Proposal:Personal service

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Personal services
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Zorglubu
Tagging: office=personal_service
Applies to: node, area
Definition: An office of a company offering some personal services

Draft started: 2022-12-01

An office of a company offering different personal services with usually a long-term relationship with their clients who need assistance.

The personal services include activities to assist people in their daily tasks, within the family home or outside home.

They may concern family services (childcare, tutoring, etc.), services of daily life (housework, gardening, small repairs, etc.) or services for frail, elderly, very young, or disabled people who need help with daily life, such as housework, cooking, shopping, looking after a pet, and so on.

How to map

Create a node or area and add the tag office=personal_service and some of the tags below.

Tags to use in combination

Proposed list :

See also

For a company offering only one kind of service, a more specific tag should be used, like