer to mark wetlands. "Rough" land use is probably ~60% done so far. I will need to go back and add in missing details (some ponds, farmyards, and small residential uses, etc).
For buildings, there is an existing import started: Import/Sauk County, Wisconsin Buildings. I've slowly added those on my main account, but coming up I will make a proper import account and finish this import. I will need to go through and double check many of these buildings, as I've noticed some are no longer existing (especially in farm areas).
For addresses, unfortunately there is no import and no readily available free data. There is an entry at but I have read that it may not be up to the scrutiny for OSM use. At some point I'll probably need to contact the local government about releasing this data under a free license (if it isn't already, the current wording is unclear).
Here is the progress as of 17 December 2024. Remind me later to come back and add updated images.