Wind Energy
We can find some summary values of wind farms, but it is unkown which generators belong to which farm. So the individual wind generators are mapped without output power and the table counts only the number of generators for each state.
Mapping of photovoltaic Solar Parks:
1) solar moduls : about 2m*1m
2) several moduls form together units of about 40*6m (these units can be seen in sat images)
3) several of these units form a long row (visible in sat images)
4) several rows form together an area, which contain only these rows; between these rows there is an area without units, but there are no other buildings or service roads.
5) We map these areas (4) as a polygon. Often inside of this polygon there are areas, where solar moduls are missing. Then the polygon has to be mapped as a multipolygon (outer = modul area; inner=areas without solar moduls). Create these poygons, so that buildings, service roads… are outside.
Big solar parks: 6) Solar parks like Bhadla Solar Park are formed by several polygons(5) and the construction of the whole solar park is divided in these areas, which are built and operated by different firms. Then all generator polygons(5), which belong to the solar park, are in one multipolygon relation with the mentioned outer polygon elements.
Worldwide there are cases, where all rows(3) are mapped and not the areas (5). This makes no sense, because the mapping of rows(3) od even moduls(2) do not give us the exact surface of installed moduls.
The mapped polygons (5) are sufficient exact to calculate approximately the installation area and so estimate the installed capacity.
Plant: The whole solar park form a power=plant area. Often there is a barrier=wall or fence with entry gates. (plant polygon) Big solar parks: They have several plant polygons. Then combine them in a plant multipolygon.
Inside a plant there are the generator areas, highway=service roads, building=service and power=substations.
Tags for the generator polygons or multipolygons:
generator:method = photovoltaic
tags for plant polygons and multipolygons:
name=XYZ (if known)
plant:output:electricity= 123 MW if known else =yes)
operator= XYZ (if known)
barrier = wall or fence (if existing)
source = from where you have the MW value, operator and name
description = generator area in m²
If you map plant multipolygons, then these tags belong to the total plant.
The different plant polygons may have a individual name, operator and plant:output:electricity
For rooftop solar panels and very small plants (capacity<2MW) map only the generators and no plant polygon.
A typical example where all said is mapped: Bhadla Solar Park
relation =11250846 and 13606088
This map renders all details of generators and plants :,P,S