"StreetComplete Achievements are split into 16 categories."
This is an assumption based on the fact that there's 16 .svg files on the github. Someone please correct this if some of the .svg files are unused which is very much so possible.
--Upstream Snack (talk) 03:59, 27 May 2024 (UTC)
- Based on the code it would seem to me that only 15 of the categories are currently in use with the tourist being un-used. Based on code found here.
- --Upstream Snack (talk) 19:51, 27 May 2024 (UTC)
My understanding is that early on certain achievements are specifically spaced out but that later on achievements follow an algorithm. The idea is that "Occurrence" will show that algorithm. If there are any exceptions to this algorithm that don't unlock links that may go in another column to it's right "exceptions" or something similar. Or perhaps it can go in the same column just above it, we'll see. For now, hoping someone can look at the code and fill out the appropriate fields when convenient.
--Upstream Snack (talk) 03:59, 27 May 2024 (UTC)
Unlocked links format
This section follows the following format. It's nowhere near perfect, may very well need to be changed, but the whole page is a WIP so here's what it is for now.
(Unlock condition, either X quests completed or X days with quests completed, this is in parenthesis) Name of what's being linked to, this is on the same line in bold Short description given by StreetComplete under the name of the link. This goes on a separate line.
Here's what it looks like:
(10) Name of resource being linked
Flavor text about the resource
--Upstream Snack (talk) 04:05, 27 May 2024 (UTC)