State of the Map Scotland 2015/Day 4

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Welcome Openstreetmap Community Day

Live tweeting: X (Twitter) hashtag #sotms15

State of the Map Scotland 2015 Conference Logo.png

This is day 4 of State of the Map Scotland 2015.

Saturday 3rd October 2015 10am-4pm. It will be held at the Informatics Forum of Edinburgh University. Our most relaxed day, aimed at talks about the process of mapping, local groups and community mapping projects.

The talks/discussions are usually in time sets of 30 minutes this includes setting up and questions so the talks are usually aimed at 20 minutes. Each day we have a section called Lightning talks. This is where people can introduce short talks for 5 mins, they can also ask questions of the crowd about any subject or ask if anyone would like to talk off conference about a particular subject.

The conference is 'semi-Unconference' style - so there will be both planned/invited talks and time for lightning/unscheduled talks. We will do our best to make time for anyone who wishes to speak. There will also be space to exhibit posters.

Our Sponsors

Skyscanner RGB cirrus.png
Mapbox logo 2013.svg
Logo ebiz w2250.png
Dirigo Logo Final Android 398x399px.png
EB Dirigo
Pidgin Perfect logo.png
Pidgin Perfect
GDA-logo-1024x246.jpg Edinburgh University Global Development Academy
Missing maps partners-small.png Missing Maps


Saturday:Openstreetmap Community Day
Time Main Presentation Area Slides, Resources, Video etc
10:00-10:30 Introduction to Openstreetmap
10:30-11:00 Alastair Bonnett - Off the Map... 'Off The Map..' Book
11:00-11:30 Tim Waters - Open Historical Map Slides on Slideshare
11:30 - 11:45 BREAK
11:45-12:00 Lightning Talks and Burning Questions: Discussion or Questions to the Crowd
  • Philipp Hukal - research project pitch
  • Beata Jancso - Missing Roads: JOSM plugin indicating missing roads/parking from OSM
12:00-12:30 Jo Walsh - Data Working Group
12:30-12:45 Steven Kay - OSM visualisations
12:45-1:00 Abi Page - Geospatial communities
2:00-2:30 Edoardo Neerhut - Mapillary Mapillary as a tool for OSM
2:30-3:00 Iain Elder - State of the search box (Using OSM data at Skyscanner) Slides
3:00-3:30 Pete Masters - Missing Maps
3:30-4:00 Robert Weetman - Path quality recording, Sustrans, and Openstreetmap
4:00-4:30 Donald Noble - Tips, tricks and railways tracks - Mapping techniques from the field
4:30-17:00 Loïc Ortola - OSM Contributor: Anyone can contribute anywhere, easily, just with a phone


You must pre-register for this event. Sign-up now!


  • The School of Informatics is wheelchair accessible. See full access detail including car parking and floor plans (main room is on ground floor): here.
  • The conference will be informal, and participants can take breaks at anytime. We are planning to video record the workshop but no live transcripts will be available.