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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = ticket_validator
TER Rhône-Alpes Gare de Grenoble (2).JPG
A analog device which validates public transport tickets, or devices which are integrated in systems to gain access to an area or service like public transport or parking garages Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: amenities
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: approvedPage for proposal

A ticket validator is a device that allows validation of a ticket be it public transport, park entrance or parking. These devices are used to scan a card (ticket scanner) or to validate a paper ticket (also known as ticket puncher, punching machine or ticket marker). Ticket validators can also be included in a gate/turnstile (see examples below). Therefore, this tag can also be used in combination with barrier=*.

How to map

Use the tag amenity=ticket_validator on a node node or way if you want to map a row of ticket validators. A single stand-alone node is the most suitable way to map a small detail such as a ticket validation machine.

To map a ticket validator place a node Node (attach it if possible to a way like a highway=* so that it routes) and tag it with amenity=ticket_validator. You can optionally use tags from the list below to extend the tagging:

  • operator=*: to specify the name of the ticket validator operator.
  • barrier=*: use values like gate or turnstile to indicate the type of barrier the ticket validator is included in.
  • fee=*: use this tag to indicate a fee is required for access (also see payment=*). This is the case for most ticket validators on barriers. Note that access=customers often does not apply because in most cases because the areas behind the ticket validators (even those on barriers) are publically available, only with a fee. Alse see fee:conditional=*.
  • payment=*: use this tag to indicate the accepted payment methods for this ticket validator.
  • wheelchair=*: to indicate whether a ticket validator can also be used by people in a wheelchair (most likely combined with a barrier tag).
  • level=*: use for indoor mapping to indicate at which level the ticker validator is located in the station.
  • network=*: in case it a ticket validator for a public transport modality, you can specify the network it is part of.
  • capacity=*: when multiple ticket validators are generalized into a single node (for example if placed on a highway for routing purpose), use capacity to indicate the number of ticket validator.


In the table below, some examples are illustrated of when to use amenity=ticket_validator.

Tagging Description Image



Ticket validators included in a gate. It can be mapped as a row of nodes or attached to a way with highway if present. Kyoto Municipal Subway Rokujizo Station Ticket Gate.jpg



Ticket validators included in a turnstile. It can be mapped as a row of nodes or attached to a way with highway if present. Wtc path station turnstile.jpg
The scanner on the left:

amenity=ticket_validator operator=Nederlandse Spoorwegen payment:ov-chipkaart=yes

The scanner on the right: amenity=ticket_validator operator=Veolia payment:ov-chipkaart=yes

2 ticket validators from different operators at a Dutch trainstation. These are examples of ticket validators that can be mapped as separate nodes and not attached to a highway=*. NS-Veolia kaartlezer II.JPG
amenity=ticket_validator A analog ticket validators (ticket puncher) on the left side. This is an example of a ticket validators that needs to be mapped as separate node and not attached to a highway=*. Note the machine on the right is an example of amenity=vending_machine + vending=public_transport_tickets Ticket validation machine and ticket sales machine.jpg

See also