State of the Map Scotland 2015/Day 1

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This is day 1 of State of the Map Scotland 2015.

International Development Fair
Presented by Openstreetmap Foundation - UK Registered Not for Profit Organisation
Greyfriars Bobby Fountain, Pub and behind entrance to the Kirk
Missing maps partners-small.png

Our International Development Fair is a free public event which concerns all aspects of International Development will be held in Greyfriars Kirk on Wednesday 30th September between 10am and 4pm. We have invited members of NIDOS(Network of International Development Organisations in Scotland), DFID(The Department for International Development) and any International Development Groups or Aid Agencies to enable them to discuss their work with other members of the community and the public. There will be individual stalls for thirty five participating groups which will be used as information points or fundraisers. Our Fair has been inspired by our partners within Missing Maps. Come along to meet the famous Greyfriars Bobby. Admission is Free.

Live tweeting: X (Twitter) hashtag #sotms15

Short Talks

We have a 2 small rooms up some stairs at the back of the church. The rooms don't have wheelchair access. Our talks create an excellent opportunity to meet the people doing the work.

Room 1 Talks

Room 1 Talks : Session Room
Time Group Title Summary
10:30 - 11:00 The Big Issue Hot Off the Press and straight to your Local Vendor Come along and gain an insight into The Big Issue magazine, our hard working vendors and volunteering with us. Take part in a myth busting quiz so you'll be street paper savvy!
11:00 - 11:30 Malawi Fruits Entrepreneurship in International Development
11:30 - 12:00 Manavodaya India Human Awakenings – East meets West How self help projects are making a real difference I the lives of the rural poor in India and how these developments are beginning to change how disenfranchised people in the west are learning from India.
12:00 - 12:30 Voluntary Services Overseas- Edinburgh Sharing Skills - a Tool for Development A personal account from a VSO volunteer in Rwanda. Joan Nadeau spent 18 months working in a Teacher Training College helping students to develop their skills in teaching methods and resource making. She will talk about education in Rwanda and the impact of VSO volunteers on its development.
12:30 - 13:00 Medicin Sans Frontier Encouraging your digital Volunteers How to to activate and direct your armchair volunteers
13:00 - 13:30 Renew SCIO Park Rangers Widows and Orphans Project Democratic Republic of Congo - how rangers are working to protect wildlife and forestry, and the support the charity 'Renew' offers to their widows and orphans when the rangers are killed in the line of duty.
13:30 - 14:00 EMMSInternational Nepal: After the earthquake
14:00 - 14:30 Mercy Corps Challenges faced in Global Humanitarian and Development Work
14:30 - 15:00 Scotdec Teaching Controversial Issues
15:00 - 15:30 International Union against Tuburculosis and Lung Disease Tobacco and development - No smoke without fire An overview of the work of the Union in the area of tobacco control and how the burden of tobacco use stunts development across the globe

Room 2 Talks

Room 2 Talks : Choir Room
Time Group Title Summary
13:00 - 13:30 Oxfam Our Goals, Values, Campaigns and Opportunities
13:30 - 14:00 International Rescue Corps We will highlight many of the types of rescue missions we have undertaken in the past looking at the many problems faced, the highs and some of the lows a rescue team may encounter.
14:00 - 14:30 Christian Aid Tackle Climate Change and aid the poor Climate Change affects us all. But we are not all affected by climate change equally. The world’ poorest people – those communities who have done the least to cause climate change - bear the brunt.

Increasingly erratic weather is prompting more storms and drought and ruining harvests; eroding the gains made by poor communities as they work their way out of poverty. That’s why Christian Aid and our partners work on climate change. Christian Aid wants a safe and clean future for all. Come and find out about how we can make changes in our own lives and how we can push our politicians to take strong action to bring this about.

14:30 - 15:00 First Aid Africa
15:00 - 15:30 Population Matters

Participant Table Holders

List of Participants
Name/Website Twitter Facebook Note Table
Amnesty International Scotland X (Twitter) user @amnestyukX (Twitter) user Facebook user AmnestyUK 1
The Big Issue X (Twitter) user @bigissueX (Twitter) user Facebook user BigissueUK 2
British Red Cross X (Twitter) user @britishredcrossX (Twitter) user Facebook user Britishredcross 3
Christian Aid X (Twitter) user @christianaidscoX (Twitter) user Facebook user Christianaidscotland 4
EMMSInternational X (Twitter) user @emmsintnlX (Twitter) user Facebook user emmsinternational Duncan Hospital RaxualBihar Northern India 5
ImpactAIDS Mwandi - Zambia 6
International Rescue Corps X (Twitter) user @intrescueX (Twitter) user Facebook user intrescue 11
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease X (Twitter) user @TheUnion_TBLHX (Twitter) user Facebook user TheUnionLungHealth 12
First Aid Africa X (Twitter) user @firstaidafricaX (Twitter) user Facebook user FirstAidAfrica 13
Freedom From Fistula

Balcraig Foundation

Kenya Childrens Home

X (Twitter) user @WeFixFistulasX (Twitter) user

Facebook user FreedomFromFistula


Mashimoni School, Kibera, Nairobi

Friends of Chitambo Friends of Chitambo Blog Chitambo 18
The Global Concerns Trust 19
Interpal X (Twitter) user @interpalukX (Twitter) user Facebook user InterpalUK 20
The Leprosy Mission Scotland X (Twitter) user @LeprosyScotlandX (Twitter) user Facebook user TheLeprosyMissionScotland 7
Kenyan Women in Scotland Association 22
Malawi Fruits 16
Mary's Meals X (Twitter) user @marysmealsX (Twitter) user Facebook user marysmeals 21
Mission Aviation Fellowship 23
Manavodaya International UK

Manavodaya India

Facebook 8
Mercy Corps X (Twitter) user @mercycorps_ukX (Twitter) user Facebook user mercycorpsuk 9
Medicin Sans Frontier X (Twitter) user @MSF_UKX (Twitter) user Facebook user msf.english 14
Network of International Development Organisations Scotland NIDOS X (Twitter) user @nidosnetworkX (Twitter) user Facebook user NIDOSNetwork 24

Missing Maps

X (Twitter) user @openstreetmapX (Twitter) user

X (Twitter) user @themissingmapsX (Twitter) user

Facebook user Openstreetmap

Facebook user MissingMapsProject

Cyclemap Transport Map 15
Oxfam X (Twitter) user @OxfamScotlandX (Twitter) user Facebook user OxfamScotland 25
Population Matters X (Twitter) user @PopMatters_ScotX (Twitter) user 26
Peace and Justice Centre 27
Renew SCIO Facebook user PRWOP 28
Save the Children X (Twitter) user @savechildrenukX (Twitter) user Facebook user savethechildrenuk 29
Scotdec X (Twitter) user @@ScotdecLearningX (Twitter) user Facebook user scotdec 30
Scotland Malawi Partnership Facebook user ScotlandMalawiPartnership 31
Scottish Refugee Council X (Twitter) user @scotrefcouncilX (Twitter) user Facebook user ScottishRefugeeCouncil 35
Soroptomist International

SI Scotland South

The Tropical Agriculture Association Facebook user TAA.Scotland 33
UN House Facebook user UNA.EDH 34
Voluntary Services Overseas- Edinburgh

VSO International

X (Twitter) user @VSOEdinburghX (Twitter) user Facebook user vsoedinburgh 10

The OSM - Awesome Cafe

Funding for todays event will be generated by the food and drinks that we sell to the general public, any money over the price of hiring the hall will go to Our Nepalise mappers Any extra food at the end of the day goes to the Greyfriars Mission. See full details an Menu and our Hot Long Soak Cold Brew Coffee Here

Table Holder Further Information

Please go to the Information Page


Talk Room 1
Inside the Kirk