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How to map

In the "how to map" section this page needs to explain a bit more. If you are mapping an area where people can surf, as an area (area), where do you draw that exactly? Just where the surf waves are? overlapping with beach at all? Give an example. Also is there a problem of how to handle the waves shifting position in different conditions? -- Harry Wood 03:23, 16 October 2010 (BST)

artificial wave

Technology is bringing new type of surf :

  • outdoor artificial wave on pond
  • indoor liner wave

I suggest (but discussion is open) :
type=artificial_outdoor or type=artificial_indoor

Surfboard wax vending machine

(Copied from page as it was more a comment then anything) - Automatic machine vending surfwax 24/7. This should probably be some kind of vending=surfwax - Rtfm

thank you Rtfm for bringing back this from limbos. Maybe Adamant1 can explain us why he has removed it from the page? Hellopierre (talk) 12:18, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
Because like I said it was more of a thought/question then a citation of an actual used tag. As indicated by the word "probably." Which is more a statement of opinion then anything. There's lots of tags that could "probably" be used, but putting it in the article suggests its what should be used. So I didn't feel it needed mention in the article until there was a proposal or at least some discussion at a minimum. As I see none here for it, and things shouldn't be added to articles without at least minor discussion or the tag should at least be used a little first. There wasn't any uses of anything wax related from my search on tag info. A none used, none discussed tag definitely doesn't deserve its own section in an article. It deserves at least some discussion about what the proper tag actually is, some real world (if even minor use), and maybe a proposal before its included. --Adamant1 (talk) 01:56, 3 February 2020 (UTC)