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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = mobile_library
Mobile library in Dhaka.jpg
A mobile library stop point. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: amenities
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: in use

Mobile libraries (also known as library buses, or bookmobiles (en-us)) are small lending libraries usually housed in a specially adapted commercial vehicle, although other transport modes have been used, see Bookmobile on wikipedia. Usually they follow a regular route stopping for a fixed interval at a number of locations. The routes are repeated at a suitable interval to both allow adequate coverage of the target area and to allow time for users to read the borrowed books. In Britain this typically means a 3 week service interval for the route and half-hour stops at each location.

The route pattern can be mapped as a route relation as for any other bus route. In some cases, the route pattern can be irrelevant (e.g., mobile libraries that visit a different place each day of the week, staying there one morning or one afternoon). You can still use a site relation instead of a route relation to map all the stop points of the mobile library.

Tags to use in combination

opening_hours=* - a very important tag. The exact syntax for bi- or tri-weekly opening is not exactly clear, but the consensus seems to be week 1-52/3 We 10:00-10:30 for something which opens for half-an-hour on every third Wednesday starting on the first week of the year. (There are very few instances of this in taginfo).

Similar tags

  • amenity=library - a regular library. A different tag is needed because there may be several tens of mobile library locations in an area served by a very small number of normal libraries; also the relevant opening hours are so short they cannot be equated with normal libraries as comparable amenities.