Talk:Tag:amenity=bear box

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Different form but same function, I've seen a pole with hooks at the top where a camper can store their food away from animals. Should we use the amenity=bear_box or start something new? --Sparks (talk) 02:28, 19 June 2023 (UTC)

For poles, the food needs to be in a container that can be hooked on the rope and I think sometimes you even need to have your own rope while the boxes can store food packaged in any way. I would say that it would be good to provide a distinction for data consumers between the two. So maybe either having a new tag e.g. amenity=bear_pole or have a subtag amenity=bear_box + bear_box:type=pole. --Mashin (talk) 06:20, 19 June 2023 (UTC)
I found the term "Bear Cache" in Wikipedia which seems to be all-encompassing. Could we change amenity=bear_box to amenity=bear_cache and then add bear_cache:type=* to include poles, boxes, and structures? --Sparks (talk) 14:35, 19 June 2023 (UTC)
On one side, tag values are just placeholders and once they are hard coded into editor presets they don't matter that much. But since there are not so many uses of amenity=bear_box yet, this could be an opportunity to improve the tag name. Just mark that if you go that route you also have to retag all existing uses of amenity=bear_box as to not create another case of competing tags. Also there is a tag bear_box=yes that is used on campsite objects which would have to be retagged as well to not create a confusion. And respective wiki pages would have to be fixed too. Might be good asking on Discourse to get other peoples' opinion. --Mashin (talk) 19:36, 19 June 2023 (UTC)
Sounds good. I'm moving the discussion to the tagging list ( as that will be a place for a more-open discussion. --Sparks (talk) 20:07, 19 June 2023 (UTC)

Should we mention animals in general?

Tag name is about bears specifically, description mentions animal in general. Is it correct? Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 07:58, 15 August 2023 (UTC)

That is correct. It prevents bears and pretty much also all the other animals from getting to food. Maybe there are places where these devices are primarily used against other animals than bears, but I would say that it makes more sense grouping them all under bear_box tag. --Mashin (talk) 20:02, 15 August 2023 (UTC)

Additional discussion