Uploads by Mariotomo

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:27, 28 December 2020 JOSM como herramienta de entrenamiento.odt (file) 14 KB rectángulos para las tareas de entrenamiento 1
23:26, 17 December 2020 Piste-Maroc.jpeg (file) 264 KB A typical unclassified road in Morocco, connecting dwellings, not serving any agricultural purpose. Local French name would be "piste", which leads to the "highway=track" identification. This one goes from Boutaghrar to Aït-Youl. 1
20:24, 13 December 2020 YMUP-9844-amymack.png (file) 615 KB review and expansion of 9844 after December 1st 2020 1
22:05, 9 December 2020 YMUP-GunaNega-March-exploration.png (file) 372 KB YMUP exploring the Guna Nega area 2
19:57, 9 December 2020 YMUP-GunaNega-ToDo estimation.png (file) 1.3 MB Estimating the amount of work left to do. 2
19:19, 9 December 2020 YMUP-GunaNega-main activity complete.png (file) 427 KB The complete edits 1st of October to 23rd of November 2019 in Guna Nega. 1
17:22, 6 December 2020 YMUP-Mariato.png (file) 393 KB YouthMappers UP Chapter contributing in higher risk areas in Panamá. 1
17:21, 6 December 2020 YMUP-Chiriquí.png (file) 648 KB YouthMappers UP Chapter contributing in emergency struck areas in Panamá. 1
16:49, 6 December 2020 YMUP-9844-ongoing review.png (file) 548 KB reviewing HOT project 9844 by both YouthMappers and other members of the community. 1
16:47, 6 December 2020 YMUP-9844-main activity.png (file) 623 KB YouthMappersUP Chapter celebrating GisDay 2020 in San Miguelito. 1
16:35, 6 December 2020 YMUP-GunaNega-Karen Martinez 8 months later.png (file) 363 KB YouthMappers celebrating the 2019 GisDay with a mapathon in Guna Nega. YMUP review in July the following year. 1
16:32, 6 December 2020 YMUP-GunaNega-mariotomo 6 weeks later.png (file) 361 KB YouthMappers celebrating the 2019 GisDay with a mapathon in Guna Nega. independent review 6 weeks after the YMUP leaves the place. 1
16:30, 6 December 2020 YMUP-GunaNega-main activity.png (file) 393 KB YouthMappers celebrating the 2019 GisDay with a mapathon in Guna Nega. 1
16:28, 6 December 2020 YMUP-4917.png (file) 582 KB YouthMappers celebrating the 2018 GisDay with a mapathon in Chiriquí. 1
17:30, 5 December 2020 Panama-Straightening square parallel buildings-2.png (file) 451 KB bing-based example of square buildings not drawn parallel to each other. 1
15:35, 5 December 2020 Screenshot from 2020-12-05 10-32-13.png (file) 444 KB new urbanization, easily visible. 1
21:37, 4 December 2020 YMUP-2020-11-trees are hiding my building-c.jpg (file) 78 KB possibly a better approximation of reality. 1
20:42, 4 December 2020 Panama-Straightening square parallel buildings.jpg (file) 104 KB squaring a set of buildings, using the same base line. 1
20:36, 4 December 2020 YMUP-2020-11-trees are hiding my building.jpg (file) 140 KB sometimes you need to decide if what you can't see is there or not. 1
19:55, 4 December 2020 Panama-Copying is not saving us time.jpg (file) 100 KB you may be tempted to draw one building, then reuse the polygon. that can save you some time, and cost others more time than you saved. 1
18:11, 4 December 2020 YMUP-2020-11-fifty shades of grey.jpg (file) 14 KB without guidance, mapping becomes a time intensive activity for the new mapper, a source of disappointment for the reviewer, and will not lead to recruiting new editors. 1
18:00, 4 December 2020 YMUP-2020-11-beginners should dare delete.jpg (file) 130 KB editing or deleting existing data could be a step too far for beginners. 1
17:58, 4 December 2020 YMUP-2020-11-editing-without-tasking-manager.jpg (file) 21 KB things that happen when several editors map the same area simultaneously without using a tasking manager. 1
17:42, 4 December 2020 YMUP-2020-11-organized-editing-Chiriquí.jpg (file) 127 KB Highlighting organized edits in Chiriquí, by the YMUP Chapter in November 2020. 1
17:40, 4 December 2020 YMUP-2020-11-organized-editing-Mariato.jpg (file) 59 KB buildings added during non advertised organized mapping. 1
17:28, 4 December 2020 YMUP-9851-002.jpg (file) 81 KB beginners need support when mapping parallel rectangular buildings. 1
17:01, 4 December 2020 YMUP-9851-001b.jpg (file) 14 KB Two buildings, mapped as 5 separate objects, based on roof shades. 1
16:34, 19 April 2020 Telegram-RoseFederation-step-1.jpg (file) 16 KB matches step 0 3
15:49, 19 April 2020 Telegram-RoseFederation-step-0.jpg (file) 41 KB replaced real names (but the federation owner) with fictive information. 4
17:43, 13 February 2020 Mappero2010.png (file) 102 KB screenshot for the mappero/maemo-mapper program. 1
14:40, 15 February 2019 Panama-Proyectos-Corregimientos de Alanje.pdf (file) 1.01 MB law that describes the "corregimientos" in the Alanje municipality (distrito). 1