Talk:Tag:historic=city gate

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  • isn´t this tag unnecessary?? for me is the same as: barrier=sally_port + historic=yes + access=yes --Sergionaranja 19:19, 4 December 2011 (UTC)
  • A city-gate need not be a barrier any longer and should not be tagged as barrier if it's not in use as barrier. Furthermore, a city-gate is to important for being retrieved out of a combination like that. --WalterSchloegl 21:42, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

Gate towers, too

Hi. I've expanded this tag's definition to cover gate towers, too. Please let me know if anything is unclear. Thanks! Fgnievinski (talk) 15:01, 19 July 2021 (UTC)

Some examples:

Fgnievinski (talk) 18:58, 19 July 2021 (UTC)

In the case of the 'gate tower'?(gate house?) above, I think it's very similar to some of the gate houses in East Asia and the distinction is blurry.
It's also in the 'building=gatehouse' category, but some covered structures in East Asia are similar in size or area to a gate house, but serve no purpose of control, just marking the beginning of an area.
The picture of the gate tower above doesn't seem to serve any purpose of control to me either. --깨몽/dreamy (talk) 01:39, 17 March 2023 (UTC)

Gates of the Fortress

Do you think historic=city_gate could also be used for the gate of a fort, a fortress that is used for military purposes only, rather than a city wall surrounding a residence? --깨몽/dreamy (talk) 02:22, 17 March 2023 (UTC)

Why not a way?

Why can't this tag be used as a way, for example, in a highway? --AntMadeira (talk) 20:49, 18 January 2025 (UTC)

I'm not sure exactly what representation you're looking at or what case you're referring to, but
1. As you can see in the example image, a road may pass under the city gate, but it's unlikely to be a heavily traveled road like a highway. (I'm guessing the same would be true for a gatehouse.)
2. If the structure is simply a signpost(See 'Seouimun Gate' in the 'Comparison' section of 'Tag:building=gatehouse'), it can be built on a wide, heavily traveled road like a highway, but if it is a city gate or gatehouse that is intended to mark a city's territory or control traffic, it is unlikely that it will pass through a road like a highway, which should have little restrictions on traffic. --깨몽/dreamy (talk) 01:06, 19 January 2025 (UTC)
There are cases where the gate or entry is more of a "tunnel" in arch form that extends for a few meters. If this tag can be used with areas (probably to draw huge massive doors, I suppose), the use of ways could be applied to gates that are actually open tunnels under a city wall. There are plenty examples of those, like in here --AntMadeira (talk) 04:22, 19 January 2025 (UTC)
I don't think there's a problem with seeing the example you gave as 'city gate' or 'gatehouse'.
So what was the point of your original question? (Incidentally, I think it's worth clarifying what you mean by 'way' or 'highway', etc., since some words in OSM are different from their everyday meaning.) --깨몽/dreamy (talk) 07:16, 19 January 2025 (UTC)
What I mean is that wiki only "allows" the use of this tag with nodes and areas. For this cases I mentioned, I argue that it could be used with ways (in these cases, in highways). --AntMadeira (talk) 16:00, 19 January 2025 (UTC)