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Public-images-osm logo.svg power = sub_station
Using this tag is discouraged, use power=substation instead. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: power
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: deprecatedPage for proposal

exclamation mark

This feature has been labeled as deprecated. The recommended replacement is: power=substation.
The reason is documented in Deprecated features. You are still free to continue to use or interpret this tag as you see fit since OpenStreetMap does not have “banned features”.
Under no circumstances should you (semi-)automatically change “deprecated” tags to something else in the database on a large scale without conforming to the automated edits code of conduct. Any such change will be reverted.

Please note

  • Do not perform mass retagging of power=sub_station objects. This would be considered a mechanical edit.
  • Don't retag substations just for the purpose of 'correcting' the tag but take the opportunity to review the object and add useful information. In particular it is very desirable to add the voltage=* and/or the substation=* type if those tags are missing. When known also add the substation name and/or operator.
  • For larger substations covered by good quality aerial imagery you may also consider mapping internal components such as busbars, bays and transformers.