Talk:Pl:Key:opening hours

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Sunday shopping / Niedziela handlowa

Any idea, how to add opening hours for handlowa niedziela, better than in example Pl:Key:opening hours#Przykłady, Mo-Sa 09:00-22:00; Jan 30,Apr 10,Apr 24,Jun 26,Aug 28,Dec 11,Dec 18 09:00-19:00 --Vazhnov Alexey (talk) 18:54, 4 June 2022 (UTC)?

EN The last Sunday of January, April, June and August: Jan,Apr,Jun,Aug Su[-1], Sundays before Easter and Christmas cannot probably be written using opening_hours-syntax: Apr 10,Dec 11,Dec 18. Su[-1] is not recognized be the application OsmAnd and probably by some other software/services, so manually writing all Sundays is the best option in my opinion. At 31 the December I will change all Sundays for the next year: example from previous year.
PL Ostatnia niedziela stycznia, kwietnia, czerwca i sierpnia: Jan,Apr,Jun,Aug Su[-1], niedziel przed Wielkanocą i Bożym Narodzeniem prawdopodobnie nie można zapisać w sposób automatyczny za pomocą składni opening_hours: Apr 10,Dec 11,Dec 18. Su[-1] nie jest rozpoznawany przez aplikację OsmAnd i prawdopodobnie przez inne oprogramowanie/usługi, więc ręczne wypisanie wszystkich niedziel jest najlepszą opcją moim zdaniem. 31 grudnia zmienię wszystkie niedziele na następny rok: przykład zeszłoroczny.
Finvenkulo (talk) 14:40, 4 June 2022 (UTC)
A year ago, I carefully analyzed the syntax of opening hours and came to the conclusion that using this syntax it's impossible to list all trading Sundays due to the moveable feasts.
I suggest using Mo-Fr 10:00-20:00, Sa 10:00-18:00 "Nd handlowe 12:00-18:00"
Writing out dates by hand is a bad suggestion because it's not true that the shop is open on, e.g. December 11 each year, and you cannot assume that everyone is using the current OSM database and that every year someone will manually correct such already assigned opening hours. maro21 21:00, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
EN Simple solution: Jan 30,Apr 10,Apr 24,Jun 26,Aug 28,Dec 11,Dec 18 Su 09:00-19:00: if someone will use out of date OSM-database in 2023 – the rule will not apply.
PL Proste rozwiązanie: Jan 30,Apr 10,Apr 24,Jun 26,Aug 28,Dec 11,Dec 18 Su 09:00-19:00: w przypadku użycia nieaktualnej bazy OSM w 2023 reguła się nie uaktywni. Finvenkulo (talk) 21:48, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
So maybe it is possible to create new part of opening_hours=* syntax, like SundayShoppingPoland, or SundayShopping(Poland), or something shorter. So the result may look like opening_hours=Mo-Fr 08:00-21:00; SundayShoppingPoland 09:00-15:00. I think new syntax looks more logically, than hardcoded dates, but has no compatibility with exist software. And we need to create some database, maybe somewhere in VCS --Vazhnov Alexey (talk) 21:23, 14 June 2022 (UTC)
I would also like to see this implemented, but this talk page and this Wiki is not the place to submit such ideas. Opening hours is not a tag, but is based on the syntax used in the external script. maro21 22:57, 25 June 2022 (UTC)
I think it's now possible to specify all the rules with Key:opening_hours syntax: easter -7 days 09:00-19:00, Dec 10-23 Su 09:00-19:00, Jan,Apr,Jun,Aug Su[-1] 09:00-19:00; Jan,Apr,Jun,Aug Su[-1],PH off. I don't know how it'd be rendered in apps though. Maybe a fallback rule is a solution here, by adding || Su off "niedziele handlowe 09:00-19:00" at the end --plyz (talk) 07:14, 9 October 2024 (UTC)
Good idea! Well, almost, because the syntax is invalid :(. maro21 20:25, 10 October 2024 (UTC)