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Public-images-osm logo.svg usage = industrial
Specifies that a railway (or aerialway) is an industrial line, railway tracks in private use that serve only freight transport to/from ports, industrial complexes or mining areas, and for connecting these to the public network. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: properties
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)


Useful combination
Status: de facto

The tag usage=industrial is used together with railway=* to map an industrial line: railway tracks in private use that serve only freight transport from/to ports, industrial complexes or mining areas, and for connecting these to the public network.

In the USA, may serve factories or clusters of industrial activity along a rail spur in (often urban) industrial-zoned areas. Examples: Large surface mining areas (coal, minerals, ore), chemical industry, large harbours, high-density industrial oil refinery areas.

This tag is most often used with railway=rail and railway=narrow_gauge.

See service=* to tag a siding, yard tracks, crossover or overtaking tracks.

Other values of usage=*:

Tag Comment
usage=main Main line, presumably heavy traffic, often double tracked and/or electrified, may be high speed.
usage=branch Branch line, less traffic and lower speed than main lines, often single tracked and/or not electrified, may be constructed to lower specifications than main line. May connect a place to a mainline or serve to connect mainlines, typically a few dozen miles in length.
usage=military Tracks for military use, mainly on military areas, munitions storage areas or connections to the public railroad network.
usage=test Tracks used for testing of new vehicles or new rail transport technologies.
usage=tourism Tracks for tourists, around museums, historic or "heritage" trains, often only on weekends and holidays and/or seasonally, most preserved railways (railway:preserved=yes)

On aerialways

usage=industrial is also used with aerialway=* to specify that an aerialway is used for industrial purposes only, instead of the unspecific value aerialway=goods.

See also