Editing abuse filter

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Editing filter 16
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You are viewing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter.Return to this filter's history.

Filter parameters
Filter ID:16


(publicly viewable)
Statistics:Of the last 422 actions, this filter has matched 10 (2.37%). On average, its run time is 0.11 ms, and it consumes 2.1 conditions of the condition limit.
ltemplates := "{{ *(AGPL|Apache license 2.0|Assumed-CC-BY-SA-2.0-self|Attribution|Bing image|Bing image portions|BSD|CC-BY-(NC-|)(ND-|)(SA-|)(2.0|2.5|3.0|4.0|)(-self| OpenStreetMap|)|CC-SA-1.0|CC0|CC0-self|Esri image|Geograph|GFDL|GPL|ID screenshot|ISC|JOSM Icon license( with imagery| without imagery|)|LGPL|Licence Ouverte( 2|)|Mapbox image credit|Maxar image|MIT|MPL|ODbL) *\|"; (action == 'stashupload' | action == 'upload') & !("bot" in user_groups) & !(lcase(new_wikitext) rlike ltemplates)
Filter last modified:09:38, 3 December 2022 by Tigerfell (talk | contribs)
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Actions to take when matched

You are viewing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter.Return to this filter's history.