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Always historic?

What if they are just for the regular dead. Still Historic?生命紀念館&tbm=isch Jidanni (talk) 16:07, 30 September 2019 (UTC)

There is no historic in the definition of this tag. It’s a tag to say a tomb is a columbarium. —-Dieterdreist (talk) 12:30, 24 June 2023 (UTC)
There was claim that adding "historic=tomb" is mandatory. I removed it, as noone opposed here for over 5 years Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 11:12, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

"Walls" of columbariums?

Loculi in the San Michele cemetary in Venice, Italy.

It’s frequent in Italy to have "columbariums" on walls on the outside, with or without a small roof to protect them, with or without a building behind them. There are exactly like the ones you find inside buildings, but outside. A way would work, but we need something to indicate the visible side. -- Baprischka (talk) 13:01, 24 June 2023 (UTC)

yes, we could use directions like loculi=right/left/both referring to the way direction to indicate the “front” side(s). Or maybe loculi:position=* What do you think? —Dieterdreist (talk) 15:03, 24 June 2023 (UTC)
Yes, loculi=right/left/both would do it. Thanks! -- Baprischka (talk) 08:21, 25 June 2023 (UTC)
The tag is currently unused, so there are no conflicts, just use it, when you have used it on some columbaria we can add it to the wiki to describe the semantics, encourage use and avoid different use for this key.—-Dieterdreist (talk) 11:46, 25 June 2023 (UTC)
Just about to use it-- which tag should I use in combination? The wiki page for tomb=columbarium says it shouldn’t be used for a way. When the structure is a single wall, I would use barrier=wall + loculi=*: for example this one would be a barrier=wall with loculi=both and this one the same with loculi=left (assuming the way goes from North to South). However, when the loculi are on one external wall of a building, I would need to add another way for that wall in order to tag it with loculi=*. What do you think? -- Baprischka (talk) 18:59, 25 June 2023 (UTC)
I had changed the wiki, so tomb=colombarium would have been suitable, there’s not much preventing the use, but it would have been recommendable to add area=no to distinguish these from the tag on areas. I agree the combination with wall is cleaner as these are always linear features .—Dieterdreist (talk) 22:13, 25 June 2023 (UTC)
Shouldn't the tag be a bit more specific, especially because the term loculus / loculi is not exactly well known? How about {{tag|tomb:loculus||left}? --Mueschel (talk) 10:29, 2 July 2023 (UTC)
Could you give an example where loculus is used in a different context that would be relevant for mapping? Generally there should also be a tomb tag on the object so prefixing with tomb: where it is not required for disambiguation seems needlessly complicated. —-Dieterdreist (talk) 16:33, 2 July 2023 (UTC) -- SekeRob (talk) 11:25, 25 June 2023 (UTC)
Some loculi in the Cimitero Giardino di Vicenza, Italy.
I’m back from the Monumental Cemetery of Perugia, Italy, and I’m still not sure how to tag those. Should I proceed with loculi=* or with tomb=columbarium on a way? Some examples of what I’m talking about can be seen on these images: Vicenza, Cravagliana (on the building at the end of the footway), San Michele 1, 2, 3. Here all the circular buildings have loculi only on the inside wall, while the other walls are blank.
Just use something. It is not so important and could even be retagged later, provided the tags are used consistently. The advantage of the linear way is that we could define semantics about the direction (would suggest to have the openings to the right). Otherwise, also polygons could make sense. --Dieterdreist (talk) 11:15, 28 May 2024 (UTC)
Thank you. I’m going with tomb=loculi (I created the wiki page) with loculi on the right side of way direction. This leaves loculi=* available to specify the type of loculi, and loculi:position=* to specify their position if it’s not (only) on the right side: In Naples I’ve seen walls with loculi on both sides, although they could be mapped as very thin "buildings". -- Baprischka (talk) 08:06, 29 May 2024 (UTC)
Yes, of course there are many walls with loculi on both sides, what I meant to say is that these could be represented with 2 lines (after all, when they are double they start to get a certain thickness where there's merit in having not just a single line. Otherwise, there could be a tag to specify the orientation, like direction=* with values like left, right, both. --Dieterdreist (talk) 08:20, 29 May 2024 (UTC)
Ok and what do you think about tomb=loculi? Semantically it makes sense (those are tombs after all) but technically this requires historic=tomb which right now is not supported on ways and so I get warnings in JOSM. -- Baprischka (talk) 12:19, 29 May 2024 (UTC)
I don’t think historic=tomb is required for tagging tomb=*, have a look, there are 10% tomb tags without the combination with historic=tomb: [1]Dieterdreist (talk) 14:33, 29 May 2024 (UTC)
Good catch, thanks! If you want to remove the require= from the wiki page I guess you have to edit Item:Q19348. -- Baprischka (talk) 15:59, 29 May 2024 (UTC)