Switzerland/amenity=post box

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Briefkasten der Schweizerischen Post.jpg Briefkasten info Schweizerische Post.svg

Tag Required? Comment Example (see picture above)
amenity=post_box required Defines this node as a post box
collection_times=* recommended Record the collection times of this post box. Uses the same syntax as opening_hours=* but with just points in time, not time ranges. collection_times=Mo-Fr 18:00; Sa 11:00; Su 15:00
ref=* optional Each post box has a reference number in the bottom right corner. ref=2-6340-18151
post_box:location=* optional Each post box has an address in the bottom left corner.

The use of normal address tags was discussed on the swiss mailing list and rejected because post boxes just use the closest address and do not have one of their own. Using address tags might lead to confusion where the actual address is.

post_box:location=Bahnhof SBB, Bahnhofstrasse 4, 6340 Baar

operator=Die Post
operator=La Poste
operator=La Posta

optional Operator is not necessary as there is only one operator in Switzerland anyway

German: operator=Die Post
French: operator=La Poste
Italian: operator=La Posta
Romansh: operator=La Posta

Discouraged Tags

  • contact=* The contact details are the same for all post boxes in Switzerland. It does not make sense to add this to every node.
  • website=http://post.ch Because there are no direct links available to the information about a specific post box, do not use the website key. Just linking to the front page is not helpful.
  • name=* The post boxes usually have a little description in their address (see bottom left corner of the post box information plate) like "Bahnhof SBB". As this is mainly a description where the post box is located, it should only be recorded in post_box:location=*.
  • addr:street=*, addr:housenumber=*, etc. Use post_box:location=* instead