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This page allows you to examine the variables generated by the Abuse Filter for an individual change.

Variables generated for this change

Edit count of the user (user_editcount)
Name of the user account (user_name)
Whether or not a user is editing through the mobile interface (user_mobile)
Page ID (page_id)
Page namespace (page_namespace)
Page title (without namespace) (page_title)
Full page title (page_prefixedtitle)
Action (action)
Edit summary/reason (summary)
'/* wbsetdescription-set:1|de */ Ein Aquarium mit Fischen zur Hautreinigung für Menschen.'
Old content model (old_content_model)
New content model (new_content_model)
Old page wikitext, before the edit (old_wikitext)
'amenity=fish_spa Doctor Fish Knabberfische Рыбный пилинг (пилинг рыбками, фиш-пилинг). Фіш-пілінг value P2 item 2 normal value P19 amenity=fish_spa normal value P10 item 61 normal value P28 EK fish spa.jpg preferred value P6 item 14 preferred value P33 item 8000 preferred value P34 item 8001 preferred value P35 item 8000 preferred value P36 item 8001 preferred value P46 item 1667 normal value P46 item 464 normal value P46 item 524 normal value P46 item 553 normal value P46 item 818 normal value P31 Tag:amenity=fish spa normal value P31 DE:Tag:amenity=fish spa normal value P31 RU:Tag:amenity=fish spa normal value P31 Uk:Tag:amenity=fish spa normal Tag:amenity=fish spa'
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
'amenity=fish_spa Doctor Fish Ein Aquarium mit Fischen zur Hautreinigung für Menschen. Рыбный пилинг (пилинг рыбками, фиш-пилинг). Фіш-пілінг value P2 item 2 normal value P19 amenity=fish_spa normal value P10 item 61 normal value P28 EK fish spa.jpg preferred value P6 item 14 preferred value P33 item 8000 preferred value P34 item 8001 preferred value P35 item 8000 preferred value P36 item 8001 preferred value P46 item 1667 normal value P46 item 464 normal value P46 item 524 normal value P46 item 553 normal value P46 item 818 normal value P31 Tag:amenity=fish spa normal value P31 DE:Tag:amenity=fish spa normal value P31 RU:Tag:amenity=fish spa normal value P31 Uk:Tag:amenity=fish spa normal Tag:amenity=fish spa'
Unified diff of changes made by edit (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ amenity=fish_spa Doctor Fish -Knabberfische +Ein Aquarium mit Fischen zur Hautreinigung für Menschen. Рыбный пилинг (пилинг рыбками, фиш-пилинг). Фіш-пілінг '
Unified diff of changes made by edit, pre-save transformed (edit_diff_pst)
'@@ -1,90 +1,0 @@ -amenity=fish_spa -Doctor Fish -Knabberfische -Рыбный пилинг (пилинг рыбками, фиш-пилинг). -Фіш-пілінг -value -P2 -item -2 -normal -value -P19 -amenity=fish_spa -normal -value -P10 -item -61 -normal -value -P28 -EK fish spa.jpg -preferred -value -P6 -item -14 -preferred -value -P33 -item -8000 -preferred -value -P34 -item -8001 -preferred -value -P35 -item -8000 -preferred -value -P36 -item -8001 -preferred -value -P46 -item -1667 -normal -value -P46 -item -464 -normal -value -P46 -item -524 -normal -value -P46 -item -553 -normal -value -P46 -item -818 -normal -value -P31 -Tag:amenity=fish spa -normal -value -P31 -DE:Tag:amenity=fish spa -normal -value -P31 -RU:Tag:amenity=fish spa -normal -value -P31 -Uk:Tag:amenity=fish spa -normal -Tag:amenity=fish spa '
Lines added in edit (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'Ein Aquarium mit Fischen zur Hautreinigung für Menschen.' ]
Lines added in edit, pre-save transformed (added_lines_pst)
New page wikitext, pre-save transformed (new_pst)
Unix timestamp of change (timestamp)