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This page allows you to examine the variables generated by the Abuse Filter for an individual change.

Variables generated for this change

Edit count of the user (user_editcount)
Name of the user account (user_name)
Rights that the user has (user_rights)
[ 0 => 'createaccount', 1 => 'read', 2 => 'createpage', 3 => 'createtalk', 4 => 'writeapi', 5 => 'viewmywatchlist', 6 => 'editmywatchlist', 7 => 'viewmyprivateinfo', 8 => 'editmyprivateinfo', 9 => 'editmyoptions', 10 => 'abusefilter-log-detail', 11 => 'abusefilter-view', 12 => 'abusefilter-log', 13 => 'move-subpages', 14 => 'move-rootuserpages', 15 => 'edit', 16 => 'reupload', 17 => 'reupload-shared', 18 => 'minoredit', 19 => 'editmyusercss', 20 => 'editmyuserjson', 21 => 'editmyuserjs', 22 => 'editmyuserjsredirect', 23 => 'purge', 24 => 'sendemail', 25 => 'applychangetags', 26 => 'changetags', 27 => 'editcontentmodel', 28 => 'pagelang', 29 => 'item-term', 30 => 'property-term' ]
Whether or not a user is editing through the mobile interface (user_mobile)
Page ID (page_id)
Page namespace (page_namespace)
Page title (without namespace) (page_title)
Full page title (page_prefixedtitle)
Action (action)
Edit summary/reason (summary)
'/* wbsetdescription-set:1|ko */ 종교나 종파에 관계없는 모든 종교 시설.'
Old content model (old_content_model)
New content model (new_content_model)
Old page wikitext, before the edit (old_wikitext)
'amenity=place_of_worship amenity=place_of_worship facilitet=plats_för_tillbedjan عبادتگاه / پرستشگاه amenity=place_of_worship amenity=place_of_worship A place where religious services are conducted. Sakrální objekt - místo, kde se konají náboženské obřady Alle steder for tilbedelse, uafhængigt af religion eller trosretning. Andachtsstätte, unabhängig von Religion und Glaubensgemeinschaft Un lugar donde se celebran actos religiosos. Lieu de culte, quelle que soit la religion ou sa subdivision Tutti i luoghi di culto indipendentemente dalla religione. 宗教行事が行われる場所 Steder for tilbedelse uavhenging av religion eller trosretning tag:amenity=place_of_worship. Miejsce kultu niezależnie od religii lub wyznania. Um local onde se realizam serviços religiosos. Место поклонения (место, где проводятся религиозные службы). Sveti prostor, kjer se izvajajo verski obredi. En plats där religiösa tjänster bedrivs Ibadet edilen yerler Місця в яких проводяться релігійні обряди та богослужіння nhà thờ tôn giáo مکانی که در آن مراسم مذهبی برگزار می‌شود 举办宗教仪式的场所。 종교 예배가 이루어지는 곳 Gebouw voor godsdienstoefeningen Miesto kde sa konajú náboženské obrady. Egy hely, ahol a vallási gyülekezetek összegyűlnek. Paikka, jossa harjoitetaan jotakin uskontoa Un lloc on es celebren actes religiosos. Local onde se realizam serviços religiosos Χώρος όπου διεξάγονται θρησκευτικές λειτουργίες (απροσδιόριστης θρησκείας). Un ti-azeuliñ, ne vern petra eo ar relijion pe ar gredenn Andachtstätte İbadethane świątynia عبادتگاه پرستشگاه محل عبادت local de oração local de serviços religiosos local de culto value P2 item 2 normal value P19 amenity=place_of_worship normal value P10 item 61 normal value P28 Place of worship.png value P47 Świątynie. P47 preferred value P28 Kirche.jpg value P26 item 6994 value P26 item 7798 value P26 item 7805 value P26 item 7812 P26 normal value P39 Place of worship icons.png preferred value P6 item 13 preferred value P33 item 8000 preferred value P34 item 8001 preferred value P35 item 8000 preferred value P36 item 8001 preferred value P25 item 4692 preferred value P12 Q1370598 preferred value P46 item 108 normal value P46 item 818 normal value P46 item 1667 normal value P46 item 1906 normal value P46 item 211 normal value P46 item 232 normal value P46 item 371 normal value P46 item 464 normal value P46 item 5275 normal value P46 item 5457 normal value P46 item 5586 normal value P46 item 5681 normal value P46 item 6034 normal value P46 item 6104 normal value P46 item 6135 normal value P46 item 640 normal value P31 Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Cs:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Da:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 DE:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 ES:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 FR:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 IT:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 JA:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 No:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Pl:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Pt:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Pt-br:Tag:amenity=place of worship value P50 Pt:Tag:amenity=place of worship P50 normal value P31 RU:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Sv:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Tr:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Uk:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Zh-hant:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal Tag:amenity=place of worship'
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
'amenity=place_of_worship amenity=place_of_worship facilitet=plats_för_tillbedjan عبادتگاه / پرستشگاه amenity=place_of_worship amenity=place_of_worship A place where religious services are conducted. Sakrální objekt - místo, kde se konají náboženské obřady Alle steder for tilbedelse, uafhængigt af religion eller trosretning. Andachtsstätte, unabhängig von Religion und Glaubensgemeinschaft Un lugar donde se celebran actos religiosos. Lieu de culte, quelle que soit la religion ou sa subdivision Tutti i luoghi di culto indipendentemente dalla religione. 宗教行事が行われる場所 Steder for tilbedelse uavhenging av religion eller trosretning tag:amenity=place_of_worship. Miejsce kultu niezależnie od religii lub wyznania. Um local onde se realizam serviços religiosos. Место поклонения (место, где проводятся религиозные службы). Sveti prostor, kjer se izvajajo verski obredi. En plats där religiösa tjänster bedrivs Ibadet edilen yerler Місця в яких проводяться релігійні обряди та богослужіння nhà thờ tôn giáo مکانی که در آن مراسم مذهبی برگزار می‌شود 举办宗教仪式的场所。 종교나 종파에 관계없는 모든 종교 시설. Gebouw voor godsdienstoefeningen Miesto kde sa konajú náboženské obrady. Egy hely, ahol a vallási gyülekezetek összegyűlnek. Paikka, jossa harjoitetaan jotakin uskontoa Un lloc on es celebren actes religiosos. Local onde se realizam serviços religiosos Χώρος όπου διεξάγονται θρησκευτικές λειτουργίες (απροσδιόριστης θρησκείας). Un ti-azeuliñ, ne vern petra eo ar relijion pe ar gredenn Andachtstätte İbadethane świątynia عبادتگاه پرستشگاه محل عبادت local de oração local de serviços religiosos local de culto value P2 item 2 normal value P19 amenity=place_of_worship normal value P10 item 61 normal value P28 Place of worship.png value P47 Świątynie. P47 preferred value P28 Kirche.jpg value P26 item 6994 value P26 item 7798 value P26 item 7805 value P26 item 7812 P26 normal value P39 Place of worship icons.png preferred value P6 item 13 preferred value P33 item 8000 preferred value P34 item 8001 preferred value P35 item 8000 preferred value P36 item 8001 preferred value P25 item 4692 preferred value P12 Q1370598 preferred value P46 item 108 normal value P46 item 818 normal value P46 item 1667 normal value P46 item 1906 normal value P46 item 211 normal value P46 item 232 normal value P46 item 371 normal value P46 item 464 normal value P46 item 5275 normal value P46 item 5457 normal value P46 item 5586 normal value P46 item 5681 normal value P46 item 6034 normal value P46 item 6104 normal value P46 item 6135 normal value P46 item 640 normal value P31 Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Cs:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Da:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 DE:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 ES:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 FR:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 IT:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 JA:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 No:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Pl:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Pt:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Pt-br:Tag:amenity=place of worship value P50 Pt:Tag:amenity=place of worship P50 normal value P31 RU:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Sv:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Tr:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Uk:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal value P31 Zh-hant:Tag:amenity=place of worship normal Tag:amenity=place of worship'
Unified diff of changes made by edit (edit_diff)
'@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ مکانی که در آن مراسم مذهبی برگزار می‌شود 举办宗教仪式的场所。 -종교 예배가 이루어지는 곳 +종교나 종파에 관계없는 모든 종교 시설. Gebouw voor godsdienstoefeningen Miesto kde sa konajú náboženské obrady. '
Unified diff of changes made by edit, pre-save transformed (edit_diff_pst)
'@@ -1,277 +1,0 @@ -amenity=place_of_worship -amenity=place_of_worship -facilitet=plats_för_tillbedjan -عبادتگاه / پرستشگاه -amenity=place_of_worship -amenity=place_of_worship -A place where religious services are conducted. -Sakrální objekt - místo, kde se konají náboženské obřady -Alle steder for tilbedelse, uafhængigt af religion eller trosretning. -Andachtsstätte, unabhängig von Religion und Glaubensgemeinschaft -Un lugar donde se celebran actos religiosos. -Lieu de culte, quelle que soit la religion ou sa subdivision -Tutti i luoghi di culto indipendentemente dalla religione. -宗教行事が行われる場所 -Steder for tilbedelse uavhenging av religion eller trosretning tag:amenity=place_of_worship. -Miejsce kultu niezależnie od religii lub wyznania. -Um local onde se realizam serviços religiosos. -Место поклонения (место, где проводятся религиозные службы). -Sveti prostor, kjer se izvajajo verski obredi. -En plats där religiösa tjänster bedrivs -Ibadet edilen yerler -Місця в яких проводяться релігійні обряди та богослужіння -nhà thờ tôn giáo -مکانی که در آن مراسم مذهبی برگزار می‌شود -举办宗教仪式的场所。 -종교 예배가 이루어지는 곳 -Gebouw voor godsdienstoefeningen -Miesto kde sa konajú náboženské obrady. -Egy hely, ahol a vallási gyülekezetek összegyűlnek. -Paikka, jossa harjoitetaan jotakin uskontoa -Un lloc on es celebren actes religiosos. -Local onde se realizam serviços religiosos -Χώρος όπου διεξάγονται θρησκευτικές λειτουργίες (απροσδιόριστης θρησκείας). -Un ti-azeuliñ, ne vern petra eo ar relijion pe ar gredenn -Andachtstätte -İbadethane -świątynia -عبادتگاه -پرستشگاه -محل عبادت -local de oração -local de serviços religiosos -local de culto -value -P2 -item -2 -normal -value -P19 -amenity=place_of_worship -normal -value -P10 -item -61 -normal -value -P28 -Place of worship.png -value -P47 -Świątynie. -P47 -preferred -value -P28 -Kirche.jpg -value -P26 -item -6994 -value -P26 -item -7798 -value -P26 -item -7805 -value -P26 -item -7812 -P26 -normal -value -P39 -Place of worship icons.png -preferred -value -P6 -item -13 -preferred -value -P33 -item -8000 -preferred -value -P34 -item -8001 -preferred -value -P35 -item -8000 -preferred -value -P36 -item -8001 -preferred -value -P25 -item -4692 -preferred -value -P12 -Q1370598 -preferred -value -P46 -item -108 -normal -value -P46 -item -818 -normal -value -P46 -item -1667 -normal -value -P46 -item -1906 -normal -value -P46 -item -211 -normal -value -P46 -item -232 -normal -value -P46 -item -371 -normal -value -P46 -item -464 -normal -value -P46 -item -5275 -normal -value -P46 -item -5457 -normal -value -P46 -item -5586 -normal -value -P46 -item -5681 -normal -value -P46 -item -6034 -normal -value -P46 -item -6104 -normal -value -P46 -item -6135 -normal -value -P46 -item -640 -normal -value -P31 -Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Cs:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Da:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -DE:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -ES:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -FR:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -IT:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -JA:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -No:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Pl:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Pt:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Pt-br:Tag:amenity=place of worship -value -P50 -Pt:Tag:amenity=place of worship -P50 -normal -value -P31 -RU:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Sv:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Tr:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Uk:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -value -P31 -Zh-hant:Tag:amenity=place of worship -normal -Tag:amenity=place of worship '
Lines added in edit (added_lines)
[ 0 => '종교나 종파에 관계없는 모든 종교 시설.' ]
Lines added in edit, pre-save transformed (added_lines_pst)
New page wikitext, pre-save transformed (new_pst)
Unix timestamp of change (timestamp)