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This project is a series of imports of geographic POIs from swissNAMES/3D in Switzerland.

Overview and Status


  • Data source site: swissNAMES3D
  • Data license: Open Government Data terms from swisstopo (see SOSM blog).
  • OSM attribution: central attribution (as of September 14th 2021).
  • ODbL Compliance verified: yes
  • Changeset Hashtag: #swissnames3d_osm_ch
  • Source Tag: source=swisstopo nor source=https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/de/landschaftsmodell-swissnames3d


About swissNAMES/3D

"With over 400'000 geo-referenced entries, swissNAMES3D is the most comprehensive collection of Swiss geographic names." (...) "The six-year updating cycle of swissNAMES3D is closely linked to that of the topographic landscape model. One edition of this dataset is published each year." (...) "contains geographic names from Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein." (Source: swissNAMES3D landing page of Swisstopo).

Here are some main object classes:

  • Points: topographic names (peaks/summits, saddles/mountain passes, etc.), names of single point objects, field and local names public transport stops, building names.
  • Lines: names of transport infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, cable cars, etc.), names of sports facilities, names of watercourses.
  • Polygons:, housing development names, lake names, names of landscapes and regions, terrain names (glaciers, valleys, etc.), names of sites (transport facilities, schools, recreation facilities, etc.).
For now, we will focus on peaks/summits and passes that do not exist in OSM.

Used tools

Peaks and Saddles

Peaks and saddles, where mountain saddles in OSM are differenciated to be either topographic saddles or mountain passes on a road.

Data Preparation

  • When selecting the swissNAMES3D peaks, care was taken to ensure that no OSM elements with the tags natural=peak|saddle, mountain_pass=yes, place=locality, tourism_viewpoint exist within a radius of 100m.
  • When selecting the swissNAMES3D saddles, care was taken to ensure that no OSM elements with the tags natural=peak|saddle, mountain_pass=yes, place=locality, tourism_viewpoint exist within a radius of 100m.

To do



  • Checking saddles being real mountain passes.
  • Checking peaks and saddles at language boundaries. Those need to have a double name like name=Biel/Bienne accompanied with both languages, like name:de=Biel and name:fr=Bienne.
  • Adding Wikidata items.

Further Work

swissNAMES/3D contains not only peaks and saddles, but also many other geographic names and POIs. Some POIs are already completely covered in OSM, such as public swimming pools and schools and universities. But other POIs are perhaps still there to be "diffed" with OSM.