Switzerland/Import Notfalltreffpunkte

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This is a draft and subject to rapid change. The idea is to incorporate improvements to the tagging first on emergency=disaster_help_point before improving the imports (which have unfortunately already taken place with varying disregard for import guide lines)


Make all "disaster help points" (de: Notfalltreffpunkte, fr: point de rencontre d’urgence) available in OpenStreetMap. Some cantons have published the data.

Import data

Data source: https://notfalltreffpunkte.ch, https://www.pointrencontreurgence.ch, collaboration in the realization in the canton of Bern. The concept of disaster help points is relatively new and has various states of realization in different cantons.



Tag Value
emergency disaster_help_point
disaster_help_point:covering In some places, a point covers several municipalities and it is published which area it is supposed to cover.


Address of the point. If you enter this address into a routing program, it should lead you to the point or very close to it, such that you can see it.
activation power_outage;electricity;phone_breakdown (depends on actual use)


Possible values:

  • power_outage: No electrical power for a longer time
  • electricity
  • phone_breakdown: Communication infrastructure is unavailable. Especially no emergency calls possible. People are expected to go or send some one to the help point to organize an ambulance, the police or fire fighters.
  • blackout
  • evacuation

Changeset tags

Quality assurance

Check for existing data (though this is all relatively new, not much chance of conflicts yet). Errors will be reported to the respective source.


Anmerkungen und Vorschläge bitte auf der Diskussionsseite ergänzen.